Open-access Neriidae (Diptera: Schizophora) of the Brazilian Amazon: new records of genera and species, and key to species

Neriidae (Diptera: Schizophora) da Amazônia Brasileira: novos registros de gênero e espécie e chave para espécies


The present study brings together survey data from collection in several localities in the Brazilian Amazon and specimens from the Entomological Collection of Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG-Belém). The flies were collected over organic decomposing matter (bananas and bovine meat) baits. The genus Odontoloxozus Enderlein, with the species Odontoloxozus peruanus Hennig, is recorded from Brazil for the first time. The species Glyphidops (Glyphidops) flavipes (Widemann), G. (Oncopsia) flavifrons (Bigot), G.(O.) durus (Cresson) and G. (O.) dipsar (Hennig) are new occurrences for Brazil. The species G. (O.)carrerai Aczél and N. plurivittatus Bigot are new occurrences from Brazilian Amazon. A key to Brazilian Amazon species is provided.

Brazil; Glyphidops; Nerius; Odontoloxozus

O presente estudo fornece dados oriundos de coletas em várias localidades da Amazônia e de espécimes depositados na Coleção Entomológica do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG-Belém). Os Neriidae foram coletados com armadilhas contendo matéria orgânica em decomposição (banana e pulmão bovino). O gênero Odontoloxozus Enderlein, representado pela espécie Odontoloxozus peruanus Hennig é registrado pela primeira vez no Brasil. As espécies Glyphidops (Glyphidops) flavipes (Widemann), G. (Oncopsia) flavifrons (Bigot), G. (O.) durus (Cresson) e G. (O.) dipsar (Hennig) são novas ocorrências para o Brasil. As espécies G. (O.) carrerai Aczél e N. plurivittatus Bigot são novos registros para a Amazônia Brasileira. Uma chave dicotômica para as espécies é apresentada.

Brasil; Glyphidops; Nerius; Odontoloxozus


Neriidae (Diptera: Schizophora) of the Brazilian Amazon: new records of genera and species, and key to species

Neriidae (Diptera: Schizophora) da Amazônia Brasileira: novos registros de gênero e espécie e chave para espécies

Fernando S. Carvalho-Filho; Maria C. Esposito

Lab. Ecologia de Invertebrados, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Univ. Federal do Pará. Rua Augusto Corrêa, 01 Guamá, Belém, PA,,


The present study brings together survey data from collection in several localities in the Brazilian Amazon and specimens from the Entomological Collection of Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG-Belém). The flies were collected over organic decomposing matter (bananas and bovine meat) baits. The genus Odontoloxozus Enderlein, with the species Odontoloxozus peruanus Hennig, is recorded from Brazil for the first time. The species Glyphidops (Glyphidops) flavipes (Widemann), G. (Oncopsia) flavifrons (Bigot), G.(O.) durus (Cresson) and G. (O.) dipsar (Hennig) are new occurrences for Brazil. The species G. (O.)carrerai Aczél and N. plurivittatus Bigot are new occurrences from Brazilian Amazon. A key to Brazilian Amazon species is provided.

Key words: Brazil, Glyphidops, Nerius, Odontoloxozus


O presente estudo fornece dados oriundos de coletas em várias localidades da Amazônia e de espécimes depositados na Coleção Entomológica do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG-Belém). Os Neriidae foram coletados com armadilhas contendo matéria orgânica em decomposição (banana e pulmão bovino). O gênero Odontoloxozus Enderlein, representado pela espécie Odontoloxozus peruanus Hennig é registrado pela primeira vez no Brasil. As espécies Glyphidops (Glyphidops) flavipes (Widemann), G. (Oncopsia) flavifrons (Bigot), G. (O.) durus (Cresson) e G. (O.) dipsar (Hennig) são novas ocorrências para o Brasil. As espécies G. (O.) carrerai Aczél e N. plurivittatus Bigot são novos registros para a Amazônia Brasileira. Uma chave dicotômica para as espécies é apresentada.

Palavras-chave: Brasil, Glyphidops, Nerius, Odontoloxozus

Neriidae are medium to large-sized flies of characteristic appearance, with rather long and slender legs usually furnished with short, stout spines. They may be distinguished from most other acalyptratae flies by the arista being situated apically on the third antennal segment (Steyskal 1968).

