Open-access Correlação entre dados de evaporação e outros dados meteorológicos

Correlation between evaporation and other meteorological data

Correlação entre dados de evaporação e outros dados meteorológicos1

Correlation between evaporation and other meteorological data

O. B. Barreto; Hernani Godoy


A new type of evaporigraph was described by the writers in a previous note. In the present paper studies were made on -Jhe correlation between evaporation and air temperature, wind speed, specific air humidity, and insolation.

The data obtained showed that evaporation was generally greater in the day period between 12:00 and 24:00. A high correlation was found between evaporation and air temperature and air humidity. No correlation was found between evaporation and wind speed or insolation.

The results recorded on the new evaporigraph were generally lower than those obtained with the hook gauge type of apparatus. For this reason further studies are being carried out to ascertain the causes of this difference.

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Recebido para publicação em 25 de julho de 1960.

  • 1
    Trabalho apresentado ao I Congresso Nacional de Conservação do Solo, realizado em Campinas, São Paulo, de 17 a 23 de julho de 1960.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      09 Mar 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
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