Open-access Efeitos de fontes e doses de fósforo sobre área foliar e produção de grãos de soja

Effects of source and levels of phosphorus on the leaf area and production of soybeans


Efeitos de fontes e doses de fósforo sobre área foliar e produção de grãos de soja1

Effects of source and levels of phosphorus on the leaf area and production of soybeans

Sandra S. Sevá Nogueira; Ondino C. Bataglia2; Hipólito A. A. Mascarenhas2


An experiment to study the second year, residual effect of different sources of phosphorus on the production of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) in Dark Red Latosol sandy phase was installed in 1976. The sources were: Araxa (a natural phosphate), Hyperphosphate, Thermophosphate and Triple phosphate. The levels used were 100, 200 and 400 kgha of P205 respectively. The experiment was a factorial 4x3 with three replications. At the ninety day period the area of individual leaves of two plants per treatment was measured. The measurement showed that there was no difference in the LAI among sources but in the seed production hyperphosphate was superior to termophosphate. Independent of sources the leaf area and seed production was greater at the 400 kg/ha level than at 100 or 200 kg/ha of P205 applied

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Recebido para publicação em 15 de dezembro de 1976

  • 1
    Pesquisa realizada parcialmente com auxílio da FAPESP, Projeto 73/ 1170. Trabalho apresentado na 29.a Reunião da SBPC, realizada em S. Paulo, de 6 a 13 de julho de 1977.
  • 2
    Com bolsa de suplementação do C.N.Pq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      17 Dez 2007
    • Data do Fascículo
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