Logomarca do periódico: Production

Open-access Production

Publicação de: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção
Área: Engenharias Versão impressa ISSN: 0103-6513
Versão on-line ISSN: 1980-5411


Production, Volume: 29, Publicado: 2019
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Production, Volume: 29, Publicado: 2019

Document list
Research Article
Knowledge sharing in collaborative new product development: a study of grey box supplier involvement configuration Kleber, Matheus Ayala, Néstor Fabián Le Dain, Marie-Anne Marcon, Érico Frank, Alejandro Germán

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To shed light on how knowledge is shared between companies during a collaborative new product development (NPD) process. Originality It is the first study of different knowledge sharing levels for each stage of the NPD process in an inter-organizational context. Research method A research framework was created based on the literature. Guided by this framework, an in-depth case study was performed in a multinational company analyzing the knowledge sharing with the company’s supplier during a collaborative NPD process. Main findings Different levels of knowledge sharing were found at each stage of the NPD process. Implications for theory and practice The results complement previous works demonstrating that this phenomenon should not be considered as a binary state. By clearly presenting how knowledge sharing occurs at each phase of the NPD process, managers can be prepared and correctly implement tools to support NPD teams from both buyer and supplier companies.
Research Article
Assessment of shop floor layouts in the context of process plans with alternatives Decker Junior, Claudio Ferreira, João Carlos Espíndola Henning, Elisa Pereira, Carla Roberta

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The paper seeks to compare the performance of three layouts in a make to order (MTO) production system with high product variability. Originality No previous work sought to compare job shop, cellular and virtual cell layouts in an MTO system with high product variability, with just 21 resources, a low amount. The analysis considered models with the same capacities and demand for the three layouts. Research method The complete factorial design and ANOVA were used with simulation. The main effects plots of the control factors for response variables were obtained (e.g. throughput, lead time, and resource utilization). Main findings The virtual cell layout had results similar to the job shop, but achieved better outcomes compared with the traditional cell. Implications for theory and practice The knowledge gap regarding virtual cells signals the importance of this topic, as well as the possibilities not yet investigated about it in manufacturing companies.
Research Article
The logistic experience of the Brazilian Navy in humanitarian operations: the cases of earthquakes in Haiti and Chile in 2010 Mendonça, Bianca Gomes Soares Gonçalves de Paula Filho, Abdon Baptista de Leiras, Adriana

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Based on the naval logistics doctrine, this paper describes and analyzes the Brazilian Navy's actions and the obstacles encountered in humanitarian operations conducted during the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, both in 2010. Originality The main contribution is to report the use of Brazilian military personnel in humanitarian operations, with its distinct characteristics, serving as a basis for future works on this theme. Research method The research is qualitative and descriptive with an exploratory objective, based on Brazilian Navy mission reports, the legal doctrines that govern military logistics, and interview with militaries. Main findings The analysis of the reported cases brings lessons that the Naval Force may incorporate into possible future humanitarian operations. Implications for theory and practice The findings can also serve as a reference for a benchmark discussion of military operations in disaster response.
Research Article
Collaboration in cluster-based firms as a source of competitive advantage: evidence from a footwear cluster Gohr, Cláudia Fabiana Oliveira, Iris Stéfani Viana de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To analyze the potential to generate relational rents in cluster-based firms located in the Northeast region of Brazil. Originality We developed a conceptual framework based on the primary sources of relational rents considering the characteristics of clusters. Research method An explorative case study. Data were collected mainly by semi-structured interviews. Main findings We developed propositions, demonstrating that geographic proximity has a strong influence in diverse sources of rents. Business trust and reputation have an impact on the development of relational rents. Absorptive capacity is a preservation mechanism since it allows firms to understand and absorb knowledge and information. Implications for theory and practice Significant contributions are the research propositions developed through empirical evidence that can be testable in large scale. Cluster-based firms could share different types of resources bringing competitive benefits. Decision makers should make sure that when sharing internal resources it provides an additional advantage.
Research Article
Suppliers' network analysis under the perspective of structural, relational and cognitive embeddedness: an exploratory study Capioto, Guilherme Rotta Barbosa, Danilo Hisano Kurumoto, Juliana Sayuri Cotrim, Syntia Lemos

