Open-access Physiological age and longevity of Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii Dyar Knab (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil


We analyzed the reproductive status, ovarian development, daily survival rate, and length of the gonotrophic cycle in females of Anopheles ( Kerteszia ) cruzii Dyar & Knab, to determine how these factors influence the risk of malaria transmission in the coastal region of the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. In the Palmito State Forest, Paranaguá, females were captured at dawn and dusk by aspiration, bimonthly from December 2006 through March 2007. A total of 2,268 females were captured, of which 454 were dissected. Of these, 48% were parous, 50% not reproductive, 73% in Christopher and Mer stages I and II, 23% in stages III to V, 55% nulliparous, 14% uniparous, and 11% had blood in their midgut. Daily survival was 0.24 ± 0.03 overall, 0.51 ± 0.04 for females captured at dusk, and 0.25 ± 0.03 for those captured at dawn. The Davidson equation for calculation of the gonotrophic cycle was inadequate for An. cruzii populations. Females captured at dusk had a higher survival rate than those from dawn, which means that more females of the dusk population enter the parasite extrinsic cycle. The continuous activity and abundance of A. cruzii in the Palmito State Forest suggests that the conditions are very favorable for its development, with a potential for participation in the protozoan's transmission cycle.

Parity; daily survival rate; ovarian development; malaria


Physiological age and longevity of Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii Dyar Knab (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil

Ana C Dalla BonaI; Mário A Navarro-SilvaII

IIDepto de Zoologia, Lab de Entomologia Médica e Veterinária, Univ Federal do Paraná, CP 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba, PR, Brazil;


We analyzed the reproductive status, ovarian development, daily survival rate, and length of the gonotrophic cycle in females of Anopheles ( Kerteszia ) cruzii Dyar & Knab, to determine how these factors influence the risk of malaria transmission in the coastal region of the state of Paraná, southern Brazil. In the Palmito State Forest, Paranaguá, females were captured at dawn and dusk by aspiration, bimonthly from December 2006 through March 2007. A total of 2,268 females were captured, of which 454 were dissected. Of these, 48% were parous, 50% not reproductive, 73% in Christopher and Mer stages I and II, 23% in stages III to V, 55% nulliparous, 14% uniparous, and 11% had blood in their midgut. Daily survival was 0.24 ± 0.03 overall, 0.51 ± 0.04 for females captured at dusk, and 0.25 ± 0.03 for those captured at dawn. The Davidson equation for calculation of the gonotrophic cycle was inadequate for An. cruzii populations. Females captured at dusk had a higher survival rate than those from dawn, which means that more females of the dusk population enter the parasite extrinsic cycle. The continuous activity and abundance of A. cruzii in the Palmito State Forest suggests that the conditions are very favorable for its development, with a potential for participation in the protozoan's transmission cycle.

Key words: Parity, daily survival rate, ovarian development, malaria

Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii Dyar & Knab is a Neotropical anopheline, exophilic mosquito (Forattini et al 1996) found in forests along the Brazilian coast, and is a vector for malaria (Plasmodium vivax Grassi & Feletti) and simian plasmodia (Deane et al 1984, Carvalho-Pinto & Lourenço de Oliveira 2004). This species is responsible for transmission of "bromeliad malaria" in southern and southeastern Brazil (Aragão 1956), which in 1944 infected 45% of the coastal population in an outbreak in Paraná (Luz et al 1979).

Despite the success of the physical and chemical control methods adopted (Correa et al 1943, Luz et al 1979), Kerteszia has persisted in protected natural areas with many bromeliads and due to the impossibility of specific control of mosquitoes in these areas because of environmental conservation issues (Bertoli & Moitinho 2001, Ueno et al 2007). Monitoring of An. cruzii populations is indispensable for evaluation of the risk of transmission of P. vivax.

Vector capacity is the estimate of the ability of an infection to multiply due to a biological vector (Forattini 2002). "In practice, it is a complex interaction of several factors, including population density of vectors and hosts, frequency of feeding on a host, pathogen transfer competence, along with the probability of survival long enough to permit pathogen transmittance" (Beerntsen et al 2000).

The daily survival rates of females are of primary importance for understanding vector capacity, since female survival and the probability of infection are intimately related (Fernandez & Forattini 2003). Knowledge of the survival probability, combined with estimates of the reproductive state of females and the duration of the gonotrophic cycle, permit estimation of the vector capacity (Kakitani & Forattini 2000). Here, we measured the reproductive state, ovarian development, daily survival, and gonotrophic cycle of A. cruzii females to estimate the current potential of this mosquito species as a vector for malaria.

