Logomarca do periódico: Bragantia

Open-access Bragantia

Publicação de: Instituto Agronômico de Campinas
Área: Ciências Agrárias Versão impressa ISSN: 0006-8705
Versão on-line ISSN: 1678-4499


Bragantia, Volume: 12, Número: 7-9, Publicado: 1952

Bragantia, Volume: 12, Número: 7-9, Publicado: 1952

Document list

Análise de uma experiência de rotação Yates, Frank

Resumo em Português:

Êste artigo descreve os métodos que deveriam ser seguidos na análise de um experimento de rotação contendo rotações de duração diversa e na qual não foram incluídas tôdas as fases dessas rotações, de forma que as produções médias de uma determinada cultura, nas diferentes rotações, podem estar afetadas pela variação anual na produção dessa cultura. Foram ajustadas as constantes dadas pelo método de quadrados mínimos, usando-se, para êsse fim, o processo de aproximação sucessiva, descrito pela primeira vez por Stevens (2). A estimativa dos erros, que afetam as estimativas acima mencionadas, foi considerada detalhadamente.

Resumo em Inglês:

The paper describes the methods which should be followed when analysing a rotation experiment containing rotations of different length in which all phases of each rotation are not represented, and in which consequently the mean yields for the different rotations of a particular crop are liable to be affected by annual variations in the yield of that crop. Constants are fitted by the method of least squares, the arithmetical method of successive approximation first described by Stevens being used. The estimation of the errors to which the estimates are subject is considered in detail.

Melhoramento do milho: II - Germoplasma utilizado nos trabalhos de seleção Viegas, G. P. Krug, C. A.

Resumo em Português:

No trabalho de melhoramento de milho que, a partir de 1932, vem sendo conduzido pelo Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, procurou-se obter linhagens das mais diversas procedências e origens, tendo em vista a diversificação do material genético a ser eventualmente utilizado. Neste sentido, foram feitos esforços com o intuito de introduzir, no Estado de São Paulo, sementes de variedades, linhagens e híbridos cultivados alhures. Até o ano de 1951, haviam sido recebidas 1405 amostras, a maior parte das quais provenientes dos Estados Unidos e do próprio país. Da Colômbia, Peru e Bolívia, também foi recebido muito material. Ultimamente, deram ingresso numerosos híbridos efetuados pela Oficina de Estúdios Especiales, na Colômbia e no México, cruzando híbridos simples sintetizados naqueles países, com híbridos simples obtidos no Brasil. As variedades de milho amarelo-duro introduzidas, que melhor se portaram na coleção anualmente plantada, e onde foram feitas observações preliminares sobre o comportamento, nas nossas condições, foram incluídas em ensaios instalados em Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto e Pindorama. Dentre elas, salientaram-se as var. 1-Catêto; 333-Creole Yellow Flint e 417-Assis Brasil. Igualmente, as variedades amarelo-dente mais promissoras foram também ensaiadas, destacando-se: 373-Itaici e 986-Tuxpan. Mais de 50 variedades foram autofecundadas com o intuito de serem obtidas boas linhagens. De 20 variedades, existem linhagens na nossa coleção. A maior parte destas linhagens, no que concerne a milho duro-ama-relo, provém da var. Catêto. Dentre elas, podemos mencionar a L. 483, que apresenta bons caracteres agronômicos e capacidade específica e geral de combinação, igualmente, muito satisfatória. Outros investigadores, no país, também obtiveram boas linhagens derivadas dêsse milho. Dentre as variedades amarelo-dente, foi isolada, em Campinas, a L. 2233 da var. 739-Tuxpan. Em Ipanema, foram obtidas linhagens muito promissoras derivadas do mesmo milho. Cumpre ressaltar ainda que, em Viçosa, do milho Tuxpan, foi isolada a L. 94-956, cujo comportamento é muito satisfatório. De par com as variedades, foram introduzidas também linhagens puras. Em 1941 e 1942, houve oportunidade de conseguir amostras de 153 linhagens nos Estados Unidos, obtidas nos principais centros de melhoramento do cereal em Wisconsin, Iowa, Mississippi, Illinois, Connecticut e North Carolina. De todo êsse material, apenas as conhecidas linhagens norte-americanas 38-11 e Hy portaram-se de modo relativamente satisfatório, nas nossas condições. O milho de procedência norte-americana é, em geral, muito precoce e tem pouca palha, o que o torna muito sujeito ao ataque do caruncho e da traça. De outras procedências, como da Argentina, por exemplo, também foram obtidas algumas linhagens. Com exceção das recebidas de outros centros do próprio país, devotados ao melhoramento do milho, - notadamente Viçosa, Piracicaba e Ipanema - as demais linhagens recebidas não se portaram bem nas nossas condições. Foram introduzidas ainda amostras de sementes de híbridos. Queremos nos referir especialmente às remessas feitas dos Estados Unidos, diretamente, ou por intermédio de firmas locais, interessadas. Êstes híbridos portaram-se, todos êles, muito mal. Atualmente, está sendo observado o comportamento dos híbridos simples sintetizados no México e na Colômbia, cruzados com híbridos obtidos no Brasil.

