Open-access Nasal mites (Gamasida: Rhinonyssidae) of Paroaria coronata (Miller) (Passeriformes: Emberezidae)


With the aim of identifying the species of nasal mites of Paroaria coronata (red-crested cardinal), the nasal cavity of 40 birds were examined. The nasal mites were identified as Ptilonyssus sairae de Castro and Sternostoma pirangae Pence, with 50% and 7.5% of prevalence, respectively. This is the first record of these mite species parasitizing P. coronata. This report also amplifies the area of occurrence of S. pirangae for Brazil and that of P. sairae for Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Red-crested cardinal; Brazil


Nasal mites (Gamasida: Rhinonyssidae) of Paroaria coronata (Miller) (Passeriformes: Emberezidae)

CS MascarenhasI; MAA CoimbraII; G MüllerI; JGW BrumI

ILab de Parasitologia Animais Silvestres, Depto de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, Instituto de Biologia, Univ Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brasil

IINúcleo de Reabilitação da Fauna Silvestre e Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres, Univ Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brasil

Correspondence Correspondence Carolina S Mascarenhas Lab Parasitologia de Animais Silvestres Depto de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, UFPel CP 354, 96010-900, Pelotas, RS, Brasil


With the aim of identifying the species of nasal mites of Paroaria coronata (red-crested cardinal), the nasal cavity of 40 birds were examined. The nasal mites were identified as Ptilonyssus sairae de Castro and Sternostoma pirangae Pence, with 50% and 7.5% of prevalence, respectively. This is the first record of these mite species parasitizing P. coronata. This report also amplifies the area of occurrence of S. pirangae for Brazil and that of P. sairae for Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Keywords: Red-crested cardinal, Brazil

Paroaria coronata, the red-crested cardinal, is characterized by having a red bib and forelock that contrasts with a grey back and lesser parts and white collar. Males and females have identical plumage, and juveniles have brownish-orange coloration instead of red (Efe et al 2001, Belton 2004).

The species is native to Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia, inhabiting open fields with sparse trees. It has been introduced to other parts of the world, such as Hawaii, where it has adapted to the environment conditions (Sick 1997). In the Brazilian territory it is distributed in southern and southeastern Rio Grande do Sul and in western Mato Grosso states (Pantanal) (Sick 1997). Even though they are not considered threatened by extinction (Bencke 2001, Fontana et al 2003, Cites 2003, Iucn 2007), the cardinal is the most trafficked bird in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Nascimento & Alves 2007).

Nasal mites inhabit the respiratory traits of birds, especially the membranes that cover the nasal cornets. However, they are also frequently found in the region anterior to the nostrils, larynx, trachea, lungs, aerial sacs and conjunctiva (Amaral & Rebouças 1974). Some species feed on blood (Rhinonyssidae) and others on tissues (Ereynetidae: Speleognathinae, Epidermoptidae: Turbinoptinae and Cytoditidae) (Pence 1975). Various species were recorded in Brazil and other countries, such as the best known Sternostoma tracheacolum Lawrence that can cause respiratory problems (respiratory noise, dyspnoea, and absence of singing), and eventually kill the canary Serinus canarius (Flechtmann 1985). This report aims to contribute to the knowledge about the biodiversity of nasal mites, a little studied group in Brazil.

A sample consisting of 40 specimens of P. coronata was examined; of these, 37 were dead birds made available to us by the "Núcleo de Reabilitação da Fauna Silvestre e Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (NURFS-CETAS/UFPel)"; the remaining three specimens had been hit by vehicles. NURFS-CETAS is the destination of animals apprehended by the "1º Batalhão Ambiental da Brigada Militar da 3º Companhia e Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA)" in illegal traffic of wild animals and clandestine breeders in the region of Pelotas and neighboring municipalities.

The nasal mites were collected using an adaptation of the technique of Fain (1957) as described by Amaral & Rebouças (1974), which consisted of opening the nasal cavities with an incision splitting the nostril to the external orifice of the ear of the corresponding side, allowing the upper head to be opened up. The interior of the nasal cavities were washed and its contents and mucosa examined under a stereomicroscope. The collected arthropods were fixed in 70% ethanol, cleared in lacto-phenol and mounted in Hoyer's medium. The encountered specimens were deposited in the arthropod collection of the "Laboratório de Parasitologia de Animais Silvestres, Departamento de Microbiologia e Parasitologia da UFPel", as voucher specimens numbers 390 - 416. The parameters of prevalence and mean intensity of parasitism were evaluated according to Bush et al (1997).

