Open-access Mortality inequalities measured by socioeconomic indicators in Brazil: a scoping review


OBJECTIVE  Summarize the literature on the relationship between composite socioeconomic indicators and mortality in different geographical areas of Brazil.

METHODS  This scoping review included articles published between January 1, 2000, and August 31, 2020, retrieved by means of a bibliographic search carried out in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, and Lilacs databases. Studies reporting on the association between composite socioeconomic indicators and all-cause, or specific cause of death in any age group in different geographical areas were selected. The review summarized the measures constructed, their associations with the outcomes, and potential study limitations.

RESULTS  Of the 77 full texts that met the inclusion criteria, the study reviewed 24. The area level of composite socioeconomic indicators analyzed comprised municipalities (n = 6), districts (n = 5), census tracts (n = 4), state (n = 2), country (n = 2), and other areas (n = 5). Six studies used composite socioeconomic indicators such as the Human Development Index, Gross Domestic Product, and the Gini Index; the remaining 18 papers created their own socioeconomic measures based on sociodemographic and health indicators. Socioeconomic status was inversely associated with higher rates of all-cause mortality, external cause mortality, suicide, homicide, fetal and infant mortality, respiratory and circulatory diseases, stroke, infectious and parasitic diseases, malnutrition, gastroenteritis, and oropharyngeal cancer. Higher mortality rates due to colorectal cancer, leukemia, a general group of neoplasms, traffic accident, and suicide, in turn, were observed in less deprived areas and/or those with more significant socioeconomic development. Underreporting of death and differences in mortality coverage in Brazilian areas were cited as the main limitation.

CONCLUSIONS  Studies analyzed mortality inequalities in different geographical areas by means of composite socioeconomic indicators, showing that the association directions vary according to the mortality outcome. But studies on all-cause mortality and at the census tract level remain scarce. The results may guide the development of new composite socioeconomic indicators for use in mortality inequality analysis.

Mortality, trends; Geographic Locations, epidemiology; Socioeconomic Factors; Health Status Disparities; Review


Observed within different sociodemographic groups1, the inverse relationship between low socioeconomic status and mortality is a well-established fact in the literature and has mostly been analyzed by single-variable socioeconomic indicators such as income, education, wealth, race/ethnicity, marital status, social class, and occupation4,5. Composite socioeconomic indicators such as the Human Development Index, deprivation scores, and social-vulnerability indexes6 have also been used to study mortality inequalities in populations. These more complex measures broaden the knowledge on socioeconomic disparities, especially in analyses that consider different geographical levels, such as municipalities, or other small areas.

In Brazil, several studies provide evidence of higher mortality rates in more impoverished areas9. Many are the composite socioeconomic measures available at the municipal level, such as the Social Vulnerability Index (Índice de Vulnerabilidade Social – IVS)12, and the Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI)13 – still, mortality rates can be highly heterogeneous14, making more disaggregated analyses desirable. Smaller spatial units like districts or census tracts (which include districts), however, often lack socioeconomic information15, resulting in few studies on mortality inequality at this level of analysis.

Using indicators to analyze mortality inequalities at different geographical levels has been most beneficial for researchers and health policy makers to identify the risks of death in population groups and to define public policies and interventions16,17. Mapping the construction of composite socioeconomic indicators, and their association with mortality outcomes at different geographical levels in Brazil, is of paramount importance to guide the development of new composite indicators and their use in studies analyzing mortality inequalities. As such, this study summarizes the literature on the relationship between composite socioeconomic indicators and mortality in different geographical areas of Brazil.

Specific Research Questions

To do so, we formulated the following research questions:

Research question 1: Which composite socioeconomic indicators are most used to understand mortality inequalities across different Brazilian geographical areas?

Research question 2: What are the characteristics of these composite measures of area-level socioeconomic indicators, and are there any limitations to understanding geographical mortality inequalities in Brazil?


This scoping review follows the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) guidelines and is reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR)18. Its protocol was submitted and published on the Open Science Framework (OSF) (

We used the population, concept, and context framework to define our research question19. Population was defined as individuals who had died in Brazil, considering all-cause, or specific causes of death in any age range; concept was understood as the aggregate measures of socioeconomic position; and the context was the geographical level in Brazil (i.e., state, municipality, census tract level, districts, and others)18.

Eligibility Criteria

This scoping review included papers that: i) were published in peer-reviewed journals between January 1, 2000 and August 31, 2020; ii) had cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, and ecological study designs; iii) analyzed the relationship (i.e., association or descriptive relationship) between socioeconomic status and all-cause, cause-specific, or prevalence mortality rates; iv) outcomes for the general population could be provided by administrative or primary data, without age group or geographical area level restriction. Articles that exclusively accounted for single measures of the socioeconomic condition, reviews, trials, intervention studies, editorials, comments, and case reports were excluded.


