Logomarca do periódico: Production

Open-access Production

Publicação de: Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção
Área: Engenharias Versão impressa ISSN: 0103-6513
Versão on-line ISSN: 1980-5411


Production, Volume: 34, Publicado: 2024
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Production, Volume: 34, Publicado: 2024

Document list
Research Article
Industry 4.0 technologies and Lean Office: perspectives to Smart Office Santos, Alex Almeida dos Goecks, Lucas Schmidt Pereira, Luísa Müller Couto, Bruna Strapazzon do Korzenowski, André Luis

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Due to the scarcity of research that approaches the Lean Office in conjunction with Industry 4.0 Technologies, this article aims to discuss, understand and analyze the associations between these two concepts, as well as identify gaps to be explored. Originality This research contributes with guidelines for applying Industry 4.0 Technologies in administrative areas and possibilities of an association with the Lean for the development of the Smart Office. Research method Based on a systematic review of the literature, with a basic purpose, a descriptive objective, and qualitative data, a framework for developing the Smart Office is presented. Main findings An association model between Lean Office tools and Industry 4.0 Technologies is provided. It even classifies and addresses the impact and trends in administrative environments so that managers can develop the Smart Office. Implications for theory and practice Industry 4.0 technologies have been widely discussed in companies that seek to improve processes, mainly industries; however, there are still few applications in administrative environments. The applicability and association of new technologies for Smart Office can explore future studies and contribute to the growth of these areas in addition to the creation of new articles relating to technologies in this environments.
Research Article
Application of a framework for product-service systems characterization Beuren, Fernanda Hänsch Cauchick-Miguel, Paulo Augusto Kohlbeck, Eloiza Sousa-Zomer, Thayla Tavares

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims Apply a framework for characterizing a product-service system (PSS) from a life cycle and sustainability perspective. Originality Although the literature on the topic has evolved, there is still limited practical guidance on how to characterize a PSS. The paper contributes by applying a framework in PSS types. Research method A proposed conceptual framework was applied to characterize a PSS. This framework was assessed by experts, from which responses were statistically analyzed. Then, it was applied in three PSS types (bike sharing, water purifier rental, and car sharing). Main findings The initial result is the consolidation of the framework through statistical analysis. Then, its application in the three PSS types was able to spot the stages of the life cycle that each PSS focuses on most. Specifically for the water purifier, the most focused steps were ‘development’ and ‘implementation’, demonstrating efficient strategic planning and a commitment to meeting customer needs. Implications for theory and practice This study contributes to calls for more research and guidance into the PSS application. From a practical perspective, it may support product and systems designers by shedding light on the conceptual elements of PSS offerings.
Research Article
Performance of a concurrent parallel production system through new operating curves of Six Sigma metrics Fontalvo Herrera, Tomás José Banquez Maturana, Ana Gabriela Mendoza Villero, Katherin

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This research establishes a method to evaluate a concurrent production system in parallel, through new operating curves of six sigma metrics. Originality Se proposes a novel method that provides criteria to monitor the performance of a production system in changing production conditions. Research method This research was approached from a logical positivist epistemological model, through a heuristic analysis and with a rational propositional approach to establish the characterization of the model, the evaluation metrics and propose the new operation curves. Main findings The results obtained show that as the sigma level increases in the global system (4.17), the level of defects per million opportunities decreases considerably and the performance increases at levels close to the main objective of Six Sigma, all this with a decrease of defects from 20.657 to 1.317, generating a high quality of 99.99% and achieving a good performance according to the established quality criteria. Implications for theory and practice This research provides a new tool where they articulate concepts of six sigma and operating curves to monitor a productive system, which allows in a practical way to determine the real capabilities in terms of quality performance of a system.
Research Article
Analysis of consumers purchase intention in commerce and services in the neighborhood and the Impact of Covid-19 Aragão, Claudia Gomes de Ferreira, Flavio Mangili Silva, Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Belé, Tiago Gomes de Aragão