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To analyze and characterize a supplier network under the analytical perspective of structural, relational and cognitive embeddedness. Originality Analysis of a network of suppliers in a soft drink industry using Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques. Research method The case study was used as a research strategy. The analysis of structural perspectives, relational and cognitive embeddedness and their respective variables were considered, as well as measures of centrality and density of the network of suppliers. Main findings The analysis allowed to establish the characteristics of the network of suppliers regarding structural, relational and cognitive embeddedness and their respective variables. However, it should be noted that the manuscript addresses a single case study, and it is not possible to generalize the results obtained. Implications for theory and practice The findings of this paper can be used as a basis to understand how to use the main metrics of social network analysis to investigate the structural, relational and cognitive characteristics of a company and your network.
Research Article
Assessment methodology for Lean Practices in healthcare organizations: case study in a Brazilian public hospital Tortorella, Guilherme Augusto, Byanca Pinheiro França, Sérgio Luiz Braga Sawhney, Rapinder

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This article aims at proposing a methodology for assessing lean practices in healthcare organizations that are undergoing a lean implementation. Originality The proposed methodology evaluates healthcare organizations and help managers identify the relationships intensities between their problems and lean practices. This application occurs in a case study in an Emergency Department from a Brazilian public hospital. Research method The proposed methodology provides a theoretical framework that addresses lean practices according to fundamental aspects of the organization, such as people, partnerships, results, processes and leadership, corroborating to a systemic view of lean implementation and facilitating its long-term sustainability. Main findings Our findings provide guidelines for the public hospital leadership, allowing a clear focus on the improvement efforts that can mitigate problems. Implications for theory and practice Due to contextual diversity, the understanding of the critical success factors for lean implementation under such conditions deserves attention. Hence, the proposed method allows practitioners and academics to better comprehend the lean implementation within healthcare organizations. Such enhanced comprehension allows to anticipate potential issues throughout the lean implementation, entailing more assertive efforts. Moreover, accounting for specific problems when designing the lean implementation avoids the utilization of a general and ineffective approach.
Research Article
Collaboration, competition and innovation: a consortium of tribology in the automotive sector Lopes, Ana Paula Ferrarese, André Carvalho, Marly Monteiro de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The collaboration among competitors represents a substantial challenge for most innovation processes of companies. This research aims to explore the factors influencing collaboration for innovation that involves competitors in the Fuzzy Front End phase. Originality This study provides an important advance in three aspects. First, it brings outstanding contributions to the process of generation of ideas and knowledge in a context that involves collaboration and competition simultaneously. In addition, the research examines how this has evolved over time, which were the main difficulties, which were the most significant barriers and necessary efforts to mitigate them. Another important contribution was learning generated on how to work ideas and opportunities in the Fuzzy Front End phase of innovation. Finally, it contributes to the identification of the main roles of Universities in this context. Research method The findings from a detailed case study on a Brazilian University-industry consortium in the automotive sector are presented. Main findings The results indicate a concentration of companies in three main groups with very different operations: the group related to the ring and cylinder lubrificantion system, the automakers and Universities. Implications for theory and practice The main practical and theoretical contributions of this research is exactly the pioneering nature with regard to automakers working collaboratively.
Research Article
Implementation of a Flexible Manufacturing System in a production cell of the automotive industry: decision and choice Sellitto, Miguel Afonso Mancio, Vagner Gerhardt

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The purpose is to decide on the technology for the implementation of an FMS in a manufacturing cell that produces the coil for starting engines in a company of the Brazilian automotive industry. Originality The mixed use of structured methods to support a semi-structured decision-making problem. Research method The qualitative-quantitative modeling, relying on four competitive priorities of the manufacturing, cost, quality, flexibility, and delivery. The method considered three technological alternatives A1, a ladder-type layout, conveyor and pneumatic devices, A2, an open field layout and automatic guided vehicles, and A3, a robot-centered layout and robotic arms. Main findings Two different methods arrived at the same conclusion. The best alternative is A3, which is also better than doing nothing. Implications for theory and practice The complete description of a real-world case, embracing the decision-making process and the final choice and the difficulties faced by a decision analyst in supporting practitioners in solving a complex problem.
Research Article
Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics contents through PBL in an Industrial Engineering and Management first year program Alves, Anabela Carvalho Moreira, Francisco Carvalho, Maria Alice Oliveira, Sérgio Malheiro, Maria Teresa Brito, Irene Leão, Celina Pinto Teixeira, Senhorinha