Primary outcomes consisted of all-cause mortality, while secondary outcomes comprised cause-specific mortality – both defined according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Data were processed from baseline to follow-up. If a study reported multiple follow-ups, only the most recent data was included.

Information Sources and Search Strategy

We performed a bibliographic search on August 31, 2020, in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, and Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature (Lilacs) databases. The authors, aided by an experienced librarian, drafted the search strategy bellow, used for PubMed/Medline:

(Poverty [MESH] OR deprivation [MESH] OR “socioeconomic position” [TIAB]) AND (Mortality [MESH] OR death* OR lethality OR fatality) AND Brazil.

An adapted version of this search strategy was drafted and used for the Web of Science, Scopus, and Lilacs databases. Final search results were exported into EndNote, and two blinded authors removed any duplicates. All references were managed in EndNote X7. We did not search for gray literature.

Selection of Evidence Sources and Data Charting

Three pairs of reviewers independently evaluated the titles, abstracts, and full texts of the selected articles. Prior to standardized data extraction, the reviewers were trained on key study descriptors to harmonize the extraction: i) article identification (language, authors, year, and journal of publication); ii) composite socioeconomic measure (name, data source, variables used, level of analysis, and geographical coverage); iii) mortality outcomes (cause of death, age group, data sources, and type of measure); iv) statistical analysis; and v) main findings. Disagreements between reviewers were resolved by means of discussion, and in collaboration with a third reviewer as necessary. We did not estimate the agreement rate for the reviews. Finally, two pairs of reviewers verified all the previously extracted information. Information was summarized in tables and boxes.

Summary of Results

Data analysis was carried out following the narrative summary approach20. Results were tabulated considering the publication year, geographical coverage, and mortality outcomes of the study. The summary included: the different socioeconomic indicators available, the all-cause and specific cause of death, and the main findings and limitations –as well as critical points the authors failed to address – of the selected studies. Information was summarized according to the population coverage of the socioeconomic measure, area level, composition and scale of the socioeconomic inequality measures incorporated, data and information sources used, and analytic methods used to describe the relationship between socioeconomic inequalities and mortality outcomes.


We retrieved a total of 806 papers – of which we removed 208 duplicates and excluded other 521 following title screening, leaving a total of 77 full-text articles for assessment. Figure describes the exclusion process during the full-text review. Most studies were excluded for not including a composite socioeconomic measure (n = 33), or not being peer-reviewed articles (n = 12). After screening, 24 articles remained for the scoping review.

Flow diagram for the scoping review process.

Evenly distributed across two study periods, most studies covered the municipal level (n = 16) (Table). The articles reviewed measure socioeconomic indicators at the country (n = 2), state (n = 2), municipal (n = 6), district (n = 5), and census tract (n = 4) level, as well as other geographic areas (n = 5). Mortality outcomes mainly comprised cause-specific rates (n = 19), and age-specific mortality outcomes (n = 11) (Table).

Characterization of the studies included in the scoping review.

Box 1 presents the selected articles organized according to composite socioeconomic measures and mortality outcomes. Some studies assessed mortality outcomes at the small area level (census tract)21, making it difficult to generalize their results for the whole of Brazil, since the combined composite socioeconomic measure was only constructed for a given geographical area (Box 1).

Box 1
Summary of the selected studies according to socioeconomic inequities and mortality and main findings.

Most articles (n = 16) elaborated composite socioeconomic indicators using Brazilian Demographic Census data: two, ten, and four articles, respectively, were written using data from the 199125,26, 200021, and 201024,34 censuses. Other data sources included the Municipal Planning Secretariat, the State System of Statistical Data Analysis Foundation (Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados Estatísticos – SEADE), the Mortality Information Improvement Program of São Paulo (Programa de Aprimoramento das Informações de Mortalidade – PRO-AIM), the Institute for Economic Research Foundation (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas – Fipe), the Brazilian Agency for Heritage Studies, and the Metropolitan Company of São Paulo (Companhia Metropolitana de São Paulo – Metrô).

Four studies used global indicators as measures, such as the Human Development Index (HDI), which considers variables related to income, education, and longevity23,37; and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), i.e., the sum of all final goods and services produced in a given period of time28. One study40 used the Gini Index, a single global index that evaluates income inequality, in conjunction with other variables to compose socioeconomic inequality measures (Box 1).

