Open-access Work and health issues of the transgender population: factors associated with entering the labor market in the state of São Paulo, Brazil


The transgender population encounters several barriers in entering the labor market, whichfurther impacts their health. In this cross-sectional study, the factors associated with their insertion in the formal job market were analyzed. Participants were recruited in seven municipalities of the state of São Paulo between 2014 and 2015. Logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratios (OR) of the association between formal insertion and selected characteristics. We included 672 individuals, of which 82.3% were working, 13.1% were not employed, and 4.6% were not in the labor market. Among those working, only 16.7% were in the formal labor market. Factors independently associated with formal employment were: being atrans man, having 12 years or more of education, being under follow-up for gender transition procedures in the healthcare services, having private health insurance, and never having been arrested. Our results highlightpart of the obstacles the transgender population has toovercome to enter the labor market, and point to the need for public policies specifically designed for the transgender population aiming to reduce school dropout and expand access to comprehensive health care, thereby reducing theirvulnerability.

Key words Transgender people; Labor market; Stigma; Discrimination


A população transexual enfrenta diversas barreiras para sua inserção no mercado de trabalho, com impacto sobre a sua saúde. Neste estudo foram analisados fatores associados à sua inserção no mercado de trabalho formal. Trata-se de estudo transversal conduzido em sete municípios do estado de São Paulo entre 2014 e 2015. Foi estimado “odds ratio” (OR) da associação entre inserção formal e características selecionadas. Foram incluídos 672 indivíduos, 82,3% com algum vínculo de trabalho, 13,1% não ocupados e 4,6% fora do mercado de trabalho. Entre os ocupados, apenas 16,7% encontravam-se no mercado de trabalho formal. Os fatores associados independentemente ao vínculo formal de trabalho foram: identidade de gênero homem trans, ter 12 anos ou mais de estudo, estar realizando a transição de gênero em serviço de saúde, ter seguro de saúde privado e nunca ter sido preso na vida. Os nossos resultados revelam parte dos obstáculos superados por uma pequena parcela da população de pessoas transexuais para se inserir no mercado de trabalho formal e apontam para a necessidade de políticas públicas desenhadas especificamente para a população transexual, visando a redução do abandono escolar e ampliação do acesso à saúde integral, reduzindo assim sua vulnerabilidade.

Palavras-chave Pessoas transexuais; Mercado de trabalho; Estigma; Discriminação


The transgender population faces barriers to access formal social institutions such as health and work1-6. At the structural level, public policies aimed at the inclusion of transgender people in educational and healthcare systems, as well as the labor market, are lacking. Unemployment and difficulty to enter the labor market are also associated with the stigma and discrimination experienced by this population7,8.

In addition to being recognized as a fundamental human right9, working allows the individual the means to afford basic necessities and it has direct repercussions on the living and health conditions of any population10-12. Work status is also considered an important social determinant of health13.

The economic, social, and political context of Brazil, combined with changes in the productive structure, does not guarantee the employment protection legislation to be applied to all workers14-16, resulting in two types of work conditions: a formal and an informal labor market. The formal labor market is composed byworkers with salaries, who are supported by a set of labor laws and protection benefits. The informal labor market includes activities carried out without the support of the labor legislation11,14-17.

Few studies have investigated the insertion in the labor market of transgender people in Brazil and the world. In general, such studies are exploratory and restricted to the Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) context, especially HIV infection5,18-21.

A better knowledge of the travesti and transsexual population conditions in relation to the labor market in the state of São Paulo could highlight the magnitude of the issue and help the developing public policies. The aim of this study was to identify the factors associated with formal employment of transgender people in the state of São Paulo.


This study analyzed data from the cross-sectional study “Vulnerabilities, health demands, and access to services of the travestis and transsexuals population in the State of São Paulo” - “the Muriel Project”22.

The project included 673 transsexuals who accessed healthcare and social assistance services in seven municipalities in the state of São Paulo (São Paulo, Campinas, São Bernardo do Campo, Santo André, Santos, São José do Rio Preto, and Piracicaba). The sample size was calculated by mapping travestis and transgender people enrolled or attending some activity developed by the healthcare and social assistance services in 2012, in the abovementioned cities.

Participants were selected by consecutively sampling travestis and transsexuals using the above services, and by the snowball technique, which is based on social networks. The inclusion criteria were: being 16 years old or older at the time of the interview, being a travestis, transsexual or transgender, and living in the state of São Paulo for at least six months.

