Open-access Vaso I. A. C. separador de óleos essenciais mais leves do que a água

A new essential oil separator

Vaso I. A. C. separador de óleos essenciais mais leves do que a água

A new essential oil separator

Cyro Corte Brilho; S. Ribeiro dos Santos; A. J. D'Andréa Pinto


An improved 100-liter capacity can, named I.A.C. separator, designed for lighter-than-water essential oils, was mode from aluminum sheet n.° 14 BWG gauge. The top feature of the can was its conical shape which allows the formation of on additional separating force that helps the rising of the oil droplets. This force results from the differential between upward and downward velocities. The former is concerned with the carrying of the oil up to the top and the latter refers to the water that moves down to the outlet pipe inserted at the bottom of the separating can. Upward velocity increases as the internal section of the separator turns smaller and, on the other hand, downward velocity decreasss os its diameter increases.

The capacity of the new separator was calculated to hold the distillate which flows from the condenser for a period of time of about 45 minutes. The can was equipped with a cylindrical baffle intended to trap the incoming oil-and-water mixture, which improves the separation of the oil droolets from the water.

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Recebida para publicação em 14 de outubro de 1961.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    02 Mar 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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