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper presents teachers and students perspectives of integration Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses contents into the first year of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) program through Project-Based Learning (PBL). Originality These perspectives provide strategies that IEM teachers could use to challenge students to apply STEM contents to design a product and its production system by developing a semester interdisciplinary project. Research method Grounded on project deliveries and an on-line questionnaire, the teachers and students’ work and perceptions were analysed in order to understand and to evaluate the effectiveness of such strategies. Main findings Results pointed out a general satisfaction of the teachers with the way teams integrate the STEM contents to design the production system and the product and students proud of their projects. Implications for theory and practice PBL is recognized as an active learning methodology that engages students in their own learning process and allows them to realize the relevance of all courses and the role of each to design a product/production system. Nevertheless, is fundamental a good knowledge of the PBL process to achieve this.
Research Article
Accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from traffic rearrangement: a network vulnerability perspective Goes, George Vasconcelos D’Agosto, Márcio de Almeida Machado, Pedro Henrique de Castro Albuquerque

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to accounting for greenhouse gas emissions from traffic rearrangement, using a network vulnerability framework. Originality We present a new procedure to verify the effectiveness of accident risk as an attribute to find the most vulnerable links of a road network, estimating the amount emitted in the process. Research method Vulnerability is measured by the variation in CO2 equivalent emitted and total distance traveled, after changes in accessibility patterns. Main findings To date, limited research exists on accounting for emissions from the perspective of vulnerability. Three scenarios of risk-level and traffic conditions were modeled. Results indicate that high levels of accidents exposure may increase emissions by 5.2% compared to a low-risk scenario, and 9.1% compared to an unabridged network scenario. Implications for theory and practice The proposed framework could support governmental policies and urban planning to verify the impact of accessibility patterns in GHG emissions.
Research Article
Assessment of Lean implementation in Hotels’ supply chains Tortorella, Guilherme Luz Rosa, Maria Victória Lins Lange Caiado, Rodrigo Nascimento, Daniel Sawhney, Rapinder

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This article aims at investigating the implementation level of Lean Supply Chain (LSC) practices in hotels’ supply chains. Originality The proposed method allows to characterize LSC implementation in such an unusual context, identifying improvement opportunities and checking for discrepancies in their implementation. Research method Six different supply chains of high-quality hotels were analyzed through semi-structured interviews. Interviewees played key roles in their purchasing departments and presented large experience in the hospitality sector. Main findings Results were consolidated and for each case attributes were assigned to measure the implementation level of ten practices. Implementation scores were compared to a perceived average importance degree in order to verify convergences and divergences between the desired and actual improvement initiatives. Implications for theory and practice The applicability of LSC practices in services still needs further exploration. In the hospitality sector, whose evidence is even scarcer, this study provides a more holistic approach enabling a deeper understanding of the necessary adaptation for a successful implementation.
Research Article
Multi-criteria analysis of professional education on supply chain management Tramarico, Claudemir Leif Karpak, Birsen Salomon, Valerio Antonio Pamplona Silveira, Camila Aparecida Maciel da Marins, Fernando Augusto Silva

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper presents an analysis of professional education programs on Supply Chain Management (SCM). The purpose of this study is to analyze six professional education programs offered by the leading SCM associations, including Advanced Certified Professional Forecaster, Certified Production and Inventory Management, Certified Professional in Supply Management, and Supply Chain Professional. The analysis of professional education programs shall consider relevant criteria. There are multiple relevant criteria; some are tangible, and some others are intangible. Originality In 2007 Prof. Lummus researched professional education influence to SCM practices. This work is an extension of Prof. Lummus research, updating it, including more professional education programs and analyzing with AHP. Research method This paper applied the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a method for multi-criteria analysis, considering individual benefits and organizational benefits as the two main criteria, and professional education programs as alternatives. Main findings The two major contributions of this paper are: first, it presents individual benefits and organizational benefits that must be met by professional education programs; second, it evaluates the programs from multiple perspectives. Implications for theory and practice The approach proposed evaluates both tangible and intangible benefits of the programs.
Research Article
Organizational factors influencing project success: an assessment in the automotive industry Santos, Izabela Andressa Machado dos Barriga, Gladys Dorotea Cacsire Jugend, Daniel Cauchick-Miguel, Paulo Augusto

