Open-access When disability and homoparenting meet: the adoption of children with disability by same sex couples


The present theoretical essay is based on six reports concerning same-sex couples and gay and lesbian people in order to interconnect homoparenting and the adoption of children with disabilities, through the lenses of human and social sciences in public health. The reports were interpreted in light of studies on same-sex adoption and the adoption of children with disabilities. Feminist approaches related to care and disability were also included in the interpretative perspective, operating as expressive webs of grammars of ableism. It was found that media approaches endorse the right to family formation and the adoption of children with disabilities by homoparental families, but with little critical depth on the category of disability and without highlighting support for the adoption of all adoptee profiles. Moreover, the intersections between homophobia and ableism increase discriminatory and oppressive logics, with the union of social groups considered to be “undesirable” representing a strategy of governmentality that reveals the complexity of grammars of ableism, applied to the sexual and reproductive rights of LGBTQIA+ adopters and to the fundamental rights of children and adolescents with disabilities who are available for adoption.

Key words: Adoption; Family; Parenting; Gender; Homosexuality


O ensaio teórico parte de seis reportagens sobre casais homoafetivos e pessoas gays e lésbicas para interseccionar homoparentalidade e adoção de crianças com deficiência, pelas lentes das ciências humanas e sociais em saúde coletiva. As reportagens foram interpretadas à luz dos estudos sobre adoção homoparental e adoção de crianças com deficiência. Abordagens feministas sobre cuidado e deficiência também compuseram o olhar interpretativo, operando como teias expressivas das gramáticas do capacitismo. Verificou-se que as abordagens midiáticas endossam o direito à constituição familiar e à adoção de crianças com deficiência por famílias homoparentais, sem aprofundar criticamente a categoria deficiência e sem destacar apoio à adoção de todos os perfis de adotandos. E que as intersecções entre homofobia e capacitismo incrementam lógicas discriminatórias e de opressão, sendo a união de grupos considerados “indesejáveis” uma estratégia de governamentalidade que revela a complexidade das gramáticas do capacitismo aplicadas aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de adotantes LGBTQIA+ e aos direitos fundamentais de crianças e adolescentes com deficiência disponíveis para adoção.

Palavras-chave: Adoção; Família; Parentalidade; Gênero; Homossexualidade


Disability and homosexuality have commonly been understood in a pejorative sense, a phenomenon recognized here and analyzed in the light of ableism1,2. An example of ableist manifestation is the understanding of disability as an imminently negative, undesirable attribute that must be avoided and corrected, an idea potentially applicable to homosexuality.

In this light, the present article assumes affirmative definitions of disability and (homo) parenting, categories that constitute diversity and human existence. Characteristics that, when subjected to a classificatory look, of normative evaluation, produce discrimination and a lack of value. This process encounters cisheterocorponormative and patriarchal narratives that produce practices of social exclusion.

Cishetocorponormativity is a force of subjection based on the exploration of power relations criss-crossed by coloniality, capitalism, gender, sexual orientation, functionality/performance, race/ethnicity, and class, which is intrinsically linked to patriarchy, “a political system that models male culture and domination, especially against women [...] reinforced by religion and the nuclear family, which impose gender roles from childhood based on binary identities”3(p.67).

We stress here that the exercise of parenthood is not limited to the gender binary and encompasses varied sexual orientations. We share an idea of parenting from the perspective of producing bonds and as an “expression of encounter” that brings together different combinations of subjects in “the formation of family networks, and which is not restricted to the nuclear, consanguineous, heteronormative model”4(p.3595). At the same time, the body and its functional makeup are not restricted to attributes designated as normal and expected when it comes to thinking, seeing, hearing, touching, walking, speaking, or communicating.

Can disability be a desirable attribute for an upcoming child? Headlines published in recent years answer this question positively, given the experiences of gay men and lesbian women. The mediatization of these stories plays two important roles: public defense of the right to adoption by same-sex people/couples (not yet legally regulated) and encouraging the adoption of children with disabilities. However, they invite us to go further, in search of deeper reflections on this relationship and its less explicit repercussions. We dedicate ourselves to discussing them, understanding that at this intersection there is an affirmative look at difference, which can be understood as dissent, as it breaks with a cisheterocorponormative look.

Initiatives to encourage the adoption of children with disabilities5 find that most adopters are not willing to receive this type of child. Moreover, the situation is aggravated even further by ethnic/racial, generational, and health situation intersections6-8. We take as guiding questions for this essay: what are the possible intersections between homoparental families (made up of gay/ lesbian adults and same-sex couples)9 and children with disabilities? How are their stories expressed in public narratives by the media? How do media devices address the topic?

