Open-access Ensaio de rotação bienal de culturas

Experiment on rotation of corn, tobacco, cotton, and mucuna


Ensaio de rotação bienal de culturas

Experiment on rotation of corn, tobacco, cotton, and mucuna

V. G. Oliveira; Ary de Arruda Veiga; A. Conagin; S. Ribeiro dos Santos; E. Abramides


From a biennial rotation experiment with corn, tobacco, cotton and mucuna, set on the Estação Experimental de Tietê, data were registered corresponding on weight of corn ears with straw, green leaves of tobacco, weight of cotton with stone, and weight of mass of mucuna.

Statistical analysis, showed the following results:

Corn: when consociated with mucuna and planted continuously presented advantageous result, giving an addition of 28% over corn continuous planting.

Tobacco: when consociated with corn and planted in rotation with corn consociated with mucuna, presented a production addition of 23% in connection with tobacco planted in rotation with cotton.

Cotton: when planted in rotation with corn consociated with tobacco, presented a production addition of 24%, in connection with the cotton continuous planting.

Mucuna: when consociated with corn and planted continuously or in rotation with corn consociated with tobacco presented similar results.

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Recebida para publicação em 16 de outubro de 1971.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    17 Mar 2009
  • Data do Fascículo
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