Open-access Melhoramento do milho: III - Ensaios de híbridos


Comparative trials with experimental corn hybrids are being conducted, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, by the Instituto Agronômico, at its Experiment Stations, at Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto and Pindorama. During the years from 1938 to 1950 a total of 119 trials were planted, only twelve of them having been eliminated due to severe insect attacks. Except 21 trials in randomized blocks and 2 in incomplete block designs, all the others were planted in simple lattice, with 4 replications. The individual plots, with few exceptions, had one or usually two 5 m rows each. Among the yellow flint Unes tested, L. 483 is, no doubt, the best. It has high combining ability and also excellent agronomic characters. The performance of some other lines, as L.278-1-1, L.606, L.334, L.445 and L. 422, is also briefly described. Hybrid H.3531 [(483 x 581)x(278-1-1 x 429-2)] gave, on the average, an increase of 780 kg/ha over the "Cateto" variety, having been tested in a total of 51 trials conducted at 3 different localities. Some lines of yellow dent corn were also obtained from local and introduced varieties. Among the lines received from different places of the United States, only Hy and 38-11 furnished reasonably good results. However even these are too early for local conditions, the ears being poorly protected, exposing them to severe weevil damage. L.2051-1-2-3 derived from "Amarelão" and L.2761, from "Tuxpan", are, so far, the best ones. At apresent, H.4624 [(2051-1-2-3 x 2761)x(278-1-1x483)J is being produced, as a good, medium dent double hybrid.

Melhoramento do milho. III — Ensaios de híbridos(1)

G. P. ViegasI; C. A. KrugII; Marcos P. PenteadoIII

IEngenheiro agrônomo, Secção de Cereais e Leguminosas

IIEngenheiro agrônomo, diretor

IIIEngenheiro agrônomo, Secção de Genética, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas(2)


Comparative trials with experimental corn hybrids are being conducted, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, by the Instituto Agronômico, at its Experiment Stations, at Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto and Pindorama.

During the years from 1938 to 1950 a total of 119 trials were planted, only twelve of them having been eliminated due to severe insect attacks. Except 21 trials in randomized blocks and 2 in incomplete block designs, all the others were planted in simple lattice, with 4 replications. The individual plots, with few exceptions, had one or usually two 5 m rows each.

Among the yellow flint Unes tested, L. 483 is, no doubt, the best. It has high combining ability and also excellent agronomic characters. The performance of some other lines, as L.278-1-1, L.606, L.334, L.445 and L. 422, is also briefly described.

Hybrid H.3531 [(483 x 581)x(278-1-1 x 429-2)] gave, on the average, an increase of 780 kg/ha over the "Cateto" variety, having been tested in a total of 51 trials conducted at 3 different localities.

Some lines of yellow dent corn were also obtained from local and introduced varieties. Among the lines received from different places of the United States, only Hy and 38-11 furnished reasonably good results. However even these are too early for local conditions, the ears being poorly protected, exposing them to severe weevil damage. L.2051-1-2-3 derived from "Amarelão" and L.2761, from "Tuxpan", are, so far, the best ones. At apresent, H.4624 [(2051-1-2-3 x 2761)x(278-1-1x483)J is being produced, as a good, medium dent double hybrid.

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Referências bibliográficas

  • 1.  Krug, C. A., G. P. Viegas e L. Paolieri. Híbridos comerciais de milho. Bragantia 3 : 367-552. 1943.
  • 2.  Setzer, José. Contribuição para o estudo do clima do Estado de São Paulo. Sep. Bol. Dep. Estr. Rodagem. S. Paulo 9 a 11 : 1-239. 1946.
  • (1
    ) Trabalho apresentado à Segunda Reunião Latino-Americana de 'Fitogeneticistas e Fitoparasitologistas, realizada em São Paulo, Piracicaba e Campinas, de 31 de março a 8 de abril de 1952.
  • (2
    ) Êste trabalho, tendo sido realizado durante longo período, recebeu a colaboração de numerosos colegas. Devemos destacar a participação do Eng." Agr.° L. Paolieri, que trabalhou na Secção de Genética até o ano de 1949 e que cuidou da instalação de grande parte dos ensaios aqui relatados. Agradecemos aos colegas Otávio Teixeira Mendes Sobrinho, J. A. Santos Neto, Osvaldo Mamprim, Antônio Gentil Gomes e Rúbens A. Bueno, que colaboraram na execução dos ensaios em Ribeirão Prêto e Pindorama. Aos colegas Valter Lazzarini e João Aloisi Sobrinho que estão, atualmente, colaborando neste trabalho, nas Estações Experimentais de Ribeirão Prêto e Pindorama, apresentamos igualmente os nossos agradecimentos.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      25 Maio 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
      Set 1952
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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