Our study began with the analysis of headlines and reports on the adoption of children with disabilities by homoparental families in order to illuminate clues left about the repercussions of this process, especially regarding the social and health relationships of families. People with disabilities and LGBTQIA+ people have become populations of interest in the field of public health for decades10,11 and have been approached as especially vulnerable. It is our intention to assume the importance of intersecting homoparenting and the adoption of children with disabilities, through the lenses of human and social sciences in collective health, seeking to provide contributions to intersectoral care practices.

Methodological aspects

The present study adopted the theoretical essay as a methodology due to its exploratory character, of a free and critical exercise, mobilizing other forays into the subject, with no clear intention of producing evidence4,10,12. We share “initial and partial reflections”12(p.44), in which the questions raised matter more than the production of answers and conclusive thoughts12.

We use the essay as a path of thought, as we understand that the homoparental adoption of children with disabilities opens up the “possibility of a new experience of the present”13(p.33), which leads us to an exercise in experimental and thoughtful writing, with provisional criticisms that are both open-ended and continuous. “The essay is the writing of an insecure and problematic time”13(p.38), which calls us to “observe existence from the perspective of possibilities, [rehearsing] new possibilities of life”13(p.37). The novelty character - which also makes this study unique - is posed by these parenting experiences that are still atypical, unregulated, and permeated by power relations. Hence the need for thought experimentation and critical reflection on what is happening.

We consider that headlines and reports are documents that record a movement of themes and events related to the “adoption/homoparenting” axis. These documents were accessed by the first author over the last six years, under the influence of algorithms that reveal interests and allow social interactions. This path indicates the possibility of the socio-anthropological use of platforms14(p.4), which explains the fact that, after the initial accesses, the reception of reports related to the aforementioned axis became frequent, leading the first author to constitute a collection with the material.

The items were cataloged in a text document containing the headline of each report and its access link. These links were consulted individually throughout the month of August 2023 to check their availability. The reports were then read in order to learn about the stories reported and check our inclusion criteria (reports in Portuguese, which addressed stories of same-sex couples and/or gay and lesbian people adopting children with disabilities, regardless of the nationality of the families). In a complementary manner and during the same period, additional searches were carried out on the Google search engine, using the combined keywords: homoparental adoption and children with disabilities, adoption by samesex couples and children with disabilities, samesex couples and children with disabilities, gays/ lesbians and child with a disability, who indicated the same stories and reports previously received and gathered.

In the end, six reports published in Brazil, in Portuguese, were included, three stories from Brazilian families and three stories from foreign families. Only one report on a Brazilian family was excluded due to having little information about the story reported. We chose to include stories with Brazilian and foreign families to guarantee a greater number of narratives and observe whether or not cultural and normative differences seem to have a distinct impact on the experiences of adopters and adoptees, a final item that was not possible to address in depth due to content limitations. The stories were analyzed in full, protecting the real names of the subjects, as these are open access reports.

The interpretation of this collection was performed in light of studies on homoparental adoption and adoption of children with disabilities. To grasp elements to support the understanding of the aspects involving the relationship between these subjects, feminist approaches to care and disability15,16 also comprised the interpretative perspective, operating as expressive webs of the grammars of ableism2. We consider ableism to be a corporal normative key that disqualifies diverse subjects2, and we highlight its possible repercussions on the existence of prominent families.

Ableism as a transversal grammar calls for intersectional articulations2(p.3950) to understand and confront mechanisms of oppression that distinctively affect bodies located at identity crossroads of gender, sexual orientation, race, and class, with disability being incorporated more recently3. These grammars are exquisite when this profile of adoption candidates has values, interests, and capabilities tested through the spontaneous and/or conditional availability of children with disabilities for their care, a phenomenon that demands deeper reflections. This essay presents itself as an initial effort in this direction.

A preamble: Adoption and homoparenting

Adoption, an act of affection and care, socially and legally supported, focuses on the best interests of the child and adolescent17. Approximately 563 children with a disability are available for adoption and 1,410 applicants are willing to adopt children with disabilities, according to the National Council of Justice18. It is estimated that LGBTQIA+ people/couples make up a large part of the group interested in broad profiles regarding disability, health conditions, age, sex, and race/ethnicity19-25.

