Open-access Cloreto de potássio para a soja

Potassium chloride for soybeans


Cloreto de potássio para a soja1

Potassium chloride for soybeans

Hipólito A. A. Mascarenhas2; Rúter Hiroce2; Nelson R. Braga


Potassium has been noted to be a very important element for soybeans. There are no responses to application of potassium when the soil analysis shows 0.12 of K+/l00g of soil. Although it has been observed that potassium controls the fungus desease Diaporthe phascolorum (Cke. et Ell.) Sacc. var. sojae (Lehman) Wehm. Excessive application of this element in the form of potassium chloride can cause the burning of the leaves due to salinity during short periods of drought. In the field it has been observed that when soil analyses show 0.20 of K+/100 g of soil it is sufficient to control the fungus desease and avert the burning of the leaves due to salinity.

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Recebida para publicação em 16 de julho de 1976.

  • 1
    Pesquisa parcialmente subvencionada pelo Projeto FAPESP 73/1170.
  • 2
    Com bolsa de suplementação do C.N.Pq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      20 Fev 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jul 1976
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