The family is almost wholly circumtropical. Approximately 110 species are known; two-thirds of these are in New World, including two that that extend into southwestern United States. Two subfamilies are recognized, Telostylinae and Neriinae. Only the Neriinae are American; they are distinguished by expanded, biconvex dorsal margin of the face, which is formed into prominently exposed antennal sockets (Steyskal 1987). In the Neotropical Region approximately 38 species are known, placed in two subfamilies and 11 genera (Aczél 1961).

The American species were monographed by Aczél (1961) and cataloged by Steyskal (1968). Papavero & Pimentel (2002) cataloged the Amazonian species and recognized two species and two genera: Glyphidops (Glyphidops)filosus (Fabricius) and Nerius pilifer Fabricius. However, Rafael (1991) collected Glyphidops (Oncopsia) limbata Enderlein, in Maracá Island, Roraima.

Very little is known of their biology, but they probably feed on decaying vegetable matter (Olsen & Ryckman 1963). Larvae of Odontoloxozus longicornis (Coquillett) were reared from eggs deposited in necrotic tissue of various species of cacti and rotten stems of Carica papaya L. (Steyskal 1987)

The present work gives new and updated information on Neriidae species in the Brazilian Amazon, as well as their geographical distribution.

Material and Methods

In addition to data from the literature, 165 specimens from the Entomological Collection of Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG-Belém) were studied and another 88 specimens were collected from several localities in the Brazilian Amazon. Neriidae were collected in Tefé and Juruá River (Amazonas), in 1993; the Caxiuanã National Forest (Melgaço, Pará), in 1995, 1996, 1997, 2004 and 2005; Porto Urucu (Coari, Amazonas), in 2004 and 2005; Monte Dourado (Pará) in 2004 and 2005. Organic decomposing matter (bananas and bovine meat) was used as bait in traps like in by Carvalho et al. (1984).

Collected specimens were preserved in 80% alcohol in the field and then mounted on pins. Voucher specimens are deposited in the Entomological Collection of Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG-Brazil). Species were identified with keys from Aczél (1961).

Genus Odontoloxozus Enderlein

This genus comprises two species: O. longicornis (Coquillett), found in the USA, Mexico, and Costa Rica; and O. peruanus Hennig, recorded from Bolivia and Peru (Steyskal 1968) and now for the first time in Brazil.

Odontoloxozus peruanus Hennig

Geographical distribution: Brazil (new record) (Acre and Pará), Bolivia and Peru.

Specimens examined. Brazil. Acre: Porto Acre, Humaitá, 15/VI-20/VII/92, I.S. Gorayeb col. (one male). Pará: Tucuruí, Tocantins River, Arapari Lake, 28-30/VII/1984,without collector (one female); Saúde, Malaise Trap, 01- 03/VI/1984, without collector (one male). Serra Norte, Manganês, Malaise Trap, 12-15/XI/1985, F.F. Ramos col. (one female); 3-Alfa, Shannon Trap, 15-18/X/1986 J. Dias col. (one male and one female); Fofoca Lake, 19/11/1984, F.F. Ramos col. (one female); Caldeirão, 29/X1985, without collector, (one female).

Genus Glyphidops Enderlein

The genus includes two subgenera: Glyphidops Enderlein and Oncopsia Enderlein. Both subgenera have been recorded in Brazil (Steyskal 1968).

Glyphidops (Glyphidops)filosus (Fabricius)

Geographical distribution: Brazil (Bahia, Pará, Acre, Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo), Guatemala, Honduras, Suriname, Costa Rica, Panama, and Bolívia.

Discussion: This is the only species of the subgenus Glyphidops that has been captured in the Brazilian Amazon (Papavero & Pimentel 2002).

Glyphidops (Glyphidops)flavipes (Widemann)

Geographical distribution: Venezuela and Brazil (Pará)

Specimens examined: Brazil. Pará, Serra Norte, Pojuca Forest, 29/IV/1989 (one female) without collector.

Discussion: This species was previously known only from Venezuela (Steyskal 1968).