The meanings of family in normative texts emphasize heterosexual and cisgender makeups24,26, and adoption by same-sex couples has required prior recognition of the right to family formation by the judiciary branch27,28. It is well-known that: unilateral adoption is encouraged for same-sex couples; couples close to the heteronorm, via compulsory monogamy, have greater chances of success in the adoption process; however, the cohabitation stage has been greatly increased for homosexual couples and they have faced unofficial demands not applied to heterosexual couples24,26,29. Also noteworthy is the perception that gay couples face more difficulties than lesbians in the adoption process26. Studies indicate that this difference can be attributed to different factors, with emphasis on gender inequalities that place women as natural caregivers and men as incapable of providing adequate care, as well as a greater social acceptability of same-sex unions between women26,30. Another explanation for these phenomena is the fact that the advances achieved by homoparental families maintained heterosexual parenthood as a “parameter for analysis and achievement of rights”31(p.171).

As there is no national legal provision on the subject and the advances achieved are restricted to the legal sphere, it is important to highlight the political challenges of the present and question whether or not there is a relationship between this partial recognition and the strategy of expanding the profile of adoptees by these families.

A First Portrait: Homoparental experiences and the adoption of children with disabilities

The collection gathered and organized in the analytical chart below (Chart 1) informs the headlines, respective platforms, and year of publication.

Chart 1
Summary of the collection of reports.

The first highlight after immersing ourselves in the collection concerns the sexual orientation and marital status of the adopters, the disability of the adoptees, and the history of “rejection” of the adopted children - a combination that reinforces the profiles of the adopters and the chosen children as extraordinary. There are a variety of dissemination vehicles, including: platforms allied to LGBTQIA+ struggles; disseminating information about people with disabilities; of major national size; of current affairs and real stories. The experiences shared in the reports are organized in Charts 2 and 3:

Chart 2
Brazilian Family Stories.
Chart 3
Foreign Family Stories.

A look at Adoption, Disability and Homoparenting in the grammars of ableism

The children protagonists of the shared stories are affected by ableism in macro and micropolitical dimensions, being culturally perceived by those outside the adopters as undesirable children2 and hierarchized by the “compulsory corponormative ableist device”2(p.3951). Revictimization through multiple rejection, which precedes adoption, appears as one of the effects mentioned in the reports. Gay and lesbian adopters, on the other hand, have their bodies and relationships exposed to cishetero and guidelines, which often describe them as incapable of parenting, loving, caring for, and educating children, with the adoption of children with disabilities requiring differentiated care being an atypical radicality that contradicts this premise.

The reports portray a predominance of adopting couples made up of gay men, with only one lesbian couple and two single gay men. The stories refer to a previous desire to adopt a child with a disability; opportunity without planning; and, formal imposition by the adoption regulatory body. The children were aged between 0-6 years, most had intellectual and/or multiple disabilities, information about them was restricted to diagnosis and disability was the main reason for adoption.

When the parents were cited, the women who accessed the right to deliver the child for adoption with no constraints17 were morally judged, revealing misogynistic traits in the production of meaning by the media. If the health conditions of the adopting parents/mothers were not focused on in the reports, the emphasis for children is on disability in terms of functionality and diagnosis, considering therapies and specialized care.

Experiences of adopting children with disabilities by homoparental families are still rare in field studies29,31,32, with a restriction on the topics covered in this relationship. In general, the most discussed health aspects refer to the mental health of the adopters and the adoptees32 and difficulties in accessing public health services31. In this light, we chose to expand reflections on the area of health in its relationship with homoparenting.

Several national health policies and initiatives address the adopting population treated in this essay45-48, providing for the confrontation of gender inequalities in the sector, the guarantee of sexual and reproductive rights, and the recognition of different ways of exercising care and parenting. However, thinking about care from the perspective of diversity is still a challenge to be faced collectively.

There is a tendency to make the profiles of adopters and adoptees exotic and extraordinary, which is why we use ableism and care as analytical keys to the atypicality evoked in these media clippings. This is because the characteristics and/ or diagnoses of the children, the marital status, and the sexual orientation of the adopters were the categories chosen by the editors to produce public interest. Likewise, the appeal of gender in relation to parental responsibilities, in the texts of the reports, reminds us that disability care has been compulsorily carried out by women or by people associated with the “feminine”.

We emphasize care as an attribute shared among all human beings, regardless of their bodily and functional characteristics15,16. As an ethical perspective, it mobilizes the recognition of our dependencies and vulnerabilities, without making the role of the caregiver invisible, as all care involves intensely personal, social, symbolic, and significant relationships. Reviewing institutions and values to recognize our dependence opens up possibilities to recognize similarities and respect differences15,16.

