Open-access Lean Six Sigma methodology application in health care settings: an integrative review

Aplicación de la metodología Lean Seis Sigma en salud: revisión integrativa


Objective:  to analyze the scientific production on the results of Lean Six Sigma methodology in health care institutions.

Methods:  an integrative literature review, with the following question: what are the results in health institutions using Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma methodology? The search was carried out at MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Scopus, with no time frame.

Results:  thirty-four articles were included, published between 2005 and 2019, of which 52.9% came from the United States of America. The most commonly found improvements were in hospital institutions and from the perspective of customers and internal processes.

Conclusion:  using Lean Six Sigma methodology proved to be effective in the different health care settings, evidencing a gap in its application regarding people engagement and training.

Descriptors: Total Quality Management; Health Administration; Delivery of Health Care; Quality Improvement; Quality Control


Objetivo:  analizar la producción científica sobre los resultados de la metodología Lean Six Sigma en instituciones de salud.

Métodos:  revisión integral de la literatura, con la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuáles son los resultados en las instituciones de salud que utilizan la metodología Lean Six Sigma y Six Sigma? La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, CINAHL, Web of Science y Scopus, sin marco de tiempo.

Resultados:  se incluyeron 34 artículos, publicados entre 2005 y 2019, el 52,9% de los Estados Unidos de América. Las mejoras más comunes se encontraron en las instituciones hospitalarias y desde la perspectiva de los clientes y los procesos internos.

Conclusión:  el uso de la metodología Lean Six Sigma demostró ser eficaz en los diferentes escenarios de atención médica, destacando una brecha en su aplicación con respecto al compromiso y la capacitación de las personas.

Descriptores: Gestión de Calidad Total; Administración en Salud; Prestación de Atención de Salud; Mejoramiento de la Calidad; Control de Calidad


Objetivo:  analisar a produção científica sobre os resultados da metodologia Lean Six Sigma nas instituições de assistência à saúde.

Métodos:  revisão integrativa da literatura, com a seguinte pergunta: quais são os resultados nas instituições de saúde com a utilização da metodologia Lean Six Sigma e Six Sigma? A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, CINAHL, Web of Science e Scopus, sem recorte temporal.

Resultados:  foram incluídos 34 artigos, publicados entre 2005 e 2019, sendo 52,9% provenientes dos Estados Unidos da América. As melhorias mais comumente encontradas foram em instituições hospitalares e na perspectiva dos clientes e processos internos.

Conclusão:  a utilização da metodologia Lean Six Sigma se demonstrou eficaz nos diversos cenários de assistência à saúde, se destacando uma lacuna em sua aplicação quanto ao engajamento e capacitação de pessoas.

Descritores: Gestão da Qualidade Total; Administração em Saúde; Assistência à Saúde; Melhoria de Qualidade; Controle de Qualidade


The increasing complexity of the health system and the increase in life expectancy demand increasingly expensive and complex clinical and surgical treatments, which can increase expenses and put the quality of services at risk(1). Driven by this, health organizations have been thinking about process improvements as a business strategy(1). Process is a set of grouped and sequential activities, in which value is added to inputs (information, materials), resulting in outputs (products, services) to internal or external customers(2).

Strategies for mapping and redesigning improvement processes have shown good results in assessing health systems as they enable benefits for institutions such as reduced rework, waste of materials and time and financial gains(3).

To this end, specific instruments are used to act in the diagnosis of a problem, in planning or in control. To incorporate a continuous and logical idea of quality assurance, some methodologies were created, among them is Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology. This is a business philosophy, idealized by manufacturing, aiming to reduce defects to a level of 3.4 per million opportunities, incorporated with Lean Thinking, which seeks to reduce waste and lean thinking. However, to reduce errors to this proportion, the aim is to reduce the variation of processes to a capacity of ± six standard deviations (sigma) through a project development model called DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control)(4).

Applying LSS methodology in institutions is a recent reality, which started in the mid-2000s, although without the Lean philosophy incorporation. However, an international study points to its use in the health field and as a result are cost-cutting, time optimization, material waste reduction and increased patient and family satisfaction(5). On the other hand, the national literature is still limited as to implementing this methodology to improve management and care practices in health services and to highlight the organizational learning characterized by continuous review of its processes and monitoring of improvements made; the need for a deeper understanding of its application in services is pointed out.


To analyze the scientific production on the results of LSS methodology in health care institutions.


This is an integrative review, which aims to synthesize the state of knowledge of a given subject, by searching the available sources of scientific literature in order to identify existing knowledge gaps that need to be filled with new studies(6).

To carry out the research question, the PICo strategy was used. “P” is equivalent to the population or problem, in this case results of improvements; “I” is equivalent to intervention, i.e., Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma methodology; and “Co” is equivalent to context, which are health institutions. Therefore, the guiding question was: what are the results in health institutions using Lean Six Sigma and Six Sigma methodology?