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Although many researchers have identified important factors for project success, there is no consensus with regard to all the factors that influence project success. This work aims to assess organizational factors that influence project success in automotive firms. Originality Few studies have analyzed the integrated relationship between organizational factors and project success. Research method The study carries out a quantitative survey on a sample of 72 companies. Data were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis. Main findings The results show that the variable that most influences project success is ‘organizational culture’, followed by ‘change management’, and ‘top management support’. The results also indicate that a culture of flexibility and a climate that supports innovation tend to positively influence project performance. Implications for theory and practice The findings suggest that it is relevant to focus attention on human resource development, empowerment, and teamwork within the context of project management.
Research Article
Green Supply Chain Practices: a comprehensive and theoretically multidimensional framework for categorization Assumpção, Jairo José Campos, Lucila Maria de Souza Jabbour, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, Charbel José Chiappetta Vazquez-Brust, Diego Alfonso

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The main objective of this work is to integrate a typology of green supply chain management practices with organizational theories. Originality We provide a comprehensive typology of GSCM practices based on empirical evidence and conceptual arguments. Research method Through a systematic review we identified 435 GSCM’s practices that were organized into categories according to their theoretical conception, organizational context and characteristics. Main findings We identified three organizational context dimensions (innovation, performance and management) and proposed a conceptual model of theory-practice-context congruence, to guide the selection of theories for the design of research and analyses of GSCM practices. Implications for theory and practice Our main contribution is the alignment of each category of practices and organizational dimension with the selected theoretical lenses that can help future investigations to deepen the analysis of GSCM practices. Besides the theoretical contributions, we believe this contribution can also achieve practitioners.
Research Article
Service levels of highway toll plazas: the influence of factors on manual customer service Lima, Josiane Palma Inácio, Patrícia Pereira Arantes Leal, Fabiano

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To analyze service levels offered in a highway toll plaza and to test the influence of operational and human factors on manual customer service. Originality The methodology is an approach which involves systematic and efficient examination of multiple factors. This approach has been widely used in multiple areas; however, little research has been done on experiments in the area of transportation. Research method Design of Experiment (DOE) and Computation Modeling and Simulation. Main findings The association of the two methods allowed the development of a more robust empirical model of the customer service process. We have also verified that the human agent interacts and interferes in the manual payment process. Implications for theory and practice To contribute to the very important debate that surrounds service processes. The research showed that there are alternatives and improvements that can be applied and to serve as basis for transportation policies.
Research Article
R&D spillovers from international student flows: a brics analysis Dall’agnol, Matheus Ferraz, Diogo Costa, Naijela da Moralles, Herick Fernando Rebelatto, Daisy Aparecida do Nascimento

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims to analyze the international flow of students - both from developed and underdeveloped countries - and to observe their significance for the productivity gains of the country of origin of these students. Originality The main contributions to the literature are the understanding of how student flows affect countries' economic growth, as well as to verify the systematic differences between the contribution of international student flows to economic growth between developed and underdeveloped countries. Research method This empirical study performed using a data set of 87 countries, during 2001-2012 yields results that are in accordance with previous literature, supporting the hypothesis of international student flows as a significant channel of R&D spillovers from developed countries. The paper used econometric models already tested by previous studies. Main findings The results show that BRICS countries may benefit more than other countries from such internationalization initiatives. Implications for theory and practice The mobility of international students is currently an important political issue in the world. These formal or informal links between agents from diverse countries result in an exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge potentially generating new business opportunities for developing economies.
Research Article
Investigation of the Brazilian academic production in Ergonomics, from 1987 to 2017 Guimarães, Lia Buarque de Macedo Ribeiro, José Luis Duarte Bitencourt, Rosimeire Sedrez Iida, Itiro

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To shed light on the state of the art of the academic production in Ergonomics. Originality There is no study on the Brazilian academic production in Ergonomics for the last 30 years. Research method Based on the Capes database, the abstracts of 1471 theses/dissertations from 2007 to 2017 were classified by approach and focus. Main findings 58.9% of the studies are diagnoses and only 1.4% presents complete projects for work optimization, what might indicate a difficulty of implementing ergonomic interventions in Brazilian companies. 52% of the publications are from national meeting proceedings and only 5.4% from international journals. Implications for theory and practice The lack of clear objectives, main results and applications in the abstracts reduces the potential interest in the studies. This, and the low number of intellectual production (less than one publication/study) impact the dissemination of knowledge.
Systematic Review
Composition-based view of the firm as a promising approach to studying small businesses Tehseen, Shehnaz Mughal, Sadia Ahmed Durst, Susanne Shujahat, Muhammad Qureshi, Zuhaib Hassan Kokkalis, Panagiotis

