Open-access Influência de calcário na produção de cenoura

Observations on lime application to the soil for the carrot crop

Leocadio de Souza Camargo


The results obtoined with the application of two levels of lime (CaO-47.7%; MgO-2.5%) to an acid soil (pH = 5) planted to carrot (Daucus carota l.) at the Experiment Station Theodureto de Camargo are reported.

Three treatments with three replications were compared: (1) check, without lime; (2) 250 g of lime per square meter; (3) 500 g of lime per square meter. The lime was applied in advance and four sowings were made, respectively ot 78, 181, 360, and 540 days after liming. All plots received the same organic and mineral fertilization before each sowing.

The pH of the plots that received 250 g of lime was first raised to 5.8, but fell afterwards to the same level of the untreated plots. The application of 500 g of lime raised the pH of the soil to 6.5 at the time of the first sowing. The pH remained practically the same at the second sowing, but fell oftewards.

The two levels of lime increased the carrot yield in the four crops. For the first sowing, made 78 days after liming, the lower level of lime, 250 g per square meter, gave a higher yield than the higher level. For the sowings made 180, 360, and 540 days after liming, the yields from the plots that received the higher amount of lime were better.

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Recebida para publicação em 8 de outubro de 1959.

  • Influência de calcário na produção de cenoura
    Observations on lime application to the soil for the carrot crop
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      14 Abr 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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