Glyphidops (Oncopsia) carrerai Aczél

Geographical distribution: Brazil (São Paulo and Pará)

Specimens examined: Brazil. Pará: Bragança, Tracauteua, 02-04/IX/1990, I.S. Gorayeb col (one male). Benevides, PA-408 Km06 road, 23/VI/1981, T. Pimentel col (one female). Melgaço, Caxiuanã, ECFPn, VII/1995, XII/1995, XII/1996, M.C. Esposito col (three females). Serra Norte, Fofoca, 29/X/1984 T. Pimentel col (one female); Serra Norte, Serraria, 20/X/1984, without collector (one female); Serra Norte, Est. Fofoca, 12/VI/1983, without collector (one female). Amazonas: Tefé, II/03 (three females and one male) M.C. Esposito col.

Discussion: This species was discovered by Aczél (1961) in São Paulo, and this material is a new record from the Brazilian Amazon.

Glyphidops (Oncopsia) limbatus Enderlein

Geographical distribution: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo (Steyskal 1968), Roraima (Rafael 1991), Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, and Pará).

Specimens examined: Brazil. Acre: Porto Acre, Humaitá, 15/VI-02/VII/1992, I.S. Gorayeb col (one female). Amazonas: Tefé, II/1993, M.C. Esposito col (one male). Amapá: Massapé, 01/XII/1981, I.S. Gorayeb col (one male and one female). Pará: Serra Norte, Caldeirão 7-10/II/1985, without collector (one female).

Glyphidops (Oncopsia)flavifrons (Bigot)

Geographical distribution: USA, Panama, Trinidad, Guyana, Colombia, Brazil (new record) (Pará and Acre).

Specimens examined: Brazil. Acre: Porto Acre, Humaitá, 15/VI-02/VII/1992, I.S. Gorayeb col (one female). Rio Branco, 25/X-08/XI/1991, F. Ramos, A. Henriques, I.S. Gorayeb & N. Bitencourt col (one female). Pará: Tucuruí, Tocantins River, Arapari River, 28/III/1984, F.F. Ramos col (one female). Monte Dourado, Jarí, Area 91, 01/05/2005, T.A. Gardner col (one female).

Glyphidops (Oncopsia) durus (Cresson)

Geographical distribution: Costa Rica, Panama, and Brazil (new record) (Amazonas and Pará).

Specimens examined: Brazil. Amazonas: Tefé, II/1993, M.C. Esposito col (one male). Pará: Monte Dourado, 01/05/05, T.A. Gardner col (one female).

Discussion: This species had never been recorded in Brazil (Aczél, 1961; Steyskal 1968). This record represents a new register for Brazil.

Glyphidops (Oncopsia) dispar (Hennig)

Geographical distribution: Panama (Aczél1961, Steyskal 1968) and Brazil (new record) (Amapá and Pará).

Specimens examined: Brazil. Amapá: Serra do Navio, 13-15/V/1989, N. Bittencourt col (one female). Pará: Serra Norte, Pojuca Forest, 18/IV/1983, M.F. Torres col (one female).

Genus Nerius Fabricius

Currently there are ten species in the genus Nerius, four recorded from Brazil (Aczél 1961, Steyskal 1968) and only Nerius pilifer in the Brazilian Amazon (Papavero & Pimentel 2002).

Nerius pilifer Fabricius

Geographical distribution: Mexico, Panama, Guyana, Suriname, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Brazil (Pará, Acre, Amazonas Tocantins, Rondônia, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Goiás, and São Paulo).

Nerius plurivittatus Bigot

Geographical distribution: Mexico, Panama, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil (Pará, Acre, and Amazonas).