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Extant Literature based on the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm suggests that it can be used to study organizations of all types and sizes. In essence, the RBV argues that firms that possess rare, non-imitable, valuable, unique, and non-substitutable resources will outperform firms that do not possess such resources. This study questions the applicability of this assumption to smaller businesses, which are likely to have common resources readily available in the market rather than rare, non-imitable, non-substitutable, unique, or valuable resources. The purpose of this study is to discuss whether the composition-based view (CBV) of the firm offers a more promising approach than the RBV to studying small businesses. Originality This study is one of the first to tentatively suggest a change in theoretical approach when studying small businesses. Research method A structured critical review approach is taken. Main findings The findings reveal that the CBV offers a more promising and appropriate theoretical framework than the RBV for research on small businesses, whereas the RBV is better suited to research on larger firms. Implications for theory and practice Future studies can use the RBV and the CBV to study large and small businesses, respectively.
Systematic Review
Falls from height: analysis of 114 cases Zlatar, Tomi Lago, Eliane Maria Gorga Soares, Willames de Albuquerque Baptista, João dos Santos Barkokébas Junior, Béda

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To study fall-accident cases in order to analyze the commonly missing or not adequately applied risk management measures (RMM) and its consequences depending on falling height. Originality First study to analyze failed RMM for preventing falls from height. Research method The study reviewed court cases published by the journal “Safety & Health Practitioner”. NIOSH recommendations were used to define RMM to apply to this study. Main findings Finally, in 98% of analyzed cases, the fall from height was a result of several non-adequate or missing RMM: in 81.6% procedures of work, 65.8% guardrails and edge protection, 60.5% risk assessment, and 60.5% platforms or scaffolds. It can be concluded that falls from height pose a significant risk for workers, which could be prevented by adequately apply RMM. Implications for theory and practice The focus in the prevention of falls should be given on most common RMM.
Systematic Review
Integrated management systems as a driver for sustainability: the review and analysis of the literature and the proposition of the conceptual framework Nadae, Jeniffer de Carvalho, Marly Monteiro de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to analyze the literature on standard management systems (ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, SA 8000, and ISO 26000), and to propose a conceptual framework relating these standards to sustainability (based on TBL) to help answer the following research question: How does the literature address IMS and sustainability based on TBL? Originality This research sheds light on controversies, discussed in the literature, concerning the effects of IMS with sustainability standards. Research method The methodological approach used is a systematic literature review based on bibliometric theory and social network analysis. A conceptual model is presented, linking the main constructs, variables, and their relations to better understand the role of IMS as a driver for sustainability. Main findings Briefly, results show that more research is needed on the social dimension of Triple Bottom Line, especially in the standards OHSAS 18001, ISO 26000, and SA 8000. Moreover, there is a gap considering empirical data on relating IMS impact on performance. Implications for theory and practice This paper contributes by proposing a conceptual model, defining the variables and presenting four relational propositions among the key variables. In a future research agenda, this study could be applied to survey-based research to answer the research propositions suggested.
Systematic Review
The landscape of open innovation in Brazil: An analysis of the recent literature Ferrari, Aline Gabriela Scaliza, Janaina Aparecida Alves Jugend, Daniel

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This article aims to identify and analyze the main studies, practices, and challenges for the adoption of open innovation (OI) presented in recent Brazilian literature. Originality Although many studies have already been carried out in Brazil in the area of OI, there is a lack of theoretical research which analyzes the Brazilian research in this field. Research method Firstly, we identified the articles on OI in important Brazilian journals. Secondly, we carried out a qualitative analysis of these publications. Main findings The focus of research in the area can be divided into three main areas: (i) university–company collaboration; (ii) public support for innovation; and, (iii) integration in new product development. Implications for theory and practice This study presents a synthesis of results of research on OI in the Brazilian scenario. Furthermore, we present practices and difficulties for the adoption of OI identified by the Brazilian studies.
Systematic Review
Coordination, cooperation and collaboration in logistics and supply chains: a bibliometric analysis Kotzab, Herbert Darkow, Inga-Lena Bäumler, Ilja Georgi, Christoph

