Open-access Professional internship in initial teacher training: from professional knowledge to the co-construction of situational intelligence


This article study professional practice (practicum) in initial teacher training as a process of acculturation based on the appropriation of knowledge adapted to the school context. The typology of professional knowledge of Shulman (1986, 1987) is mobilized to identify specifics categories to the teaching culture. We study the case of 3 practicing-supervising couples from 3 teacher training centers in Chile. The results reveal that the most significant knowledge for practitioners and supervisors is around the general pedagogy, the characteristics of students and the pedagogical content. With this, it is formed towards a culture where knowledge must adapt to situations by mobilizing what we have called a “situational intelligence” that unfolds in the past (what was done), the present (what is done) and the future (what is planned to do).

Keywords practicum; acculturation; teachers culture; teacher knowleadge; teacher training

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