Resumo em Inglês:

In order to diversify the maize germplasm utilized in the breeding work conducted at the Instituto Agronômico, at Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, efforts were made to obtain corn samples from the most diversified origins. Seeds of numerous varieties, inbred lines and hybrids were introduced and their performance observed under local conditions. Until 1951, a total of 1405 samples were introduced, most of them being derived from various parts of Brazil. From the United States, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia also numerous samples were obtained. Recently, single crosses from Colombia, and Mexican inbred lines crossed to Brazilian single hybrids, were introduced, and are being tested under local conditions. Yellow flint and dent varieties were tested in trials conducted at Campinas, Ribeirão Preto and Pindorama. The best ones were : 1-Catêto, 333-Creóle Yellow Flint and 417-Assis Brasil among the yellow flint and 373-Itaici and 986-Tuxpan, among the yellow dent varieties. Plants from more than 50 distinct varieties were selfed to get inbred lines. Lines from about 20 varieties are still available. Most of these were derived from Catêto, some having now been selfed for 20 generations. L. 483 is the most outstanding one, as it has excelent agronomic features and high combining ability. From Tuxpan the line L. 94-956 was obtained in Viçosa, Minas Gerais. In the years 1941 and 1942, 153 inbred lines and many hybrids were introduced from the United States. Their performance is not satisfactory under local conditions, as they are too early, the ears having poor husk protection.

Melhoramento do milho: III - Ensaios de híbridos Viegas, G. P. Krug, C. A. Penteado, Marcos P.

Resumo em Inglês:

Comparative trials with experimental corn hybrids are being conducted, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, by the Instituto Agronômico, at its Experiment Stations, at Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto and Pindorama. During the years from 1938 to 1950 a total of 119 trials were planted, only twelve of them having been eliminated due to severe insect attacks. Except 21 trials in randomized blocks and 2 in incomplete block designs, all the others were planted in simple lattice, with 4 replications. The individual plots, with few exceptions, had one or usually two 5 m rows each. Among the yellow flint Unes tested, L. 483 is, no doubt, the best. It has high combining ability and also excellent agronomic characters. The performance of some other lines, as L.278-1-1, L.606, L.334, L.445 and L. 422, is also briefly described. Hybrid H.3531 [(483 x 581)x(278-1-1 x 429-2)] gave, on the average, an increase of 780 kg/ha over the "Cateto" variety, having been tested in a total of 51 trials conducted at 3 different localities. Some lines of yellow dent corn were also obtained from local and introduced varieties. Among the lines received from different places of the United States, only Hy and 38-11 furnished reasonably good results. However even these are too early for local conditions, the ears being poorly protected, exposing them to severe weevil damage. L.2051-1-2-3 derived from "Amarelão" and L.2761, from "Tuxpan", are, so far, the best ones. At apresent, H.4624 [(2051-1-2-3 x 2761)x(278-1-1x483)J is being produced, as a good, medium dent double hybrid.

Melhoramento do milho: IV - Comportamento regional de variedades e híbridos Viegas, G. P.

Resumo em Inglês:

Three locals corn varieties and two commercial hybrids were studied at ten different places, during three consecutive years, in comparative trials. Randomized blocks, and Latin square design were used in plots with 30 or 15 square meters. Hybrid H.3531 was more productive in localities with poor soils while in places with rich soils the Agroceres hybrid was better than the open pollinated varieties. No significant difference between these hybrids was observed. In these trials, hybrids H.3531 and Agroceres produced, on the average, about 400 kg/ha more than the open pollinated varieties, Cateto and Armour, with which they have been compared.

Produção de sementes híbridas de milho no estado de São Paulo Andrade Sobrinho, J. de Smith, Erik

Resumo em Inglês:

A project for isolation of local inbred lines of corn and production of hybrid corn is being carried on since 1932 at the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas. The organization of the Hybrid Corn Service stablished in 1946 for hybrid corn seed production under supervision of the State Government of São Paulo is presented here. Basic investigation on inbred lines isolation and testing of hybrids are carried out at several Experiment Stations of the Instituto Agronômico by the Genetics and Cereals and Leguminous Plants Departments. Seed production of the required inbred lines and single crosses is made in cooperation with Federal Government at the Ipanema Exp. Sta. at São Paulo. Double cross seeds are produced in selected private farms under a contract with the Hybrid Corn Service. These seeds are stored at seven different places, where they are cleaned, classified by size, treated with DDT and conditioned in bags of 50 kg each. The hybrid seeds are sold to the farmers through the county agents of the State Extension Service. An average of 2,420 kg per hectar (about 1,500 kg of clean seeds) of hybrid seeds has been produced in the cooperative fields in the last three years. It has been estimated that about 3,000,000 kg of hybrid seeds have been produced in these cooperative fields during 1951. These amounts of seeds are used for only 1/5 of the total corn acreage in the State of São Paulo. Total corn production in this State is estimated in 1,200,000 metric tons produced in an area of about 900,000 hectars. The average cost of production of hybrid seeds in the cooperative fields in 1951 was calculated as Cr$ 1,45 per kg. The detasseling operation has been calculated in Cr$0,118 per kg of seeds (only 9% of the total cost). The most expensive operation resulted from use of chemical fertilizers, the harvesting and soil cultivation including soil erosion control. The advantages of the present organization for hybrid corn seed production in São Paulo are stressed. A similar organization for cottcn seed production is already operating in São Paulo for several years, with reasonable success.

