Open-access Poliembrionia em citrus


The studies on polyembryony in Citrus reported in this paper show that there is a great variability in the degree of polyembryony among the seeds, fruits and trees of a same form or variety of Citrus. Seeds from different crops of the same plant also show considerable variation in the degree of polyembryony. In order to obtain reliable data on the degree of polyembryony in Citrus the samples for study should include a great number of seeds taken from several fruits of different trees. Since there is a yearly variation on the degree of polyembryony it was found necessary to study samples from several crops. The average number of embryos was determined by direct examination of individual seeds. Determinations based on the number of plants developed from every seed always give lower results as many embryos do not grow into seedlings.

Poliembrionia em citrus

Sílvio MoreiraI; J. T. A. GurgelI; Lineu F. de ArrudaII

ILivre-Docente e assistente da Cadeira de Citologia e Genética da E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz" em Piracicaba

IIAgrônomo Regional de Limeira


The studies on polyembryony in Citrus reported in this paper show that there is a great variability in the degree of polyembryony among the seeds, fruits and trees of a same form or variety of Citrus. Seeds from different crops of the same plant also show considerable variation in the degree of polyembryony.

In order to obtain reliable data on the degree of polyembryony in Citrus the samples for study should include a great number of seeds taken from several fruits of different trees. Since there is a yearly variation on the degree of polyembryony it was found necessary to study samples from several crops.

The average number of embryos was determined by direct examination of individual seeds. Determinations based on the number of plants developed from every seed always give lower results as many embryos do not grow into seedlings.

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Deixamos aqui consignados os nossos agradecimentos aos Srs. : Eng. Agr. A. J. Rodrigues Filho e Prof. Felipe W. Cabral de Vasconcelos, pelo fornecimento de material dos pomares da Estação Experimental de Limeira e da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em Piracicaba ; Eng. Agr. C. A. Krug e Prof. F. G. Brieger, pelas sugestões e ajuda dispensadas no decorrer do trabalho.


Referências bibliográficas

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Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    08 Jun 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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