Open-access Enzimas proteolíticas do látex de diversas variedades de Ficus Carica L.

Proteolytic enzimes from several varieties of Ficus Carica L.


O presente trabalho consistiu na separação das enzimas proteolíticas do látex de dez variedades diferentes de Ficus carica L. Tôdas as variedades estudadas são cultivadas na Califórnia (E.U.A.). O método empregado foi o de carboximetil celulose (CM-celulose). O objetivo principal do trabalho foi verificar se havia diferenças entre os látices das diversas variedades de figo, no que diz respeito a número, quantidade e propriedades de suas enzimas proteolíticas. Difrenças quantitativas e qualitativas foram encontradas. As variedades Kadota e Calimyrna apresentaram-se, respectivamente, com 10 e 4 componentes proteolíticos ativos. A porcentagem da atividade recuperada foi calculada para cada variedade, bem como a contribuição porcentual de cada componente de uma mesma variedade, com relação à proteína total recuperada da coluna. A atividade específica foi calculada, e apresentou variação para o mesmo componente, nas diversas variedades.

Latex from 10 varieties of Ficus carica were fractionated by column-chro-matograpliy on CM-cellulose under the same conditions. Both qualitative and quantitative differences were found among different varieties. The percentage of activity recovered was calculated for all varieties as well as the percentage of protein and activity that the different components contributed to the total protein and activity recovered from the column. The percentage of the total activity recovered from the column ranged from 62.6% in Adriatic to 99% for the Beall variety. The most complex latex in terms of proteolytic activity was from Kadola which had 10 active components. In this variety component 2 accounted for 2.80% of the total ativity while component 10 accounted for 29.6%. The specific activity of the components in this variety ranged from 1.28% for component 1 to 7.52 for component 10. The least complex latices were obtained from Calimyrna and Blanquette which had 4 components each. In the Calimyrna latex component 1 accounted for 4.30% of the total activity while component 6 accounted for 54.95%. Component 10 was absent in Calimyrna latex. The specific activity of the components from Calimyrna ranged from 1.5 for component 1 to 3.57 for component 7. The latter was the only component that appeared in all the varieties studied. In most of the latices component 7 and 8 accounted for a large amount of the total activity. However component 6 composed 40.10% of the total activity in Beall and 54.95% of the total activity in Kodata. Most of the components were chromatographically very similar for all the different varieties. The specific activity was the highest for component 10 in all varieties studied except for Beall and Conadria. For these two varieties component 2 had the highest specific activity. Adriatic was the only variety studied which had a large protein fraction (17.32% of the total) which was adsorbed to the resin but which had no enzymatic acthity. Despite the quantitative and qualitative differences anions varieties one should notice that no more than 10 components were found and that these appear to be the same (or all the latices studied. An attempt was made to explain these differences on the basis of both genetic and ecological factors.

Enzimas proteolíticas do látex de diversas variedades de Ficus Carica L.1

Proteolytic enzimes from several varieties of Ficus Carica L.

Valdemiro C. Sgarbieri

Engenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Química, Instituto Agronômico


O presente trabalho consistiu na separação das enzimas proteolíticas do látex de dez variedades diferentes de Ficus carica L. Tôdas as variedades estudadas são cultivadas na Califórnia (E.U.A.). O método empregado foi o de carboximetil celulose (CM-celulose).

O objetivo principal do trabalho foi verificar se havia diferenças entre os látices das diversas variedades de figo, no que diz respeito a número, quantidade e propriedades de suas enzimas proteolíticas.

Difrenças quantitativas e qualitativas foram encontradas. As variedades Kadota e Calimyrna apresentaram-se, respectivamente, com 10 e 4 componentes proteolíticos ativos. A porcentagem da atividade recuperada foi calculada para cada variedade, bem como a contribuição porcentual de cada componente de uma mesma variedade, com relação à proteína total recuperada da coluna. A atividade específica foi calculada, e apresentou variação para o mesmo componente, nas diversas variedades.


Latex from 10 varieties of Ficus carica were fractionated by column-chro-matograpliy on CM-cellulose under the same conditions.

Both qualitative and quantitative differences were found among different varieties. The percentage of activity recovered was calculated for all varieties as well as the percentage of protein and activity that the different components contributed to the total protein and activity recovered from the column.

The percentage of the total activity recovered from the column ranged from 62.6% in Adriatic to 99% for the Beall variety.

The most complex latex in terms of proteolytic activity was from Kadola which had 10 active components. In this variety component 2 accounted for 2.80% of the total ativity while component 10 accounted for 29.6%. The specific activity of the components in this variety ranged from 1.28% for component 1 to 7.52 for component 10.

The least complex latices were obtained from Calimyrna and Blanquette which had 4 components each. In the Calimyrna latex component 1 accounted for 4.30% of the total activity while component 6 accounted for 54.95%. Component 10 was absent in Calimyrna latex. The specific activity of the components from Calimyrna ranged from 1.5 for component 1 to 3.57 for component 7. The latter was the only component that appeared in all the varieties studied.

In most of the latices component 7 and 8 accounted for a large amount of the total activity. However component 6 composed 40.10% of the total activity in Beall and 54.95% of the total activity in Kodata.

Most of the components were chromatographically very similar for all the different varieties.

The specific activity was the highest for component 10 in all varieties studied except for Beall and Conadria. For these two varieties component 2 had the highest specific activity.

Adriatic was the only variety studied which had a large protein fraction (17.32% of the total) which was adsorbed to the resin but which had no enzymatic acthity.

Despite the quantitative and qualitative differences anions varieties one should notice that no more than 10 components were found and that these appear to be the same (or all the latices studied.

An attempt was made to explain these differences on the basis of both genetic and ecological factors.

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Recebido para publicação em 12 de janeiro de 1965.

Referências bibliográficas

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  • 1
    Parte dos trabalhos realizados na Universidade da California, Davis, E.U.A., para obtenção do título "Master of Science" (M.S.), em 1963.
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