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper identifies, evaluates and structures the research that focuses on supply chain coordination, cooperation and collaboration (CCC) within the domain of production economics and reveals its intellectual foundation. Originality The paper develops a distinct CCC-model, which enables a clear distinction between the elements of CCC based on five criteria. Afterwards, it presents the most influential papers and authors when it comes to CCC in supply chain production economics research. It also provides a visualised intellectual structure of five citation subfields and their interrelations. Research method Based on the reference list of more than 270 CCC-related papers, the authors perform a citation and co-citation analysis of the 47 most frequently cited papers in one selected academic journal. This analysis included multidimensional scaling, factor analysis as well as cluster analysis. Main findings The study reveals the intellectual base of CCC in a production economic-specific research domain, which reflects coordination only. The citation clusters represent different aspects of supply chain coordination mechanisms such as contractual agreements, information sharing and buyer-vendor integration. One subfield represents methodological aspects. Implications for theory and practice Neither cooperation nor collaboration related sources were identified in the most frequently used papers which certainly offers a research gap that needs to be closed in the future.
Thematic Section - Knowledge Management and Learning Organization: Academic Contributions
Knowledge sharing in the automotive sector: a comparative study of chinese and brazilian firms Muniz Jr., Jorge Hong, Jacky Oliveira, Stefano Wintersberger, Daniel Popadiuk, Silvio

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This research aims to evaluate factors that influence knowledge sharing in automotive production context in Brazil and China. Originality Despite the growing recognition of the factors that enable knowledge sharing in organizations, our understanding about the unique challenges encountered by the blue-collar workers in a production context is rather limited. Also, the paper raises issues and challenges involved for production organizations to engage in cross-national knowledge sharing, which remain relatively under-explored. Research method Drawing on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach, we conduct a comparative survey among the production managers in five automotive plants in China and Brazil. The AHP approach is based on Objective: Promote knowledge sharing among production workers; Criteria of knowledge conversion as Socialization, Externalization, Internalization; and Alternatives as Structure, Communication, Training, Incentive, Standard Operating Procedure, Problem Solving Methodology. The methodology focused on the 3 Brazilian and 2 Chinese automotive plants in our fieldwork. Main findings While many authors argue that socialization (dialogue) is the key form of worker knowledge sharing, our findings indicate that workers and managers perceive internalisation as more important in the automotive context. The significant differences between Chinese and Brazilian workers on the relative importance they attributed to knowledge sharing processes and corresponding enabling factors reinforce our understanding about the challenges of knowledge sharing across cultures and lends support to a more particularistic debate of knowledge management. While automotive workers in Brazil preferred to receive more training and better incentive schemes as essential knowledge sharing support mechanisms, Chinese workers valued more standardization through structure and standard operation procedures. The study reaffirms the role of knowledge sharing in continuous improvement and incremental innovation in shop floor operations. Implications for theory and practice In lieu of the gaps in the extant literature, this research aims to further identify and evaluate factors that influence cross-national knowledge sharing in automotive production contexts. The research addressed the gaps to promote supportive ways to provide employees interaction, best practices and lessons learning sharing.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
Impact of the inclusion of variable CO2 cost in the distribution network design Barros, Rodrigo de Castro Sampaio, Mauro Correa, Jobel Santos