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims To analyze the consumers intention to buy in commerce and services in the neighborhood, using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a theoretical basis, analyzing the Attitude, the Subjective Norm, the Perceived Behavioral Control, and expanding the TPB through the influence on the Attitude of the Moral Attitude, Empathic Concern and the Impact of Covid-19. Originality There are no studies on consumer buying behavior in commerce and neighborhood services in emerging countries, nor with this combination in the conceptual structure - TBP, Empathic Concern, Moral Attitude and the Impact of Covid-19. Research method Data were collected from respondents, and analysis was performed using Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Main findings The results indicate that the consumer's attitude towards buying in the neighborhood's commerce and services was positively and significantly influenced by the Moral Attitude and Impact of Covid-19 but not by Empathic Concern. Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control positively and significantly influence the intention to buy in neighborhood commerce and services. Implications for theory and practice As a theoretical implication, the conceptual model extends the TBP, adding the dimensions of Empathic Concern, Moral Attitude, and the Impact of Covid-19 on Attitude. In practice, the study can help store managers, retailers, and marketing professionals in the sector incorporate specific actions to reach potential consumers and improve their results.
Research Article
Developing dynamic supply chain resilience capabilities: a study of Irish firms' response to the COVID-19 pandemic Ali, Abubakar Labib, Ashraf Afonso, Paulo Mahfouz, Amr

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study is grounded in the supply chain resilience (SCRES) capabilities literature and the dynamic capabilities theory (DCT), which is used to develop a framework of dynamic SCRES capabilities for global supply chain disruptions. Originality This study explores firms' adapting, responding, and learning capabilities in the initial outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic 2019 (COVID-19) in the Irish context. Research method The research methodology was based on semi-structured interviews with supply chain leaders of international operations, extending between Ireland and the UK. Data analysis utilises a hybrid thematic analysis approach that integrates inductive codes with deductive priori-driven constructs. Main findings Five significant impacts of COVID-19 on supply chain operations are revealed: capacity and resource constraints, supply issues, demand spikes, supply chain skills shortages, and human resource factors. Furthermore, firms' high-order SCRES capabilities during a pandemic are related to their adaptation, response, and learning capabilities. Operational capabilities and resilience practices support these high-order capabilities. However, the empirical evidence indicates that resilience practices overlap across SCRES capabilities. Implications for theory and practice The connection between SCRES and dynamic capabilities is emphasized by demonstrating that operational capabilities and resilience practices are integral building blocks of high-order SCRES capabilities. We distinguish between dynamic and operational capabilities and present an integrative framework to elaborate the theory of dynamic SCRES capabilities. Moreover, valuable insights into developing dynamic SCRES capabilities are highlighted by adapting to changes, seizing opportunities, coordinating tasks, and engaging in learning routines in response to a pandemic disruption. Firms that harness SCRES elements and practices to enhance their adaptability, response, and learning capabilities share similarities with the dynamic capabilities processes of adapting & seizing, coordinating, and learning.
Research Article
Analytic hierarchy process applied in the prioritization of third-party logistics providers in banking services Testoni, Paulo Siqueira Tramarico, Claudemir Leif Rodríguez, Elias Carlos Aguirre Marins, Fernando Augusto Silva

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper describes research that aimed to develop a procedure for prioritizing the performance management of Third-party logistics (3PL) who work in a banking services company. Originality This article’s main contribution is the development of a procedure for evaluation and prioritization of the main 3PL performance indicators based on the SCOR model’s metrics. Research method This paper applied Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a method for multi-criteria analysis, using the metrics of Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR). Main findings The approach proposed evaluates performance indicators of 3PL and prioritizes the development of new performance indicators using the metrics agility, responsiveness, and reliability of SCOR. Implications for theory and practice This research contributes to the literature by demonstrating the applicability of multicriteria approach to find the prioritization of 3PL in a banking services company.
Research Article
A new tool for evaluating supply risk management Leite, Maria Silene Alexandre Arantes, Fernanda Paes Bornia, Antonio Cezar Silva, Liane Márcia Freitas e Santos, Kathyana Vanessa Diniz Rique Júnior, José Flavio