The papers reviewed used a wide variety of variables to create composite socioeconomic measures, most commonly per capita or household income (n = 17)22, schooling (n = 17)21, household status (n = 12)22,24,25,28,29,32,34, and employment (n = 5)21,23,27,35,44 (Box 1). Social classes42, inequality44, proportion of extreme poverty41, and quality of life21 were less frequently used (Box 2). We also described the grouping of variables in their respective dimensions for construction of the combined measures in each article, as well as the source and year of the data used to measure socioeconomic inequalities (Box 1).

Box 2
Summary of limitations reported by the selected studies.

Most articles (n = 17) used the Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informação em Mortalidade – SIM), from the Unified Health System IT Department (Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde – Datasus) as the source of mortality data23,25,27. Other studies used mortality systems from the Municipal Health Department21,22,26,32,33,42,43, and records from the Forensic Medicine Institute (Instituto Médico Legal – IML)45. Only one study did not specify the source of mortality data used30. The source of population count data used as the denominator for the mortality rates was either the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE) censuses or the Live Birth Information System (Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos – SINASC) (Box 1).

Mortality rates were mostly presented in non-standardized form24,30,32,37,45, and commonly calculated for a specific age group, such as infant mortality34 and mortality of older adults29 (Box 1). One study evaluated life expectancy33. To tackle the different frequency distributions in diverse populations, some authors chose age-standardized rates25,27,40,43,46, or stratification of rates by different age groups and other population characteristics, such as sex and race/ethnicity21,23,30,38,39,44. The studies either estimated the rates for each year or measured the average mortality rate between periods. They also used proportional mortality linked to causes or age groups25,42. Cause-specific mortality rates comprised external causes22,25,38,41, infectious and parasitic diseases22,25,38,41, and chronic and degenerative diseases23 (Box 1). Age-specific mortality rates consisted mainly of children34. Only two studies estimated all-cause mortality rates29,33 (Box 1).

Most studies (n = 14) presented descriptive statistics and/or spatial distribution analysis, correlating mortality outcomes with the classification of socioeconomic inequalities by area. Areas with the worst socioeconomic characteristics had higher mortality indicators for the following causes: all-cause mortality43,45, external causes43, suicide37,39, homicide21,26,37,43,45, fetal mortality36, infant mortality34, respiratory system diseases29, circulatory system diseases43, stroke44, infectious and parasitic diseases22,25,29, diarrhea29, malnutrition29, gastroenteritis29, and oropharyngeal cancer23.

Higher mortality rates due to colorectal cancer40, leukemia27, a general group of neoplasms29, traffic accidents32,45, and suicide32, in turn, were observed in less deprived areas and/or those with more significant socioeconomic development. Medeiros et al.28 (2012) showed that the variables in the socioeconomic development measure only partially explained the differences in mortality rates due to cardiovascular diseases in a group of socioeconomically similar municipalities, being more strongly associated with other determinants.

Studies found higher mortality risks for tuberculosis (RR = 2.9)41, pneumonia (RR = 3.9)29, cardiovascular diseases (RR = 3.3)30, cerebrovascular diseases (RR = 3.9)30, stroke (OR = 2.0)45, homicide (RR = 5.1)26, traffic accidents (RR = 2.9)29, and infectious and parasitic diseases among children (RR = 1.48)22 in more deprived areas compared with less deprived areas. But no statistically significant association was found between mortality rates and indicator measures, such as the Composite Social Deprivation Indicator (Indicador Composto de Carência Social – ICS)29, the socioeconomic composition of districts43 and the Composite Deprivation Index43 (Box 2). Moreover, a study evaluating life expectancy at birth showed that this variable was 6.9 and 5.5 years less, respectively, for men and women living in impoverished areas, compared with those living in less deprived areas33.

Limitations Discussed by the Studies

Studies based on the ecological approach22 reported some disadvantages regarding the assessment of mortality inequalities using composite socioeconomic measures (Box 2). As these studies were not designed to find an association between socioeconomic factors and mortality at the individual level32,47,48, and the potential explanation pointed to a decrease in heterogeneous spatial contexts, particularly in large areas and populations22,26,32,33,43, their results may not necessarily reflect the situation of individuals belonging to each socioeconomic strata (Box 2). Other limitations concerned the use of secondary data, even if from official governmental sources, which could mask underreporting of death, and the difference in SIM coverage between the different areas studied28,35. As for analytical and measurement strategies, the studies discussed limitations in the availability of mortality data in censuses36,37,41, the difficulty of using rate smoothing methods in smaller areas44 and more robust methods to assess the association between mortality and the composite socioeconomic measures used23,39 (Box 2).