The data collection instrument included questions on seven subjects: sociodemographic, professional background, health conditions, sexual and reproductive health, violation of human rights and discrimination, social context, and transgender transition path. The questionnaire was applied in a face-to-face interviewby a trained interviewerusing a tablet. Data collection occurred from mid-2014 to January 2015. For the present study, data from the questions related to work status were used.

Participants’ profession was investigated through the following questions: “Do you currently work?”, and if yes, “What is the employment relationship”, if not, “How do you live?”, “Has it been difficult for you to find a job?” Participants who reported that they were currently working wereconsidered workers. Workers were classified as formal or informal,adapted from categories used by the IBGE in the Continued National Survey of Household Samples (PNAD)23 (Figure 1). Formal workers were those formally employed, municipal, state or military civil servants, paid interns, and employers with CNPJ (Brazilian legal person). Informal workers were those without a contract, who reported working for themselvesor for employers without CNPJ.

Figure 1
Fluxogram of work status definition.

The dependent variable was being in the formal labor market (yes or no). The independent variables were: gender identity (transsexual woman /travestis or transsexual man), years of education (8 or less, 9 to 11, and 12 or more), age group in years (16 to 24, 25 to 39, 40 and over), race / skin color (white, black, brown, yellow, indigenous, ignored), having ever moved from the city of birth (yes or no), having a name change in documents (yes, no, or ignored), having a technical / vocational training or course (yes or no), having ever felt discriminated (yes or no), havingever been arrested (yes or no), type of medical follow-up (not on follow-up, follow-up for AIDS or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), or follow-up forgender transition process and others), being under medical follow-up (yes or no); being under follow-up for a transsexual process (yes or no), having a private health insurance (yes, no).

A descriptive analysis of the variables was performed. Bivariate and multivariate analysis was used to assess factors related to formal employment. The crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) were calculated for each independent variable, with the respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), using the logistic regression model. Variables with a p <= 0.20 in the bivariate analysis were tested in the multivariate model, in ascending order (forward stepwise selection). Variables with a 95% confidence interval that did not include nullity (OR = 1.00) remained in the model, using the maximum likelihood ratio. The fit of the model was verified with the Hosmer and Lemeshow test (goodness-of-fit). All statistical analyzes were performed in the STATA® software, version 13.0.

The project was designed and conducted according to the ethical standards in research with human beings in Brazil and was approved by the CRT/DST AIDS ethics committee, of the SMS-SP and SMS-Santo André. Participants signed the Informed Consent Form. People diagnosed with a health problem were referred to public health services or social assistance for treatment and follow-up.


From a total sample of 673 interviews, 672 had valid information and were analyzed. Of those, 82.3% were from employed people, 13.1% not employed, and 4.6% were out of the labor market (Table 1). Regarding thetype of occupation, 53.9% were self-employed and 27.2% were employees, but only 14% of them had contracts protected by the labor law. About 40% of respondents were sex workers (Table 1).

Table 1
Work characteristics of a sample of transgender people from seven municipalities in the state of São Paulo interviewed from 2014 to 2015.

The gender identities reported were: transsexual man (7%), transsexual woman or travestis (90.4%), and in 2.5% of the sample (n = 17) this information was ignored.

The average age of the sample was 32 years, 50.4% were in the age group from 25 to 39 years, 62% self-reported being of white race / skin color, 16.2% had 12 years or more of study, and 60.5% owned or rented their home. The current place of residence of most participants (49.5%) was the municipality of São Paulo. As for the other characteristics, 56.8% had some technical / vocational education, 37.9% contributed to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), 25.4% had been previously imprisoned, 13% were undergoing medical follow-up for the sex reassignment procedures, and 16.3% had medical insurance. The distribution of the sample characteristics is shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Sociodemographic characteristics of a sample of transgender people from seven municipalities in the state of São Paulo interviewed from 2014 to 2015.

For the bivariate analysis of factors associated with entering the formal labor market, only the 528 workingparticipantswere included, excluding 119 persons that were not working and 25 others for whom the variables of interest were blank or had an unknown response (Table 3). The proportion of formal employment was 16.7%. Formal employment was 59.4% among transsexual men and 13.9 among transsexual women; transsexual men had nine times higher chance of entering the formal labor market than transsexual women (Table 3).