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This research proposes a tool for assessing supply risk, taking into account supply chain performance criteria. Originality The results show that risk management can contribute to better supply chain performance when supplier selection procedures consider the risks involved and how they are related to supply chain performance criteria. Research method A systematic literature review (SLR) was carried out on supplier selection, performance evaluation and risk management in the supply chain. The statistical tool IRT (Item Response Theory) was used to establish the level of difficulty in eliminating the types of risks identified and associated with the supply chain performance criteria, based on the probability of each situation occurring. Main findings With this scale, it is possible to identify which types of risk and performance criteria are most difficult for suppliers to meet and then define a plan for mitigating the risks that are harder to eliminate. Implications for theory and practice Based on the tool developed, organizations have greater understanding of how risks affect the performance of their supply chain and with that knowledge they can act to minimize the effects of the risks that are most difficult to eliminate.
Research Article
Exploring Key Factors for Implementing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) within the Framework of Industry 4.0 for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Manufacturing Sector Gomes, Caroline Busanello, Eduarda Padilha, Bruno Lerman, Laura Visintainer Tabim, Verônica Maurer

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The present study addresses this challenge by delving into the influential factors guiding small and medium-sized manufacturing companies towards MES adoption in the context of Industry 4.0. Originality Given the longstanding existence of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for two decades before the development of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept, the already complex understanding of MES in the market, particularly among manufacturing companies, has become even more intricate. This complexity is exacerbated when considering MES as a pivotal element for vertical integration within the realm of I4.0. Research method Through in-depth qualitative interviews, six professionals deeply engaged with MES systems, including three from a system development company and three SME experts utilizing the product, were consulted. Main findings The results shed light on how manufacturing SMEs are embracing MES. Drawing upon the technological, organizational, and environmental dimensions, as well as the innovation diffusion process, an integrative model was crafted. This model serves as a lens to scrutinize the intricate process of MES adoption. Implications for theory and practice the article advances the diffusion of innovation theory and the technological-organizational-environment framework, because it brings a consolidated vision of both for the implementation of systems in Industry 4.0.
Research Article
Lean Healthcare systematically applied to improve mobility accessibility in the medical clinic of a medium-sized hospital Drei, Samuel Martins Ignácio, Paulo Sérgio de Arruda

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The purpose of this paper is to applied systematically Lean Healthcare to improve mobility accessibility in the medical clinic ward of a medium-sized hospital. Originality The study focuses on the wheelchair’s availability, as well as their provisions in the hospital, since this approach was not identified in the literature. In addition, this study is part of a branch of a project, based on the non-identification of applications in the medical clinic ward of hospitals, in order to formalize a systematic application of Lean Healthcare in the wing worked. Research method The study's methodology was divided into two phases, Survey and Lean Proposal, following a systematic approach established in prior papers, with a focus on addressing various hospital waste scenarios that affect patient mobility. The Survey phase aimed to identify the root cause of waste related to wheelchair use within the hospital, while the Lean Proposal phase sought to mitigate this waste using Lean tools, ultimately improving patient mobility in the medical clinic by reducing non-added value. Main findings The implementation of systematically Lean Healthcare led to a 72.2% reduction in the total activity time, dropping from 20 to 7 minutes, primarily by cutting non-value-added time from 18 to 5 minutes. This change increased the value-added time by 19%. Additionally, the unnecessary movement to retrieve wheelchairs decreased by 83%, with occurrences reducing by 100%. Furthermore, Lean Healthcare improved mobility and demonstrates how this effective approach not only enhanced the quality of medical services but also created a more favorable work environment and inspired a culture of continuous improvement within the hospital. Implications for theory and practice For the theory, this research highlights a hospital wing previously unexamined within the context of Lean Healthcare, thereby reinforcing a culture of systematic application and continuous improvement within the hospital. Furthermore, it delves into the hospital's accessibility, specifically focusing on mobility accessibility, addressing a gap in the literature. In practice, the research has significant implications, as it effectively reduces non-added value elements within an actual process in a medium-sized hospital, ultimately enhancing the quality of clinical healthcare delivery in the Brazilian public healthcare system.
Research Article
Development of a diagnostic tool to measure the implementation level of Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) in textile companies Dal Forno, Ana Julia Silva, Raquel da Hornburg, Sigfrid Kipper, Liane Marangoni, Cintia