Study Limitations Noted by this Review

Some of the studies reviewed did not discuss possible study limitations, as described above21,25,30,34,42,44. Other important limitations also went unaddressed, such as the presence of a garbage code – i.e., causes of deaths that should not be considered underlying causes of deaths49 –, and ill-defined causes of death (IDCD), which could influence the results when correction and distribution, respectively, are not performed49. We must also point out the lack of discussion regarding the uncertainty of mortality data in some Brazilian regions (north and northeast) and at small area levels, such as the census tract. The quality of the mortality information system also varies across these regions and could be a source of bias and therefore should be discussed. Since the composite socioeconomic measures used in mortality iniquity studies also vary, these should be addressed as the differences in definitions and concepts (i.e., deprivation, vulnerability, socioeconomic status, and poverty) could influence the interpretation of their findings.


To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide a comprehensive overview of the available literature on composite socioeconomic measures and mortality in different geographical areas of Brazil, and to identify the methodological challenges in analyzing these associations. Our main findings reveal that while some of the composite socioeconomic measures used in mortality studies covered the entire country, they were limited by the area of analysis – the municipality. Only four studies used the census tract as the small area level to assess mortality data, but their results were restricted to specific municipalities21. Cause-specific mortality outcomes (i.e., external causes, chronic and degenerative diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases) were the most frequent.

Most studies used descriptive and spatial analysis to estimate the relationship between socioeconomic measures and mortality outcomes, with a few articles employing regression analysis to estimate this association. None of the studies reviewed used a gradient analysis to estimate the aforementioned relationship. Some articles presented a gradient analysis according to socioeconomic status, where the lowest socioeconomic status had the highest mortality rates and the greatest increase in some mortality outcomes, or specific causes of death, as observed in other countries6,8. But we also found studies citing lower mortality rates in the lower socioeconomic strata, particularly for cancers21,27,37,38.

Currently in Brazil, we have a variety of socioeconomic indices that are construed based on different socioeconomic and geographical variables, and with different concepts. Thus, none of the development or vulnerability indicators, or similar concepts are available nationally for the entire country at different geographic levels15. Besides, current measures address concepts other than socioeconomic conditions. Although deprivation, poverty, and vulnerability broadly refer to a person’s impoverished state compared to society as a whole, they are theoretically distinct. Vulnerability refers to the risk of experiencing a decline in well-being, or in the quality of living conditions. Similarly, material deprivation can be defined as lack of income, and other resources50. Poverty, in turn, is measured by alternative concepts based on subsistence, basic needs, and relative deprivation51.

Socioeconomic measures are popular and widely used in studies focused on assessing health outcomes and economic and social development results1. In Brazil, however, we have a lack of studies using standardized measures covering the entire country, as well as those related to all-cause mortality – since most of the studies reviewed here used cause-specific mortality. Since the distribution of all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates is a key metric for assessing population health, a better understanding of the impact of lower socioeconomic conditions on different levels and mortality trends can help policymakers plan and develop priorities for allocating health resources52.

In Brazil, the register of deaths is compulsory and such records are reported in national information systems, such as the Ministry of Health’s Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Civil Registry Statistics System (RC). Moreover, the last IBGE Demographic Census, carried out in 2010, gathered information on deaths for the entire population of Brazil included in it53. Deaths in Brazil require certification by a physician, and are defined according to ICD codes54.

Despite great advances in recent decades in the quality of mortality information systems in Brazil, we still have significant underreporting of deaths, especially in less-developed regions of the north and northeast, added to the differences by sex, age, and area of residence55,56. In small areas, the issue of significant data uncertainty regarding the number of deaths makes mortality estimates even more innacurate14. Consequently, studies that use mortality indicators without correcting for underreporting may not effectively measure mortality rates in the region and instead report false and misleading associations. Similarly, the last decade saw a reduction in the percentage of garbage codes in the mortality information system, which demonstrates its improved quality57. Also, after inclusion of the IDCD reclassification results in the country’s official statistics published in 2010, the percentage of IDCD decreased from 8.6% to 7.0% among reported deaths. Such percentage, however, is still relatively high, presenting significant disparities between states and regions. This variation also occurs intra-regionally, with IDCD percentages close to 30.0% in some states’ macro-regions54. In 2015, for example, studies observed an estimated 97.2% of deaths recorded in the mortality system31. Despite improvements in the quality and integrity of the SIM database over time, we still find heterogeneity in the frequency and completeness of reports57,58. Moreover, underestimation and mis-coding of deaths is more problematic in older adults and young children groups31,59.