Material and Methods

Mosquitoes were studied in a Sustainable Use Conservation Unit, with ~530 ha of native vegetation (Palmito State Forest - FEP; 25º 35' S, 48º 32' W), in the municipality of Paranaguá, near the coast in the state of Paraná. Located approximately 90 km from Curitiba, the area borders highway PR-407 at km 4. The climate is subtropical with hot wet summers, but without a clearly defined dry season (Köeppen classification Cfa, IAPAR 2000). Annual rainfall averages 1950 mm, with most rainfall during January and February. Average relative humidity is ~85% (Boeger & Wisniewski 2003). The local vegetation includes pioneer formations with marine influence, mangroves, and some areas with human activity, including buildings (Carrano 2006). The original vegetation is dense lowland rainforest, with abundant and diverse epiphytes and lianas (Boeger & Wisniewski 2002). The mosquitoes were captured in the human-modified area surrounded by native vegetation.

Captures were made bimonthly from December 2006 to March 2007 (summer), at dawn and dusk. Captures began 1h before sunrise and sunset, and ended 1h after sunrise and sunset. At this latitude, the crepuscular period (dawn and dusk) lasts nearly 30 min (23-26 according to the Nautical Almanac), so we used 30 min as the standard to define dawn and dusk. Thus, captures lasted a total of 2.5 h each, dawn and dusk, divided into three parts: pre-dawn or dusk (1h), dawn or dusk (30 min), and post-dawn or dusk (1h).

We used aspiration to capture mosquitoes, following Forattini (2002). Two people captured mosquitoes at ground level, and wore special clothing, gloves, and head-nets to prevent mosquito bites so that the captured mosquitoes did not have a recent meal from their captors. Collecting jars were changed regularly as mosquitoes were captured. Subsequently, insects were placed in cages and separated according to the six capture periods described above. Mosquitoes were transported alive in cages to the laboratory, where they were maintained in controlled conditions (25ºC, 85% relative humidity) and fed with a 10% honey solution.

Fifteen females from each sampling period were randomly selected for dissection. The specimens were identified by direct observation of morphological characters under a stereo dissecting microscope, using keys for the Anophelinae (Consoli & Lourenço de Oliveira 1994, Forattini 2002). If an individual was difficult to identify, it was not dissected, and all dissections were of clearly identifiable females.

Females were dissected within 12h (those captured at dusk) and 24h (captured at dawn) after capture. If the number of females was less than 15 in any sample, all females in that sample were dissected.

Dissection followed the Polovodova technique, with separation of nulliparous from parous females based on the number of dilatations on the ovariolar pedicel. Evaluation of follicular stages followed Christophers & Mer, in which follicles are classified into five stages. Tracheal terminations, following Detinova, separate reproductive females (anautogenous females that had already fed on blood, or had completed the gonotrophic cycle) from non-reproductive females (females that had never fed on blood nor oviposited) (Charlwood et al 1980). From analysis of the midgut, females were separated into three categories: without blood, with red blood, orand with brown blood (Barata et al 2001).

The ovaries of each female were examined. One was dried for determining the state of the trachea, and the other was used for examination of the ovariole pedicle. Pedicular dilatations and ovariolar sacs were noted, when present, in all females, following precepts of the "old school" (Forattini 2002). All Anopheles specimens that were not dissected were mounted, labeled, identified, and placed in the Padre Jesus Santiago Moure Entomological Collection at the Zoology Department of the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).

Analysis. We followed Vecruysse (1985) to estimate the daily survival rate (p) for Anopheles cruzii. Females were separated into three age groups:

(1) NP1: Nulliparous females at their first meal (Christophers and Mer's stage I or II).

(2) NP2: Nulliparous females at their second meal (after Christophers and Mer's stage II).

