Open-access The crisis and health: implications for policy, management and care

In the contemporary context, the political, social and economic crises, as well as the crisis in values, have spread throughout the developed countries and have had subsequent repercussions in the emerging economies, thereby revealing sundry conflicts. It became possible to detect a crisis in the constitution of democracy and risks to the guarantee and/or implementation of social and human rights that traditionally stave off inequality. Consequently, increasing antagonisms have arisen between the social classes in their relationship with the enjoyment of privileges and the acquisition of greater citizenship1.

Experienced as unexpected outbursts, loss of meaning, discontinuity of narratives and even the scope of existence, in their different dimensions the crises provoke not only suffering and paralysis, but also elicit innovative thinking and the sharing of opinions2. Appreciating the value of these evocations, the objective of this thematic issue was to elicit discussions about the various dimensions of the crisis and its relationship with health, from a comprehensive perspective, addressing the constraints, expressions and outcomes. This was a challenging task given the concomitance between the actual experience of the crisis and the need to study it with some critical detachment.

Without sidestepping this challenge, this thematic issue operates on two fronts: an interview conducting a diagnosis of the current Brazilian crisis and its implications in the fields of science, culture and education; and a systematic review of the literature, presenting possible effects on health of measures resulting from the austerity policies adopted in response to economic and fiscal crises.

The other articles arise from scientific investigations and reflections developed in educational and research institutions, some of them in partnership with health services. Located at the national, sub-regional, local and international levels, they present several methodological approaches, characterized as empirical research, documentary, review, opinion article or essay, each guided by at least one of the following themes: social and epidemiological repercussions associated with the crisis; effects of the crisis on financing and spending on health; repercussions of the crisis on the formulation and implementation of social and health policies; implications of the crisis on the regulation and management of health systems, services and work; implications of the crisis on models of care, health services and treatment; rights, participation and social control in health in contexts of crisis.

We wish you all a good read!

  • Guest editors


  • 1 Santos BS. A difícil democracia: reinventar as esquerdas São Paulo: Editora Boitempo; 2016.
  • 2 Kaës R. Crisis, ruptura y superación: análisis transicional en psicoanálisis individual y grupal 5ª ed. Buenos Aires: Publicación; 1982.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 Nov 2019
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2019
ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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