All-cause and cause-specific mortality analyses should therefore be carried out using methods that consider correction for deaths by the remaining IDCD. Since the magnitude of these causes can be affected, this can introduce biases in comparisons between locations with different IDCD percentages, and between different socioeconomic groups. Due to issues with information quality, analyses of trends and leading causes of mortality in many low- and middle-income countries, such as Brazil, are usually restricted to areas with a higher socioeconomic status or larger cities; while places with the poorest quality of information on deaths have the heaviest disease burden. Such an issue requires further exploration in new studies to better understand the relationship between inequalities and mortality rates across the country54.

Death distribution reflects the countries’ socioeconomic development contexts60,61. Historical data from developed countries show that as their socioeconomic and health conditions improved, mortality rates tended to consistently decrease60,61 – trend that has yet to become homogeneous for middle- and low-income countries, which possess substantial regional differences60,61. People of low socioeconomic status, defined by their per capita and/or household income, schooling, employment status, type of household, and internal and associated conditions, etc., are more likely to die younger than those of high socioeconomic status62.

Low socioeconomic status is consistently associated with an increased risk of premature and all-cause mortality. The reviewed studies show that the worst all-cause and cause-specific mortality outcomes were associated with the worst socioeconomic measures. The mechanisms by which this social status can negatively affect health are diverse and include difficulty purchasing food, inadequate housing/neighborhoods, and barriers to accessing health and social services. Other social determinants may also explain these findings, such as: alcohol and tobacco consumption; different cultural standards related to healthy and unhealthy behavior; stress and low self-esteem associated with low socioeconomic status, which can lead to harmful physiological changes; less social capital in impoverished communities; and environmental factors (i.e., high crime/violence rates, lack of public transportation, polluted roads, fast food outlets, and waste disposal sites4,63,64). Regarding difficulties in accessing health services, studies report issues with prenatal care and early childhood care services, control of infectious diseases, and lack of access to dental services. They also point to the existence of social selection, a form of reverse causality in which disease causes, or deepens, social inequalities65.

Despite consistent reference to low socioeconomic status as a predictor for mortality, the aggregate scale of socioeconomic inequity on mortality in small areas in Brazil is still unclear. Existing socioeconomic measures only estimate social and economic inequalities down to the municipal level for the entire country12,13. And those few measures available for disaggregated levels (i.e., census sector) are usually restricted to a single municipality or state. When evaluating a municipality, a better general socioeconomic condition may thus mask smaller pockets of extreme poverty. At the census tract level, the socioeconomic deprivation measure can identify areas with higher and lower mortality risks within the same municipality. Ultimately, identifying small areas with the worst mortality outcomes can guide the reallocation of resources and implementation of public policies.

Strengths and Limitations

To our knowledge, the present study is the first to review the literature on the relationship between composite socioeconomic indicators and mortality outcomes at different geographic levels in Brazil, and to identify the methodological challenges in analyzing these associations. Since we used a standard data extraction form for each paper included in the scoping review, our data should be as robust and standardized as possible. As the evidence reviewed may have been limited by the variety of terms/concepts related to composite socioeconomic measures such as deprivation, vulnerability, poverty, and socioeconomic status, our study also has limitations. Nevertheless, we consider that our search strategy, and the databases searched, included the main scientific literature on this topic. Our scoping review did not require a full risk of bias as it was not designed to produce an estimate of the effect of inequality on mortality. Instead, we summarized the limitations discussed by each study, highlighting any possible limitation that could influence the findings and was not reported.


This scoping review showed that studies have found higher rates, or higher percentages of increased mortality rates, in areas considered to be more impoverished, vulnerable, or have less socioeconomic development – despite remaining methodological omissions in measuring mortality disparities at lower geographic levels. Area-based deprivation indicators can facilitate linking information for socioeconomic and health conditions in the same area. The possibility of using a concise deprivation measure available for the lowest geographic level (census tract) across the country is essential for assessing health outcomes and for implementing public policies to reduce mortality inequalities in Brazil. Area-based deprivation indicators can also contribute to monitoring progress against the Sustainable Development Goal targets for different health outcomes.


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  • Funding: National Institute for Health Research (NIHR-GHRG/16/137/99). Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates Brasil (OPP1142172). Wellcome Trust (202912/Z/16/Z). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes - doctoral scholarship for AJFF, CSST, ASR). Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq - Processs 307467/2018-0 - research scholarship for MRG).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    10 Oct 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 Aug 2021
  • Accepted
    10 Nov 2021
Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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