
Melhoramento da mamoneira(Ricinus communis L.) II: observações gerais sobre a variabilidade do gênero Ricinus


Ninety six varieties of Ricinus communis, L. were studied as for their growth habit, height, length and number of internodes from the base of the plant to its first inflorescence, types of branching, color of branches and various characters of leaves, inflorescences, fruit clusters, fruits and seeds ; earliness ; yielding capacity and porcentage of oil in the seeds. The description of several of the quantitative characters is supplemented by numerical data, which are also presented graphically. The extreme variability of Ricinus offers excellent opportunities not only for genetical studies but also for breeding new and better varieties for cultivation.

Melhoramento da mamoneira(Ricinus communis L.) II — Observações gerais sobre a variabilidade do gênero Ricinus

C. A. Krug; P. Teixeira Mendes


Ninety six varieties of Ricinus communis, L. were studied as for their growth habit, height, length and number of internodes from the base of the plant to its first inflorescence, types of branching, color of branches and various characters of leaves, inflorescences, fruit clusters, fruits and seeds ; earliness ; yielding capacity and porcentage of oil in the seeds. The description of several of the quantitative characters is supplemented by numerical data, which are also presented graphically. The extreme variability of Ricinus offers excellent opportunities not only for genetical studies but also for breeding new and better varieties for cultivation.

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Os autores agradecem aquí a colaboração do sr. Otacílio Ferreira de Sousa, assistente-auxiliar da Secção de Plantas Oleaginosas ; a colaboração dos diversos auxiliares de campo desta mesma Secção, que ajudaram grandemente no conseguimento dos dados e nos seus cálculos, e ao sr. José Pompeu, autor dos desenhos e aquarelas apresentadas. Aos funcionários da Secção de Química Agrícola e Tecnológica, também nossos agradecimentos, pelo elevado número de análises de sementes executadas.


Referências bibliográficas

  • 1. Krug, C. A. e P. Teixeira Mendes. Melhoramento da Mamoneira. I. Plano geral dos trabalhos. Bragantia 2129-152 1942.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    30 Jun 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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