Table 3
Bivariate analysis of factors associated with entering the formal labor market of a sample of transgender people from seven municipalities in the state of São Paulo interviewed from 2014 to 2015* * 528 that were currently working were included. .

Among participants with 12 years or more of education, the chance of entering the formal labor market was almost 19 times higher compared to those with 8 years or less of study. In the bivariate analysis, being under follow-up for thegendertransition process was associated with a formal job compared with those who were not being followed up medically (Table 3).

In the final model, the following characteristics were independently associated with having a formal job: being a transsexual man (OR = 2.7; 95%CI = 1.7-6.5), having 12 years or more of study (OR = 7.5; 95%CI 2.7-20.1), receiving some type of medical follow-up (OR = 1.8; 95% CI 1.0-4.4), being followed up for gendertransition process (OR = 2.1; 95%CI 1.0-3.4), having private health insurance (OR = 2.8; 95%CI 1.5-5.1), and never having been arrested (OR = 3.3; 95%CI 1.2-8.9) (Table 4).

Table 4
Final model for factors associated with transgender people from seven municipalities in the state of São Paulo entering the formal labor market. Data was collected from 2014 to 2015* * P adjusted. .


The percentage of participants in our study that were in the formal labor market was extremely low: 16.7%. The factors associated with having a formal employment were being a trans man, having at least 12 years of education, receiving some medical follow-up, being followed up for the gender transition process, having a private medical insurance, and never having been arrested.

Data from the Monthly Employment Survey (PME) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)24 show that, compared to our findings, the percentage of the general population in the metropolitan region of São Paulo with a formal job was much higher in 2014 and 2015 (55.3% and 54.9%, respectively).

The percentage of the transsexual population in informal jobswas much higher than that of the general population (25.9% in 2015)25. This difference is not an exclusively Brazilian phenomenon. In a study with 6,450 transgender people in the United States in 2011,the frequency of non-employed persons was double that found in the general population8. In addition, our data probably also reflect the socioeconomic situation in Brazil in recent years, in which an increase in informal employmentoccurred, aggravating the inequality regarding transsexual people, who were already victims of stigma and discrimination and hadmore difficulty getting a formal employment18,19.

Although work informality can take place by choice, the lack of contributions to the social security system makes an informal worker more vulnerable11,25. Contributing to the social security system guarantees income in case of leaving work, whether due to retirement, illness, disability, or unemployment. In Brazil, workers with a formal contract automatically make contributions and are entitled to the benefits, which is much less frequent among the unemployed and informal workers11,17. In the present study, close to 80% of informal workersdid not contribute to the social security system, while in the general populationthe annual average was 22.0% in 2014 and 201524. Values similar to ours were found by Bonassi in Santa Catarina: 74% of transsexuals or travestis reported not contributing to the social security system19,24.

The unemployed transsexual population in our study had financial difficulties: 37.8% lived in temporary homes and more than half reported living with a monthly income of less than two minimum wages. The average income in the general population in 2014 and 2015 in the metropolitan region of São Paulo was slightly more than three minimum wages24.

The occupation reported by 40% of the interviewees in this study was sex work, which corroborates the findings of other studies18,26. Although sex work is included in the Brazilian Classification of Occupations - CBO27, its activities are not regulated in Braziland carried out entirely informally. Entering the labor market as a sex worker is probably one of the results of the stigma suffered by transsexual people, which also motivates early school drop-out that leads to low rates of professional training. In addition, transsexual sex workers are extremely vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections, being one of the groups most affected globally by HIV infection28-30.

Transsexual men were more likely to have a formal job than transsexual women or travesti. The finding could be due to the influence of the generalappearance being in agreement with the gender identity of transsexual men after the use of hormones, which would protect them from being identified as transsexual, and, consequently, be less discriminated.

Studies also indicate that the gender inequality in the work environment of cisgender people is reproduced in the transsexual population24. Corroborating this hypothesis, a study carried out in the USA showed that after gender transition, the probability of transsexual women finding a job is lower than men8. According to reports by transsexual women interviewed in Salvador, the difficulties entering the formal job market were much greater after gender transition31. In contrast, transsexual men had a greater chance offinding formal work or improving their incomeafter gender transition32-34. The study by Davidson33 demonstrated that transsexual women are more discriminated at hiring, as their job applications get more refusals than those of transsexual men. This differentiation was observed in other categories of the analysis, showing that transsexual women have worse jobs and lower wages33.