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to evaluate the economic-financial impact that the inclusion of environmental variable CO2 cost attributed to transportation (fuel consumption) and manufacturing activities (electricity consumption) represents in a distribution network optimization design. Originality This is the first work carried out in Brazil to present a feasible eco-efficient distribution network in the technical and economic aspects considering the tax aspects of ICMS. In addition, this work addresses the inclusion of CO2 as a cost associated with transportation and manufacturing activities. Finally, for the first time in literature, a reference framework that considers environmental variables is presented. Research method This study used the systematic literature review method to review the referential framework and carried out a cost reduction using specialist optimization software. Main findings The technical and economical feasibility in achieving reduction of both total logistic and CO2 costs in a distribution network design in Brazil and the inexistence of trade-offs without technical solution to the eco-efficient configuration of the distribution network. Implications for theory and practice The results of this paper presents a relevant contribution to logistics professionals and researchers, as it was able to present a framework and demonstrated the feasibility of an eco-efficient network design.
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics
The electric boat charging problem Villa, Daniel Montoya, Alejandro Ciro, Juan M.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper studies a new optimization problem called the Electric Boat Charging Problem (EBCP), which is based on the application of electric mobility in a river transport operation problem. Originality This work pioneers the studies of the electric mobility on the river operations, by proposing the EBCP. This problem includes real features of the electric mobility such as nonlinear charging functions, battery degradation costs, and speed variation. Research method For solving the EBCP, we propose a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation. For testing our MILP formulation, we use a set of instances based on a future transport operation. We also analyze the impact of some problem parameters on the objective function, and decision variables. Main findings Our MILP formulation is capable to optimally solve different type of instances in competitive CPU times. The battery capacity and a time limit constraint have and important impact on the objective function and the decision-making variables. Implications for theory and practice We model the EBCP as a MILP formulation. This model allows to optimally solve industrial scale instances. Moreover, using a sensitivity analysis, we unveil that both the battery capacity and the time limit constraint of the EB route are critical parameters.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Procurement 4.0: How the digital disruption supports cost-reduction in Procurement Klünder, Timo Dörseln, Jan Niklas Steven, Marion

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims “Without purchasing, Industry 4.0 will not take place”. Procurement ensures supplies at the lowest level of costs. Those costs account for more than 50% of the gross production value. This paper analyses, explains and proves that digitization reduces cost even further. Originality This empirical examination as well as the explanatory approach are key supplements to previous survey-based studies on the effect of digitization on procurement costs. Research method The digitized procurement process and the application of technologies were analysed in detail by establishing a Procurement 4.0-Framework in order to prove evidence of digitally induced cost-cutting effects. The hypothesis that the use of Industry 4.0-Technologies leads to cost reductions is empirically tested with data by the federal statistical office. The Pearson correlation coefficient measures the strength of correlation between the degree of technology usage and costs of material and commodities. The correlations are empirically tested using a t-test. Main findings The correlations’ strength between digitization and the development of procurement costs enables to confirm the hypothesis and allows an in-depth analysis of technology-specific effects based on a Procurement 4.0-Framework. Implications for theory and practice This paper effectively supports the implementation of technologies for the reduction of costs.
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering
Lean Mentorship: Fitting external support to entrepreneur needs over the startup development Aguiar, Rafael Barbosa de Silva, Diego Souza Caten, Carla Schwengber ten Silva Filho, Luiz Carlos Pinto

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The present paper aims at exploring aspects of the mentoring process within the practice of technology entrepreneurship, also postulating a new concept, the lean mentorship. Originality Although literature examines the effects and nature of mentoring in a variety of contexts, this study pioneers by addressing the mentorship process from the lean startup perspective. Research method The study was structured as an exploratory research, drawing on extant literature and a focus group comprised of scholars and practitioners with key roles within an entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem. The group’s discussion was analyzed along with extant literature. Main findings The paper further debates and provides insightful perceptions of the key characteristics of the mentorship process, such as the roles of mentors and mentees, the differences and similarities with coaching, and aspects mentorship providers should consider before exposing entrepreneurs. Implications for theory and practice The main practical and theoretical contributions of this research are exactly the pioneering nature with regard to the lean startup perspective concerning mentoring. Additionally, conclusions suggests that mentoring providers should engage in experimentations to identify the moment in which entrepreneurs will best benefit from the provision, also mitigating waste of resources, such as time and expenses.
Thematic Section - Operations Management & Social Good
System dynamics for social good Gonçalves, Paulo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper portrays three examples of system dynamics modes applied to social good. Originality System dynamics has a strong tradition of applied research addressing complex social issues ranging from world and urban dynamics to the spread of infectious diseases. System dynamics can provide insight and inform long-term policy in complex social systems. This paper describes system dynamics applications in three important social challenges facing humanity. Research method In this article, we present three applications of system dynamics research addressing important social challenges, such as HIV/AIDS policy, the eradication of infectious diseases, and capacity building at humanitarian organizations. Main findings The examples illustrate how system dynamics can effectively capture key elements of complex dynamic systems allowing managers to understand the behavior of such environments over time. Implications for theory and practice This paper contributes to Jay Forrester's bold vision of aiming system dynamics to model important social challenges faced by humanity.
Thematic Section - Operations Management & Social Good
Maximizing the efficiency of residents operating room scheduling: a case study at a teaching hospital Assad, Daniel Bouzon Nagem Spiegel, Thais