Specimens examined: Brazil. Pará: Serra Norte, Caldeirão, Shanon Trap, 5-10/VII/1986, without collector (one male and one female); ibidem, 3-5/VII/1986, without collector (three males and one female); ibidem, 29/X/1984, without collector (three females); ibidem, 05/VII/1986, T. Pimentel col (one male). Serra Norte, Manganês, 22/III/1986, without collector (one female); ibidem, Mata do Pojuca, 18/IV/1983, M.F. Torres col (one male); ibidem, 3-Alfa, Shannon Trap, 15-18/X/1986, J. Dias col (one female). Serra Norte, Estação Fofoca, 12/VI/1983, without collector (one female). [Island of] Marajó, Breves, Curuacá River, B55L.14, 04/VII/1988, J. Dias col (one male); ibidem, 20/II/1988, without collector (one male). Carajás, Estação Fofoca, 22/IV/1993, B. Mascarenhas and team col (4 females). Vizeu, Inaicura, Shannon Trap, 26-27/V/1988, J. Dias col (one female). Caxiuanã-ECFPn, Curuazinho stream, Malaise Trap, 23/III/1998, O. Silveira and J. Pena col (one female); ibidem, M.C. Esposito col, VII/1995 (6 females), XII/1995 (two females), XII/1996 (one male) II/1997 (two females). Peixe Boi, 05/VII/1982, I.S. Gorayeb col (one male). Tucuruí, Tocantins River, 28/III/1984, F.F. Ramos col (one male and one female); ibidem, Chiqueirão, Malaise Trap, 13/IV/1984, without collector (one female); ibidem, south to Jacundá, 01/V/1984, W.L. Overal col (one female). Acre: Porto Acre, Humaitá, Malaise Trap, 15/VI/-02/VII/1992, I. Gorayeb, J. Pena and A. Henriques col (two males and two females). Rio Branco, 25/X-08/XI/1981, F. Ramos, A. Henriques, I. Gorayeb & N. Bittencourt col (one male). Amazonas: Maraão, Rio Japurá, Maguari, 27-31/X/1988, J. Dias col (one female); ibidem, 11/X/1988, J. Dias col (one male). Coari, Porto Urucu, 22/06/2005, J. Pena col (one male and one female).

Discussion: This species had never been recorded from the Brazilian Amazon, according to Papavero & Pimentel (2002). This material is a new record for the region.

Key to Species of Brazilian Amazon Neriidae

1. Pedicel short, as long as the postpedicel (Fig. 1)...................................2
1’. Pedicel elongated and conspicuously longer than postpedicel............................................................Odontoloxozus peruanus


The author thank Dr. William L. Overal for revising the English and critical reviews of earlier versions of the manuscript. I would like to thank Dr. Toby A. Gardner for collecting the flies. We owe a special debt to Therezinha de Jesus Pimentel Chaves and Dr. Roberta de Melo Valente for the valuable suggestions on the manuscript and to the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, mainly curator Dr. Orlando Tobias Silveira, for the loan of material.

Received 23/VII/07. Accepted 09/X/07.


  • Aczél, M. 1961. A revision of the American Neriidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Studia Entomol. 4: 257-346.
  • Carvalho, C.J.B., J.R. Almeida & C.B.Jesus. 1984. Dípteros sinantrópicos de Curitiba e arredores (Paraná, Brasil). I. Muscidae. Rev. Bras. Entomol. 28: 551-560.
  • Olsen, L.E. & R.E.Rickman. 1963. Studies on Odontoloxozus longicornis (Diptera: Neriidae). Part 1 Life history and descriptions of immature stages. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 56: 454-469.
  • Papavero, N. & T.J. Pimentel. 2002. Insecta-Diptera-Neriidae. Fauna Amaz. Bras. 21: 1-6.
  • Rafael, J.A. 1991. Insetos coletados durante o Projeto Maracá, Roraima, Brasil: Lista Complementar. Acta Amazôn. 21: 325-336.
  • Steyskal, G.C. 1968. Family Neriidae, 49: 1-7. In N. Papavero (ed.), A catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States, Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, São Paulo, 7p.
  • Steyskal, G.C.1987. Neriidae. p.769-771. In J.F. McAlpine, , B.V. Peterson, G.E. Shewell, H.J. Teskey, J.R. Vockeroth & D.M. Wood (eds.), Manual of Neartic Diptera Volume 1, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 1332p.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 Mar 2008
  • Date of issue
    Feb 2008


  • Received
    23 Aug 2007
  • Accepted
    09 Oct 2007
Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil, R. Harry Prochet, 55, 86047-040 Londrina PR Brasil, Tel.: (55 43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil
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