Nasal mites were found in 55% of birds, and the species found were identified as Ptilonyssus sairae de Castro (Rhinonyssidade) and Sternostoma pirangae Pence (Rhinonyssidade). The former was more prevalent (50%) than the latter (7.5%). The mean intensity of P. sairae was 12.2 mites/host, and of S. pirangae, 6.7 mites/host.

Ptilonyssus sairae was described from São Paulo, Brazil, collected on the passerine Tangara seledon (green-headed tanager) (Thraupidae) (De Castro 1948). Pence & Casto (1976) studied the morphology of P. sairae populations from North American passerines, concluding that the species presented considerable morphological variation and proposed the following synonyms: P. japuibensis de Castro, P. japuibenis cyanocompsae Fain & Aitken, P. agelaii Fain & Aitken, P. terestistis Černý, P. ludovicianus Černý, P. garridoi Cruz. In the same study, the authors reinforced the proposal of Pence (1973b), who considered P. constrictus Ford and P. constrictus longistosus Černý & Dusbábek as synonyms of P. sairae. This nasal mite is recorded for the first time on P. coronata. In addition, it is found for the first time in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Sternostoma pirangae has been recorded only from the United States, where it was described parasitizing Piranga rubra (L.) (summer tanager) (Thraupidae) (Pence 1973a), and in Guatemala, where it was found in the passerine Chlorospingus ophthalmicus (Du Bus de Gisignies) (common bush tanager) (Fringillidae) (Spicer 1984). Sternostoma pirangae is recorded for the first time in P. coronata, and also for the first time in Brazil.


Amaral VD, Rebouças MM (1974) Métodos para o estudo de ácaros rinonissídeos. São Paulo, Instituto Biológico de São Paulo, 31p.

Belton W (2004) Aves silvestres do Rio Grande do Sul. 4ª ed., Porto Alegre, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, 175p.

Bencke GA (2001) Lista de referência das aves do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, 104p.

Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, Shostak AW (1997) Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al revisited. J Parasitol 83: 575-583.

Cites: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (2003) Disponível em:<>. Acessed on 08.01.2008.

De Castro MP (1948) Reestruturação genérica da família Rhinonyssidae Vitzthum, 1935 (Acari – Mesostigmata – Gamasides) e descrição de algumas espécies novas. Arq Inst Biol 18: 253-284.

Efe MA, Mohr LV, Bugoni L (2001) Guia ilustrado das aves dos parques de Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre, Proaves, Smam, Copesul, and Cemave, 144p.

Fain A (1957) Les acarines des familles Epidermoptidae et Rhinonyssidae parasites des fosses nasales d'oiseaux au ruanda – Urundi et au Congo Belge. Annales du Musee Royal du Congo Belge, Tervuren, Sc. Zool. 60: 1-176 apud Amaral VD, Rebouças MM (1974) Métodos para o estudo de ácaros rinonissídeos. São Paulo, Instituto Biológico de São Paulo, 31p.

Flechtmann CHW (1985) Ácaros de importância médico veterinária. 3ª ed., São Paulo, Nobel, Brazil, 192p.

Fontana CS, Bencke GA, Reis RE (2003) Livro vermelho da fauna ameaçada de extinção do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Edipucrs, 632p. ;

Iucn: The World Conservation Union - The IUCN red list of threatened species (2007) Available in: <>. Accessed in: 08.01.2008.

Nascimento M, Alves E (2007) Aves no Rio Grande do Sul: a problemática do tráfico, educação e conscientização ambiental. Santa Maria, Pallotti, 56p.

Pence DB (1973a) The nasal mites of birds from Louisiana. VIII. Additional records and description of a new species (Acarina: Dermanyssidae, Ereynetidae, Epidermoptidae, and Cytoditidae). J Parasitol 59: 874-880.

Pence DB (1973b) The nasal mites of birds from Louisiana. IX. Synopsis. J Parasitol 59: 881-892.

Pence DB (1975) Keys, species and host list, and bibliography for nasal mites of North American birds (Acarina: Rhinonyssinae, Turbinoptinae, Speleognathinae, and Cytiditidae). Tex Tech Univ Mus Spec Publ n. 08, 148p.