The experience of adopters and homoparental families from cisheterocorponormative perspectives overshadows the different experiences of adoption and fatherhood/maternity between straight and homosexual couples. The Portuguese couple’s speech about both being “human beings” and that the adoption process does not differentiate them from heterosexual couples is a demonstration of this effect, which operates as a homogenizer of fundamentally heterogeneous processes due to the dimensions of race, class, and gender.

The guarantee of sexual and reproductive rights conditions the recognition of homoparental families, which is why we demand them in the realm of justice. Parenting is intersected with care, a category equally crossed by gender inequalities that hierarchize subjects according to certain attributes that facilitate or harm certain groups in the construction of their relationships. Therefore, we understand parental care as being involved in guaranteeing “countless combinations of family networks and expressions of parenting based on exchanges of care goods, the promotion of life and the expression of differences”4(p.3593).

Despite recent advances, the concept of family is not made explicit in primary care health documents. This absence interferes with care for homoparental families and family/reproductive planning programs, which do not sufficiently include adoption49. No report mentioned assistance at this level of care. But several of them demonstrated that the assessment of caregiving capacity was called into question in several situations, especially in the case of gay men. This reveals the homophobic nature of these experiences, which involve components such as the imposition of gender roles on the recognition of care.

On the one hand, there is the ability to care for someone linked to compulsory heterosexuality, in which only cisgender and heterosexual men are previously qualified for fatherhood, not necessarily for care, taken as a natural and almost exclusive attribute of women. Care, however, is converted into an indicator to evaluate homosexual couples with the purpose of verifying whether or not any partner assumes care in the family relationship. The visualization of this caring persona is insufficient when compared to the demands of a maternal figure. Such rationality does not seem to influence lesbian parenting, enhanced by dual motherhood. As for women, the disqualification focuses especially on the control of their bodies and sexuality and less on the ability to care, unquestionable by patriarchy (see the need to affirm that the relationship “is not a mess”)37.

The meanings of motherhood are exposed when the person who answers as a mother does not fit into the cishetero manual. Homoparenting does not include transvestites and trans people, but its relevance stands out because one of the reports brought the experience of a gay man who identifies as an ex-transvestite and a mother. His story informs that political identities influence patterns of recognition in the context of hegemonic parenting, supported by heterosexuality4 and cisgenderity50. This also reveals to us that mediatized experiences are marked by manifestations of ableist logic in intersectional metamorphoses2 with sexual orientation and gender.

Regarding children’s health, foreign experiences were restricted to diagnosis and two national experiences included rehabilitation care, third sector services, and private insurance. The child who accessed insurance services did so in an insufficient and disjointed manner, being the one whose family demonstrated greater vulnerability: their custody was provisional; the parents had not formalized the union; the disability was acquired due to violence; there was a report of an ableist demonstration by the health professional. Access to non-governmental and fragmented services imposes weaknesses on comprehensive care. Precarious access to essential supplies such as diapers and food indicate complete disregard for their health.

Thus, the children’s stories were summarized to diagnoses and rejection histories and their health demands were reduced to body functionality, which summarizes the reductionist way in which the health of people with disabilities has been politically approached and the challenges to providing comprehensive care. This corroborates the fact that health care for this population is often restricted or prioritized within the scope of specialized care, through rehabilitation services, historically marked by correction practices, today criticized in the light of ableism, within the scope of human and social sciences in health10.

The reports also reveal that the adopters were contacted mainly by the State itself, according to the desired profile, being presented with children rejected by other families. In international experiences, the adopter profile is imposed, while in national cases, the offer was voluntary. The timing of the processes was irregular. The only report to portray the experience of lesbian women is in line with the study by Souza et al.26, who found greater difficulties in the process for gay men, which can be justified by gender stereotypes23 that emphasize care for feminine attributes and greater acceptability of lesbian family makeups, as already mentioned.

There is no national legal guidance that associates certain profiles of applicants and specific groups of children. However, some countries already have a history of judicial decisions from this perspective, according to the story of the Italian adopter39. On another occasion, an adoption service professional in France publicly stated that gays could only adopt “children with problems”51, mobilizing this debate in several countries, including Brazil.

National research has already questioned this practice and revealed the targeting of children with disabilities to homoparental families24,26,29. On the other hand, studies reveal that homoparental families believe that the intention to adopt children with disabilities increases the chances of having a successful adoption and influences the speed of the process22,32. Hence the importance of delving into this debate in a broader sense, with the LGBTQIA+ community and people with disabilities.

