Open-access Melhoramento da mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.) I: plano geral dos trabalhos em execução nas secções de genética e plantas oleaginosas do instituto agronômico do estado de São Paulo


In the introduction to this article data are presented to show the growing economic importance of the cultivation of Ricinus in Brasil and particularly in the State of São Paulo. Following general statements regarding the botany, the origin and the geographic distribution of this genus, the investigations are outlined which are carried out by the Divisions of Genetics and Oil Plants of the Instituto Agronômico of the State of São Paulo, Brasil, to improve this important crop plant. Summarising, these investigations deal with the following subjects : a) Organisation of a large collection of types ; b) Investigations concerning the variability of the genus Ricinus c) Genetic analysis; d) Regional variety trials ; e) Improvement of the best varieties by individual selection and progeny trials ; f) Regional strain tests ; g) Breeding of improved varieties through hybridisation. In spite of the fact that these investigations have only been carried out for a few years, they are already furnishing results of economic importance, as seeds of superior varieties are already on sale to the farmers.


In the introduction to this article data are presented to show the growing economic importance of the cultivation of Ricinus in Brasil and particularly in the State of São Paulo. Following general statements regarding the botany, the origin and the geographic distribution of this genus, the investigations are outlined which are carried out by the Divisions of Genetics and Oil Plants of the Instituto Agronômico of the State of São Paulo, Brasil, to improve this important crop plant.

Summarising, these investigations deal with the following subjects :

a) Organisation of a large collection of types ;

b) Investigations concerning the variability of the genus Ricinus

c) Genetic analysis;

d) Regional variety trials ;

e) Improvement of the best varieties by individual selection and progeny trials ;

f) Regional strain tests ;

g) Breeding of improved varieties through hybridisation.

In spite of the fact that these investigations have only been carried out for a few years, they are already furnishing results of economic importance, as seeds of superior varieties are already on sale to the farmers.

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Os dados estatísticos existentes neste trabalho foram extraídos de diversas publicações da Diretoria de Estatística, Indústria e Comércio, da Secretaria da Agricultura de São Paulo, e do Serviço de Estatística Econômica e Financeira do Ministério da Fazenda e parte deles nos foi enviada, a pedido, por esta última repartição e pelo Serviço de Estatística da Produção do Ministério da Agricultura.


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  • 2.  Brieger, F. G. e J. T. A. Gurgel. Experiencias preliminares sobre a mamoneira. Revista de Agricultura 15: 229-248. Figs. 1-17. Quadros 1-4. 1940.
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  • 6.  Hunter, H. e H. M. Leak. Em Recent Advances in Agricultural Plant Breeding, J. & A. Churchill, Londres, 1933.
  • 7.  Mendes Pedro T. A Mamoneira Generalidades e instruções para a sua cultura Boletim do Instituto Agronômico do Estado 19: 1-28. Figs. 1-6. 1938.
  • 8.  Richharia, R. H. A note on the Cyto Genetics of Ricinus communis L. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 7: 707-711. Figs. 1-6. 1937.
  • 9.  Schreiber, L. L. The castor oil plant-based on data official variety trials for 1929-35 Vsesojuznaja Academija Sel'skokhozjais tvennykh Nauk im V. I. Lenina, Vsesojuznyi Institut Rastenie Vodstra Gossortoset, Lenigrad, 1937. (Ref. em Plant Breeding Abstracts 8: 176. 1937).
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  • Melhoramento da mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.) I — plano geral dos trabalhos em execução nas secções de genética e plantas oleaginosas do instituto agronômico do estado de São Paulo
    C. A. Krug; P. Teixeira Mendes
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      30 June 2010
    • Date of issue
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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