Open-access Singular therapeutic project in mental health: an integrative review

Proyecto terapéutico singular en salud mental: una revisión integrativa


Objectives:  to analyze the Singular Therapeutic Projects’ characteristics in mental health care used to assist the subject with psychological distress.

Methods:  it is an Integrative Literature Review study conducted in July 2017. The following databases used to collect the data were LILACS, MEDLINE and BDENF. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 articles were selected.

Results:  there was divergence between what was recommended by the Ministry of Health for PTS elaboration with that described in the studies analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the low participation and co-responsibility between team/user in PTS elaboration, excessive referrals to specialized mental health services, fragmentation of knowledge within the multidisciplinary team, and difficulty sharing and discussing information about cases.

Final considerations:  it is pointed out the need to adapt PTS elaboration, and its respective steps, to the needs of each individual.

Descriptors: Mental Health; Primary Health Care; Mental Health Services; Patient Care Planning; Integrality in Health

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