Homoparental families agree with the designation of non-traditional adopters52. For Rosenthal52, these families have the best experiences when it comes to adopting children with disabilities, according to statistics, reports, and research, which is in line with the greater willingness of same-sex couples to adopt children with disabilities.

Although the experiences analyzed make up a diverse mosaic of families and experiences, their stories find notes from Mozzi and Nuernberg53 about conditions that positively impacted adoption: the social recognition of motherhood or fatherhood; prior contact with people with disabilities; as well as the central role of the child in the bonding process with adopters and in care practices. For the authors, these aspects acted as motivators to carry out the adoption process and allowed the recognition of disability as merely an attribute or component of the child’s identity, across gender, age, race/ethnicity, among others. In this sense, the barriers experienced by children can make disability operate as a bond-intensifying device.

In relation to the media responsible for disseminating the stories covered in this essay, it is worth highlighting the unanimous construction of favorable visibility for the adoption of children with disabilities by homoparental families. However, there were no explicit defenses to the adoption of children with different profiles, including those without disabilities. The positive image of the adoption of children with disabilities by gay and lesbian couples and individuals was emphasized by narratives of rejection and abandonment of children due to their disability by biological families.

These observations were interpreted through the lens of the grammars of ableism2, crossed with gender and sexual orientation. This was not intended to explore the contents individually, but rather to capture the way in which cisheterocorponormativity operates in the production of values. In these cases, the adoption of rejected children with disabilities seems to have been considered positive not only for the defense of the right to adoption by same-sex applicants, but, above all, for the best interests of children who have not found other parenting alternatives among heterosexual couples.

The situation of people with disabilities in prolonged and permanent institutionalization was presented in a report by Human Rights54 after a visit to Brazil. The document proves that children with disabilities remain in care for longer than children without disabilities, remaining in these conditions throughout their adult lives, most of whom leave these spaces only at the time of death.

The document in question revealed studies conducted in 2016 and 2018, the results of which reported that more than 60% of all children with disabilities lived in institutional care beyond six years of age54 (exceeding the years of life of the children protagonists of the reports analyzed) and that most of them spent more than half of their lives in these spaces, respectively. In this sense, given the non-compliance with the objectives designed for embracement institutions (temporary reception and as a last resort), the direction of children with disabilities to homoparental families may find a morally situated opportunity.

Finally, we draw attention to an international movement to condition the right to adoption by LGBTQIA+ people to the acceptance of children with disabilities and serious illnesses39,54, a connection that demands in-depth analyses and more robust studies, essential elements for understanding these events and guaranteeing the human rights of homoparental families and children with disabilities and complex health conditions, available for adoption.


The essay was mobilized by guiding questions whose answers are not imposed in a generalizing or finalistic way. Homoparental families and children with disabilities intersect in the context of adoption based on different factors, with the discriminatory experience being a common element, analyzed under the grammars of ableism and care. It was found that media approaches endorse the right to family formation and the adoption of children with disabilities by homoparental families without critically delving into the disability category and without explicitly supporting the adoption of children with typical profiles.

Considering that our collection was restricted to the reports gathered, and that in this essay the exploratory nature allows us to indicate agendas, we recognize the need for future research that explores the perspective of adopting families, their arrangements, challenges, and confrontations. We reinforce the need for new investigations into the intersections between ableist and LGBTQIA+phobic structures, incorporating the intersection of other forms of oppression such as racism, in parenting experiences and their challenges to collective health, targeting strategies to guarantee comprehensive care, family health, and reproductive justice. In the same direction, we highlight the importance of anti-LGBTQI+phobic and anti-ableism training within the scope of permanent education and continuing training, in different sectors.

The essay indicates that the intersections between homophobia and ableism increase discriminatory and oppressive logics and that this union of groups considered “undesirable” is expressed as a strategy of governmentality. This allows the public authorities to simultaneously solve the problem of children and adolescents with disabilities who would remain in shelters “until they die”54 and guarantee homoparental families some status of existence, even if conditioned by their rules, which reveals the complexity of grammars of ableism applied to the sexual and reproductive rights of LGBTQIA+ adopters and to the fundamental rights of children and adolescents with disabilities available for adoption.


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  • Chief editors:
    Romeu Gomes, Antônio Augusto Moura da Silva

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Apr 2024
  • Date of issue
    Apr 2024


  • Received
    21 Nov 2023
  • Accepted
    21 Dec 2023
  • Published
    21 Dec 2023
ABRASCO - Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva Av. Brasil, 4036 - sala 700 Manguinhos, 21040-361 Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil, Tel.: +55 21 3882-9153 / 3882-9151 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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