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims to propose the development of a Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) diagnostic tool to assess the degree of implementation in the textile sector. Originality the delivery of a set of issues, with levels of maturity and visual management, allows for benchmarking and the identification of strengths and weaknesses, not only internally but also externally. Also, the comparison with other companies and the diagnosis of the integration of the internal sectors of a company around a shared vision of demand and delivery of goods to reduce the gaps between industrial and commercial areas. The tool developed compiles a set of questions to implement S&OP, such as integration between areas, the use of software, leftover raw materials, and finished products, the degree of assertiveness of consumer demand, and other criteria. Thus, it is possible to compare each company and make improvements. Research method the diagnostic tool was developed from proposals for other sectors, and a survey was later carried out with 16 textile companies to validate the developed tool. Eleven questions were developed with five levels of answers – from the basic to the advanced level. Main findings We created a ranking of the level of S&OP implementation in companies, contributing to the advancement of the maturity of the entire sector. The implementation in companies resulted in improved communication, reduced barriers between areas, and increased engagement of teams in the sales process and delivery of goods – factors that contribute to the success of key performance indicators (KPIs). Implications for theory and practice the initial gamble level of the production of goods following the forecast of demand in the textile companies in Brazil is, on average, 30%, which is worrying since this indicates low assertiveness. Thus, this study contributes to the evolution of the theme by structuring a diagnostic tool for managers with a deployment of more assertive strategies and communication. The analysis of theoretical work in various sectors allowed a comparison with practical results obtained in the textile sector. Furthermore, the tool serves as a guide to achieve the results demonstrated in the literature, such as increased profits and delivery accuracy, improved planning, and integration between areas, which directly lead to a more pleasant work environment.
Research Article
A simulation-based optimization model for quality control in solid waste collection process Morán-Zabala, Jean Paul Alzate-Grisales, Jesus Alejandro Bravo-Ortiz, Mario Alejandro Valencia-Diaz, Mario Andrés Gómez-Marín, Cristian Giovanny Restrepo-Franco, Alejandra Maria Cogollo-Flórez, Juan Miguel

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The Solid Waste Collection (SWC) process is fundamental to maintaining the healthiness of cities and protecting the environment. There is a lack of methodologies for integrating process quality control techniques to evaluate SWC performance. This article develops a methodological implementation with a simulation-based optimization technique to model SWC process. Originality Development of new simulation-based optimization techniques and tools that improve and complement the traditional analysis of variables in SWC Process. Research method Feasible solutions are obtained through an optimization stage and then solutions are used as inputs for the simulation stage. Main findings There is a high correlation between the total tons collected and the total time. It is possible to optimize the collection routes by integrating process quality control techniques to reduce the total travel time, which will reduce the operating costs and the environmental impact. Simulation results demonstrate a reduction in error of over 90% for each day, with an optimization of 55% in total times. Implications for theory and practice The methodology enables the collection of data and results that accurately reflect the behavior and performance of the SWC process. By studying the process variability and uncertainty, enhancing the reliability and robustness of the results.
Research Article
Group decision model to support public managers in landfill site selection Silva, Elton César dos Santos Morais, Danielle Costa

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims The objective of this work is to develop a comprehensive group decision model to support public managers in choosing the best location for the construction of landfills based on a strategy known as “regionalization” (collaborative construction of landfills). Originality The proposed group decision model innovates when considering the regionalization strategy in a multi-DM environment based on a framework for choosing a voting procedure. Research method The model is divided into three stages: (i) individual assessment of preferences; (ii) choosing a voting procedure; and, (iii) group aggregation and recommendation. First, it uses MCDA/M to elicit DMs' preferences and obtain individual rankings; then, a framework for choosing a voting procedure (VP) to aggregate individual preferences and obtain a collective choice. Main findings The main findings indicate that the proposed model that uses PHOMETHEE-ROC and a VP proposes a recommendation that is of everyone’s interest in the presented multi-DM landfill site selection problem presenting its feasibility and applicability. Implications for theory and practice It encourages public managers to use a formal approach to make a comprehensive analysis of solid waste management practices. Furthermore, the proposition of an integrative framework to support group decision analysis by using MCDA/M and VP.
Systematic Review
Life cycle sustainability assessment of the agri-food chain: empirical review and bibliometrics Matos, Camila Junkes, Valderice Herth Lermen, Fernando Henrique Magalhães, Ruane Fernandes de Matias, Gustavo de Souza Ribeiro, José Luis Duarte Lenzi, Giane Gonçalves Siqueira, Hugo Valadares