(3) P: Parous females The proportion of each age group in the population:

(4) n1= Np1/(NP1+ NP2+ P): Proportion of females in age class NP1

(5) n2= Np2/(NP1+ NP2+ P): Proportion in age class NP2

(6) n3= P/(NP1+ NP2+ P): Proportion in age class P

(7) n1 + n2+ n3= 1

Estimates of survival rate derived from the proportions of each group in the total population:

(8) E (n1) = 1-p2/( 1 - p2+ p) ⇒ (1 - n1) p2+ n1 p - ( 1 - n1)

(9) E (n2) = p (1 - p2)/(1-p2 + p) ⇒ p3 - n2 p2 + p ( n2- 1) + n2

(10) E (n3) = p3/( 1 - p2 + p) ⇒ p3 + n3 p2 - n3 p - n3

The best estimate of p is that which minimizes the following sum of squares:

(11)3i=1Σ [ ni - E(ni)] 2 = p

To solve this equation, we used the program Maple V, release 4. An approximate standard error was given by (from Vercruysse 1985):

(12) S.E.p.i=1 = 3(Σ [ ni - E (ni) ] 2/Total caught)1/2

With these values, we estimated the duration of the gonotrophic cycle following Kakitani & Forattini (2000) as:

(13) log p = (1/g) log (parous females/total number of females) where

p: daily survival rate

g: duration (in days) of the gonotrophic cycle.

We compared dawn and dusk captures for mosquito density, parous and non-parous females, stages I-V, nulliparous, and uniparous females, using the Mann-Whitney U test (P < 0.05). Among the dissected females, we compared the number of parous, nulliparous, and uniparous, in stages I-V using the sign test. Analyses were carried out by means of Statistica 7.0 (StatSoft).


We collected 2,268 A. cruzii females, which were relatively equally distributed between dusk (53%, n = 1193) and dawn (47%, n = 1075, Mann-Whitney U test P > 0.10). Of these, 454 were dissected, 59% (n = 270) from those captured at dusk and 41% (n = 184) from those at dawn (Table 1).

Approximately 48% of the dissected females were parous, while the remaining were non-parous. The proportion of non-parous females was higher at dawn (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.018, U = 174.5000, Table 2). Follicles were in stages I and II in 73% (n = 330) of them, and 23% (n = 104) of females had had at least one blood meal. The proportion of stage I and II females was higher at dusk (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0,007, U = 159.0000), and the number of females in stages I and II was larger than that in stages III-V (Sign test P < 0.01, Table 3).

At dusk, only one female that had oviposited twice was captured. The number of uniparous females was higher at dusk (n = 45) than dawn (n = 17) (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.002, U = 146.0000). A larger number of females were nulliparous than uniparous (Sign test P < 0.01, Table 4). Ovariolar sacs were found in 26% (n = 16) of the females, while dilatations were found in 74% (n = 46). It was not possible to determine the ovariolar state of 62 females because their follicles had passed stage III, when accurate visual determination of the ovariolar state becomes difficult or impossible.

Most females captured at dusk had no signs of blood (89%, n = 402), while 4% (n = 16) contained red blood and 7% (n = 31) had brown blood in their midgut. Seven percent (n = 33) of A. cruzii females were nulliparous, with follicles past stage II and attempting to perform the hematophagic activity for the second time in the same gonotrophic cycle. The same occurred with 2% (n= 10) of the nulliparous females that contained red blood in the midgut and ovaries in stages III -V (Table 5). Daily survival rates (Vercruysse 1985) and the duration of the gonotrophic cycle (Davidson 1954) estimates for the total and for each time period (dawn, dusk) can be found in Table 6.


In Palmito State Park, as in other locations (Forattini et al 1986), the majority of A. cruzii activity, and therefore captures, was prior to dawn and following sunset. Here, about half of the population of females was nulliparous and had not consumed a blood meal. These females were actively pursuing a blood source during the evenings; light levels seem to be critical for initiating blood feeding (Forattini et al 1981).

Developed follicles (stage V) were found in few females, and these were captured while searching for an oviposition site. Follicles in most females were in stages I and II, and these individuals were in search of a blood meal (mostly at dusk) to initiate vitellogenesis. Since fewer stage I and II females were captured at dawn, we deduce that these females at this time are engorged.

Throughout this study, young females were much more common, especially at dusk. Only 14% of the captured females had passed the critical point for oviposition, and only one female captured had passed through two gonotrophic cycles. This may indicate a high mortality for parous females or a continuous emergence of adults, or both. In an earlier study in coastal Paraná (1976-1977), 80% of the captured A. cruzii at dusk were young and nulliparous (Luz et al 1979). At the same location in 2004-2005, 58% (n = 120) of the daytime population of this mosquito was nulliparous (Dalla Bona & Navarro 2006). Malaria transmission in this region is usually through young females. Thus, to be an important vector for disease transmission, the vector must be abundant (Luz et al 1979).