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To find efficient operation room scheduling for residents considering several resources constraints and ensuring a minimum number of surgeries for approval in the training program. Originality We find no research in current literature addressing operation room resource allocation for residents training in order to meet legislation approval criteria. Research method The number of procedures to be performed by each resident was defined by Brazilian legislation and by the rules obtained from interviews with the chief professor of a vascular hospital. To solve the allocation of doctors to surgeries planning problem, also addressed in literature as Master Surgical Schedule (MSS), we propose a mathematical programming approach. Main findings The mathematical model showed that some of the current rules of resource availability bring about infeasible planning when trying to achieve the legislation quantitative rules for the residents training. Implications for theory and practice The model allowed the decision maker to plan and schedule vascular surgeries in a better and faster way, through an automated system, instead of allocating residents to surgeries manually, which takes many hours per month. Furthermore, changing the input data in the proposed model can allow other hospitals or specialists to get efficient results in less time.
Thematic Section - Operations Management & Social Good
Assessing the current state of supply chain volatility: development of a benchmarking instrument Nitsche, Benjamin Straube, Frank Verhoeven, Peter

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The study proposes a benchmarking instrument that enables managers to critically assess the volatility management performance of a product’s supply chain to identify areas on which to focus when managing supply chain volatility (SCV). Originality To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the paper is the first to develop an instrument to assess the current state of SCV management of a product’s supply chain. Research method The benchmarking instrument is based on volatility performance data from 87 manufacturing firms. Additionally, a confirmatory case study in the automotive industry is performed to demonstrate the applicability of the instrument. Main findings An industry benchmark is conducted that provides valuable information for practitioners about the current state of volatility management performance in the manufacturing sector. This is of high importance since performance data generated by the focal firm itself are more valuable if they can be put into context with the performance data of competitors. Implications for theory and practice Since SCV can originate from multiple sources, a case-based evaluation of of SCV of a product’s supply chain is necessary. By applying the instrument, managers will be enables to initiate purposeful strategies that focus on the most pressing sources of SCV.
Thematic Section - Operations Management & Social Good
Hierarchical Facility Location Model for allocating cancer treatment units in interior of Rio de Janeiro Vieira, Isabella Fischer Guindani Barros, Matheus Ferreira de Cormack, Allan

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This work aims at proposing a mathematical model for allocation of oncological treatment units of SUS. Originality A model of the same architecture was not found in the literature for the delimited problem. Research method The mathematical models of location in the literature were reviewed and based the choice by the two-level hierarchical pq-median model with additional constraints of maximum distance and vertices eligibility, which was implemented in the CPLEX optimization software. Main findings Satisfactory results with homogeneous networks, centralized facilities in their service area and shorter distance traveled by users indicate the efficiency of the model in determining the optimum location given the number of facilities to be allocated. Implications for theory and practice The model proved to be an efficient tool to assist health managers in their decision-making about the network of facilities, not just oncological, but of any nature and many others public sectors.
Thematic Section - Operations Management & Social Good
Medical centers location and specialists’ allocation: a healthcare planning case study Almeida, João Flávio de Freitas Pinto, Luiz Ricardo Conceição, Samuel Vieira Campos, Francisco Carlos Cardoso de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To set the locations of new medical centers to meet the population’s secondary care needs, the additional number of specialists, equipment, and an installation sequence at municipalities. Originality We developed descriptive cost functions models and adopted aggregate data from official sources to set parameters of an integrated MILP model. Research method A case study at the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Main findings For every scenario, the recommended locations set centers dispersed over the state area, in cities with the minimum required infrastructure. We also propose a scenario of secondary care network re-design and demonstrate the reduced cost of such a strategy. Implications for theory and practice To automate the decision process, we developed a web-based system, providing flexibility and scientific-based results. Finally, we propose a sequence for installing 43 new medical centers and improving the capacity of 27 existing infrastructure based on equality principles.
ERRATUM: Assessment of shop floor layouts in the context of process plans with alternatives
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