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to identify the advances in the literature related to Sustainable Life Cycle Assessment in the agricultural and food process sectors. Originality This study pioneers an investigation into trends in applying Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment techniques within the agricultural and food processing sectors, with a comprehensive consideration of environmental, economic, and social perspectives. Research method A systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis revealed 71 articles that applied at least one of the life cycle assessment tools. Main findings The bibliometric analysis indicated that the studied areas have two main areas that separate studies in the food process sector and the agricultural sector areas. The content analysis indicated that most studies apply the environmental assessment of the life cycle, coupling some studies with the economic and social view and mainly using an attributional approach with the scope ranging from the cradle to the grave regarding the area. Implications for theory and practice As for theory, this study includes advancing knowledge and filling a research gap, while the practical relates to more sustainable decision-making by professionals involved in the agricultural and food processing sectors.
Thematic Section - Industry 5.0: Human-centric production management (Social systems for future manufacturing)
The human resources and knowledge management integrated role in Industry 4.0/5.0: a Human-Centric Operations Management framework Ribeiro, Vagner Batista Nakano, Davi Muniz Jr., Jorge

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This paper aims to identify aspects of Human Resources (HR) and Knowledge Management (KM) in the context of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), to propose a research agenda to support a knowledge-based production management, effective knowledge retention and sharing, and support I4.0 adoption. Originality Mainly focusing on I4.0 technology issues, the related literature does not explore the impacts on people. This paper discusses how people, organization and society are affected and proposes a research agenda to study HR and KM within I4.0. Research method A Systematic Literature Review was conducted in 80 papers relating HR and KM and I4.0 implementation, focusing on the human role and required competencies for I4.0. Main findings The research agenda is organized in a framework including Society (Context and Sustainability), People (Workers and Managers), Organizations (Production and Service), Management Practices (HRM and Lean Process), and KM & Learning. Implications for theory and practice The better understanding of workers´ roles, KM and HR practices in the I4.0 contributes to the theoretical debate about promoting knowledge creation and sharing, new HR policies and decision-making. The findings provide theoretical contributions for human adaptation to I4.0, and practical contributions for managers dealing with I4.0.
Thematic Section - Digital Transformation of Supply Chain Management
Traceability in the agri-food supply chain: a new perspective under the Circular Economy approach Kersten, Camila C. Kerber, Jaqueline Mastrocola Carneiro Silva, Jailson dos Santos Bouzon, Marina Campos, Lucila Maria de Souza

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Paper aims This study aims to investigate the traceability and its technologies in the agri-food supply chain under the light of the Circular Economy (CE). Originality The originality of this study relies on conducting an integrative research of traceability in the context of agri-food supply chain under the light of CE. Research method A systematic and structured process was adopted to conduct the SLR. The literature search was conducted in the Scopus and Web of Science databases and operationalized using the PRISMA tool. The initial portfolio was analyzed and a content analysis was conducted using Rayyan, leading to the inclusion of 79 articles. A bibliometric and content analysis was performed using a deductive approach. Main findings Traceability is essential at all levels of the supply chain, contributing to the management of food waste and sustainable practices. Various technologies are presented and a framework was developed to illustrate the application of these technologies at different stages of the supply chain and their relationships with the dimensions of ReSOLVE. Implications for theory and practice The paper bridges theory and practice by developing a framework that illustrates how these technologies have been used and their relationships with the dimensions of ReSOLVE.
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção Av. Prof. Almeida Prado, Travessa 2, 128 - 2º andar - Room 231, 05508-900 São Paulo - SP - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: production@editoracubo.com.br
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