Pence DB, Casto SD (1976) Studies on the variation and morphology of the Ptilonyssus "sairae" Complex (Acarina: Rhinonyssidae) from North American passeriform birds. J Med Entomol 13: 71-95.

Sick H (1997) Ornitologia brasileira. Rio de Janeiro, Nova Fronteira, 912p.

Spicer GS (1984) Nasal mites from of a Guatemalan cloud forest (Acarina: Rhinonyssidae). J Parasitol 70: 794-802.

Received 04 December 2009 and accepted 17 December 2010

Edited by Gilberto J de Moraes – ESALQ/USP


  • Amaral VD, Rebouças MM (1974) Métodos para o estudo de ácaros rinonissídeos. São Paulo, Instituto Biológico de São Paulo, 31p.
  • Belton W (2004) Aves silvestres do Rio Grande do Sul. 4Ş ed., Porto Alegre, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, 175p.
  • Bencke GA (2001) Lista de referência das aves do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, 104p.
  • Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, Shostak AW (1997) Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al revisited. J Parasitol 83: 575-583.
  • Cites: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (2003) Disponível em:<>. Acessed on 08.01.2008.
    » link
  • De Castro MP (1948) Reestruturação genérica da família Rhinonyssidae Vitzthum, 1935 (Acari Mesostigmata Gamasides) e descrição de algumas espécies novas. Arq Inst Biol 18: 253-284.
  • Efe MA, Mohr LV, Bugoni L (2001) Guia ilustrado das aves dos parques de Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre, Proaves, Smam, Copesul, and Cemave, 144p.
  • Fain A (1957) Les acarines des familles Epidermoptidae et Rhinonyssidae parasites des fosses nasales d'oiseaux au ruanda Urundi et au Congo Belge. Annales du Musee Royal du Congo Belge, Tervuren, Sc. Zool. 60: 1-176 apud Amaral VD,
  • Rebouças MM (1974) Métodos para o estudo de ácaros rinonissídeos. São Paulo, Instituto Biológico de São Paulo, 31p.
  • Flechtmann CHW (1985) Ácaros de importância médico veterinária. 3Ş ed., São Paulo, Nobel, Brazil, 192p.
  • Fontana CS, Bencke GA, Reis RE (2003) Livro vermelho da fauna ameaçada de extinção do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Edipucrs, 632p.
  • Iucn: The World Conservation Union - The IUCN red list of threatened species (2007) Available in: <>. Accessed in: 08.01.2008.
  • Nascimento M, Alves E (2007) Aves no Rio Grande do Sul: a problemática do tráfico, educação e conscientização ambiental. Santa Maria, Pallotti, 56p.
  • Pence DB (1973a) The nasal mites of birds from Louisiana. VIII. Additional records and description of a new species (Acarina: Dermanyssidae, Ereynetidae, Epidermoptidae, and Cytoditidae). J Parasitol 59: 874-880.
  • Pence DB (1973b) The nasal mites of birds from Louisiana. IX. Synopsis. J Parasitol 59: 881-892.
  • Pence DB (1975) Keys, species and host list, and bibliography for nasal mites of North American birds (Acarina: Rhinonyssinae, Turbinoptinae, Speleognathinae, and Cytiditidae). Tex Tech Univ Mus Spec Publ n. 08, 148p.
  • Pence DB, Casto SD (1976) Studies on the variation and morphology of the Ptilonyssus "sairae" Complex (Acarina: Rhinonyssidae) from North American passeriform birds. J Med Entomol 13: 71-95.
  • Sick H (1997) Ornitologia brasileira. Rio de Janeiro, Nova Fronteira, 912p.
  • Spicer GS (1984) Nasal mites from of a Guatemalan cloud forest (Acarina: Rhinonyssidae). J Parasitol 70: 794-802.
  • Correspondence
    Carolina S Mascarenhas
    Lab Parasitologia de Animais Silvestres
    Depto de Microbiologia e Parasitologia, UFPel
    CP 354, 96010-900, Pelotas, RS, Brasil
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      14 Sept 2011
    • Date of issue
      Aug 2011


    • Received
      04 Dec 2009
    • Accepted
      17 Dec 2010
    Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, R. Harry Prochet, 55, 86047-040 Londrina PR Brasil, Tel.: (55 43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil
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