The percentage of transsexuals with higher education in our study was 16.2%, while in the general population of the metropolitan region of São Paulo this percentage was 66%24. Similar results were found in other regions of Brazil. Bonassi et al.19, in a study carried out in Santa Catarina,reported that 33.9% (N = 100) of transsexuals and travestis dropped out of school at between 16 and 19 years of age. In the metropolitan region of Recife, of 100 travestis interviewed between 2008 and 2009, 17.4% had less than four years of education and 44.9% did not complete elementary school35.

Our data showed that having 12 years or more of study is a factor positively associated with entering the formal job market. However, this finding is not consistent in the literature. Bauer36, studying discrimination and prejudice against transsexuals in Canada, found a high frequency of highlyeducatedtranssexuals who were not in the labor market or had employment levels below their degree of qualification. In Brazil, Rondas and Machado mention that, although recommended, achieving high education does not guarantee this population will enter the labor market18. The low education level of the transgender population can be explained, among other factors, by thehostile environment of schools for those people. In the USA in 2011, transsexuals reported having suffered harassment (78%), physical aggression (35%), and sexual violence (12%) at schooldue to their gender identity8.

An association was found between access to healthcare,such as being monitored for the gender transition process and having a private medical insurance,and having a formal job. The reasons that allowed having one of the scarcespots in the healthcare services for transition procedures might be similarto the reasons for which other barriers were broken, such as education and access to the formal labor market. In Brazil, between 2008 and 2015, data from the Hospital Information System of the Unified Health System (SIH-SUS)indicate that only 320 surgeries were performed for sex reassignment, and there are long waiting lines for the procedure37. Other studies also report relationships between access to the labor market and the gender transition procedures.

The International Labor Organization PRIDE study26 reported that among the difficulties transsexual people faceentering the labor market were: having a gender expression incompatible with the name in official identification documents and presenting an incomplete gender transition due to difficulties in accessing the necessary services26. In Brazil, a 2012 study found that among the various reasons for not undergoing transgender transition were: disadvantages of finding a formal job due to discrimination and insufficient financial resources to fund the process2. Gender transition procedures might also interfere with professional insertion due to the long period required for recovery and special careafter a sexual reassignment surgery38. For formally employed people, the required leave of absence is covered by income from the social security system, which is rarely the case with informalworkers.

Our findings corroborate the considerations of Almeida et al.39, who emphasize the need to consider all the factors involved in the complex health status and health determinants of the transsexual population, and that interventions should not be focused on body manipulations only.

As for study limitations, participants were selected in specialized health services –including a comprehensive healthcare clinic for travestis and transsexuals – and social assistance centers, which could result in selection bias. In addition, the original study was not designedwith the objective of investigating insertion in the labor market. However, it wasa population-based study with a large sample that included people from different regions of the state of São Paulo. Therefore,our findings provide new information onthe access to the labor market of transsexual people.

The low percentage of transsexual people in formal jobswas a highlight, which shows their increased vulnerability. Public policies for inclusive actions in educational institutions, promoting tolerance and respect for the diversities of gender identity are key to reverse the school dropout scenario and consequently the low educational level of this population. Another important aspect to reduce the inequalities experienced by transsexuals in the labor market is the need to increase access to gender transition process in the Unified Health System.

In summary, our results indicate the need for public policies aiming at reducing stigma and discrimination and improving access to education and professional qualification for transgender people, making the competition for a position in the formal job market more equitable.


To FAPESP, fort he financial support of the Muriel project.

To the Health Secretariat of the State of São Paulo and to the Reference and Training Center for Sexually Transmitted Diseases - CRT / DST-AIDS of the São Paulo State Program - PESP.

To the professional team involved in the Muriel Project, without whom the study would not be possible.

To Márcia Giovanetti (in memoriam) for her work in promoting the visibility, dignity and human rights of transsexual and travestis women, contributing to the development of public policies against prejudice and discrimination and expanding access to health services.

To all transsexual people who participated in the Muriel Project.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 May 2020
  • Date of issue
    May 2020


  • Received
    30 May 2019
  • Accepted
    07 Aug 2019
  • Published
    19 Nov 2019
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