Nova variedade de Menta arvensis Lima, Abelardo Rodrigues Mollan, Terence R. M.

Resumo em Português:

No quarto ano dos trabalhos de seleção com a menta japonêsa, foi encontrado um "seedling", o M. A. 701, que se destacou pela resistência à ferrugem e pela sua rusticidade. Os caracteres botânicos dessa variedade comercial, principalmente hábito vegetativo, coloração das fôlhas e das hastes, a tornam completa' mente distinta da variedade original. Esta distinção se confirma e acentua quando se compara a natureza dos componentes do óleo essencial da menta "Campinas" M. A. 701, descrita no presente trabalho, com a menta japonêsa comum. A maior produtividade da nova variedade comparada com a da menta japonesa comum foi desde logo também constatada pelos primeiros lavradores, a quem foram enviadas pequenas quantidades de rizomas, para plantio experimental. Foram cultivados em 1949-50 cêrca de 12 hectares; cm 1950-51, cêrca de 900 ha, e o prognóstico é que essa variedade tende a substituir totalmente a menta japonêsa anteriormente cultivada em São Paulo, devido ao seu maior valor econômico.

Resumo em Inglês:

A seedling, designated M.A.701, remarkable for its vigor and resistance to rust, was discovered during the fourth year of selection of Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis L. subsp. haplocalix Briquet var. piperascens Holmes or forma piperascens Malinvaud). The botanical characters of the variety derived from this seedling, especially the vegetative habit and colouring of leaves and stems, make it quite different from the original variety. This difference is enhanced, when we compare the nature of the essential oil components of "Campinas" M.A.701, as described in the present paper, with that of the common Japanese mint. The higher yield of the new variety, compared with that of the common Japanese mint, was soon confirmed by the first cultivators, to whom small quantities of rhizomes were sent for experimental planting. About 12 hectars were cultivated em 1949/50 and about 900 hectars in 1950/51. It is expected that the new variety will, on account of its greater economic value, tend to replace entirely the Japanese mint generally grown in the State of São Paulo.

Resistência ao mosaico dos "seedlings" de cana de açúcar obtidos em 1950 Costa, A. S. Aguirre Júnior, J. M. de Segalla, A. L. Alvarez, R.

Resumo em Inglês:

Inoculation of sugar cane seedlings by rubbing with the help of carborundum gave better results than needle inoculation. The extract obtained from the leaves of corn plants infected with the sugar cane mosaic virus was found to be slightly more infectious than extract from leaves of infected sugar cane field plants. Additional advantages are offered by corn plants as a source of mosaic virus for seedling inoculation in sugar cane breeding projects : the leaves are easier to ground and give more jiüce than sugar cane leaves; corn plants grow rapidly in greenhouses and can supply large amounts of inoculum within a short time; they permit multiplication of the desired virus strains; inoculum from corn minimizes the risk of carrying pathogenic bacteria or fungi as it might be the case when it is obtained from sugar cane leaves. More than 20,000 seedlings, obtained in 1950, were tested for resistance to mosaic by rubbing with inoculum from corn, with the help of carborundum. The results were very satisfactory. Out of 21,673 inoculated seedlings from various crosses, 9,512 became infected, thus giving an average percentage of transmission of 43.9. Varieties of the CP group conferred more mosaic resistance to the hybrid seedlings than Co's.

Sistema radicular das principais leguminosas empregadas como adubo verde em cafezal Scaranari, H. J. Inforzato, R.

Resumo em Inglês:

Root .systems of the following leguminous plants used for green manure in coffee plantations were studied :- Canavalia ensiformins D. C., Crotalaria juncea L., Styzolobium sp (Mucuna anã) and Glycine max (L). Merrill var. Otootan.. It was noted that the depth of the root system' of each one of the four, espécies is related id the height attained by the; plants. The deepest, root system was found to be thatf of Crotálaria juncea, followed by Canavalia esiformis, soybeans and mucuna anã. For coffee green manure purposes it is concluded that the four studied leguminous espécies can be used safely even having .most of their root system located in the first 30 cm of the soil

Alterações de qualidade da fécula durante o armazenamento das raízes de mandioca Pacheco, J. A. de Camargo
Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
E-mail: bragantia@iac.sp.gov.br
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