Open-access Anatomia e desenvolvimento ontogenético do fruto e da semente de mandioca

Anatomy and development of the manioc fruit and seed

Anatomia e desenvolvimento ontogenético do fruto e da semente de mandioca

Anatomy and development of the manioc fruit and seed

Antonieta Pia de Toledo


The manioc fruit is a trilocular capsule with a seed in each locule. The epienrp is represented by a layer of polygonal cells and has many stomata.

The mesocarp is formed by several layers of large polyhedral cells in the unripe fruit which become compressed and flattened in the ripe fruit. The endocarp is constituted of sclereids; which exhibit simple pits.

The seed coat is about 0.3 mm thick and formed by an outermost colored layer originated from the epidermis of the outer intergument; a sclerenchymatous layer formed by long sclereids bent obliquely and derived from the inner epidermal cells of the inner intergument. Completing the seed coat structure there are several layers of indistinct cells originated from the mesophyll and from the inner epidermal cells of the inner intergument.

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Recebida para publicação a 19 de agôsto de 1963.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    23 Fev 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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