The number of dilatations in each ovariole has been used as an indicator of the number of gonotrophic cycles, in which uniparous females are defined by their dilatations and ovariolar sac (Forattini 2002), although controversies have arisen, as some investigators believe that the dilatations are products of abortive oogenesis and that only the follicular sacs indicate normal oogenesis (Fox & Brust 1994). Only 26% (n = 16) of the uniparous females had ovariolar sacs and normal oogenesis, according to Fox & Brust (1994), but this interpretation may underestimate their longevity (Telles de Deus & Kakitani 2006). Based on the number of dilatations in the ovarioles, we considered 100% (n = 62) females to be uniparous. Any sequence of abortive and normal oogenesis in the same ovariole was considered as a diagnostic ovariole (Fox & Brust 1994).

Anopheles cruzii is anautogenous, and its complete ovariolar maturation occurs following one or more blood meals. Autogeny may be adaptive in areas or periods when blood sources are lacking (Forattini 2002). Apparently there are no such periods in coastal Paraná, since 11% of the females were engorged. Autogeny may make age estimates more difficult and reduce the efficiency of the vector, because it delays the first potentially infective blood meal (Russell 1987a).

The frequency of nulliparous females that passed stage II of Christophers and Mer in our samples demonstrates that a female may take more than one blood meal within one gonotrophic cycle at any time. In dissected females, 2% had ovaries at either stage III, IV, or V, as well as red blood in their midgut. This also indicates gonotrophic discordance in A. cruzii females (Forattini et al 1993, 1996, Dalla Bona & Navarro-Silva 2006).

It is often suggested that the daily survival rate is constant (age-independent), while in a study using capture, marking and recapture (Harrington et al 2001), older females had higher survival than younger females. Here, we also found that parous females had higher survival rates than nulliparous females (E(n3) > En1, Table 6). To be considered as a potential vector, survival must be > 60% and usually above 80%. Since the extrinsic period of Plasmodium vivax is eight days (Russell 1987b), a population of 100,000 females in coastal Parana would include five females (dawn and dusk summed), 897 dusk females, and six dawn females that survived long enough to become infective.

Thus, the dusk population is more likely to become a vector problem in higher densities. In another study, on the Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis Lynch-Arribálzaga complex, 50% daily survival rates were shown to yield only 1% of the population that survived long enough to become infective (Kakitani & Forattini 2000).

Female daily survival rates, population density, human associations, the period of extrinsic incubation, and vector competence should all be analyzed together with environmental variables. Populations that have low vectorial competence but are abundant may still cause infection transmission (Miller et al 1989).

The gonotrophic cycle in females in nature requires on average 0.89 days in A. cruzii. During dusk, the cycle is nearly half of this, 0.48 days, whereas at dawn it is 1.38 days (Davidson 1954). In two populations of A. albitarsis, the gonotrophic cycle lasted 1.99 and 2.04 days (Kakitani & Forattini 2000). In A. cruzii, other studies have calculated gonotrophic cycles of 4.01 days (Chahad-Ehlers et al 2007) and 6-7 days (Kakitani 1992), both much longer than we found here.

The duration of the gonotrophic cycle of about a day, obtained by the equation of Davidson, differs from those reported in the literature. Anopheles cruzii shows gonotrophic discordance, and one day would be too short a time for the female to locate more than one host. The temperature, nonobligatory resting period between meals, distance to and ease of finding an oviposition site, and finally, finding a host, all influence the length of the gonotrophic cycle (Charlwood et al 1980).

The region of the Serra do Mar (Coastal Range) is considered a hypoendemic area of malaria, where the epidemiology of the atypical native cases has been debated. Evidence of the variant circulation of P. vivax and simian plasmodium has been found recently (Ueno et al 2007). The duration of the gonotrophic cycle obtained with the aid of the Davidson equation did not show a straight-line relationship with the biology of the species; this equation is possibly inadequate because of the species' gonotrophic discordance. Females of the dusk population had a higher survival rate than the dawn females, which means that more females of the dusk population cross the parasite extrinsic cycle, becoming infective. The continuous activity and abundance of the mosquito A. cruzii in the Palmito State Forest suggest that the conditions are very favorable for the development of this species, with potential participation in the protozoan's transmission cycle.

Received 20/VIII/07.

Accepted 20/XI/08.

Edited by Eunice A B Galati - FSP/USP


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 May 2010
  • Date of issue
    Apr 2010


  • Accepted
    20 Nov 2008
  • Received
    20 Aug 2007
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