Studies that used LSS methodology and that presented tangible results of improvement processes of health care institutions were included. Theses, dissertations, book chapters, letter to editors and editorials, studies that, despite being developed in health institutions, were not developed in settings of direct assistance to patients, as well as studies that did not develop all stages of DMAIC were excluded.

There was no selection of research by time limit, and full texts in Brazilian Portuguese, English, and Spanish were considered.

For the search strategy, the following databases were used: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Nursing Database (BDENF), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Web of Science and Scopus. The survey was conducted between January and August 2019.

Descriptors and keywords were selected from Health Sciences Descriptors (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde, abbreviated DeCS) and Medical Subject Headings (MesH), resulting in 784 studies (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Search strategy for each database and quantity of articles retrieved

After selecting articles, the study information was extracted using a collection instrument and stored with the following information: title of study, year, authors, journal, language, objectives, type of institution, intervention performed, and outcomes.

To categorize the studies, the Balance Scorecard (BSC) framework was used. BSC is a performance measurement system that allows you to see improvement processes in four perspectives(7):

  1. Customers: related to the institution’s metrics to translate what the customer expects from the organization, it can be exemplified by indicators of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  2. Financial: results related to financial capital, profitability of the organization or working capital.

  3. Learning and growth: indicators based on the valorization of human capital, training, and innovation.

  4. Internal processes: assessment of the operational process and BackOffice to satisfy customers’ needs and add value to service.


Of the studies identified in the selected databases, 48 were duplicated and 608 studies did not meet the inclusion criteria, such as use of DMAIC and presentation of tangible results; 128 studies were selected for reading their abstracts. Of these, 55 were excluded, resulting in 73 articles read in full, and which subsequently resulted in 34 studies included in the review, as presented in PRISMA(8) (Figure 1).

Figure 1
PRISMA study selection flowchart and inclusion process

Chart 2 presents the studies according to title, year, country of origin, intervention, outcome and type of health institution. A thorough analysis was carried out and it was found that the studies started in 2005, with the majority (61.7%) between 2015 and 2017. In relation to country, 52.9% took place in the United States (USA), and 70% were performed in hospitals (70.5%).

Chart 2
Synthesis of articles included in the integrative review

Chart 3 presents the classification of studies from BSC perspectives, in addition to improvements pointed out and the main institutional results. The category “customers” was the most commonly found in the various health care settings (61.7%), indicating improvements in reduction in time and increase in patient satisfaction with the use of LSS.

Chart 3
Distribution of studies according to Balance Scorecard perspectives, improvements and results in health institutions


In recent years, health care institutions have been seeking management methods and instruments to improve their processes as a strategy to ensure their sustainability, demonstrating a professionalization of management in the health field. This fact is highlighted by this research, in which there is a greater number of studies in the last five years(1).

Most studies were conducted in the USA and in several assistance settings, pointing to a concern regarding the optimization of flows, cost-cutting and process improvements(12,14,21). It was found that no Brazilian study was found regarding the methodology use in its completeness. This fact can be explained by the complexity itself and its applicability in the context of health confirming a gap in the production of knowledge.

The BSC performance measurement system is used in organizations as a way to support development by its ability to generate simple access reports allowing information exchanges. The benefits of this instrument are related to the translation of indicators, which are sometimes not clear for operation. Moreover, other gains can be measured as facilitation of communication between areas and favoring feedback(7). Thus, the option to use the BSC structure can show that LSS methodology proved to be versatile in the most diverse perspectives of applicability in health institutions.

The results pointed to a greater application aimed at customers, corroborating the recent trends of valuing it within assessing the quality of services. Value-based health takes into account patient assessment and their experience within health services regarding aspects of care, cost and impact on health. The patients’ experience brings their looks and voices as team members and can be exemplified by participating in organizations’ advisory boards and monitoring the improvement processes implemented(41).

The research findings demonstrate as the main improvement, in relation to the patient’s perspective, time reduction, whether related to waiting in care or performing activities and increasing satisfaction with care. Reduction in assistance time is crucial and directly impacts patient satisfaction, especially in emergency services. A review study that highlighted a greater number of improvements related to reduction in length of hospital stay, waiting time, volume of care and increased satisfaction, corroborates the statement(42).

Another review study, in which the management of Lean and LSS techniques in acute care environments was analyzed, demonstrated favorable results regarding reduction in process time and waiting time(43).

Studies point to LSS methodology regarding its effectiveness from the perspective of internal processes. When looking from the point of view of health, internal processes are related to optimization of clinical indicators, reduction in errors and adverse events(23,28).

The literature attaches importance to these findings highlighting the need for improvements in care and administrative processes through implementing methodologies that reduce incidence of errors and adverse events in the various health care settings, especially those related to medication system and reduction in fall(43-45).

The World Health Organization highlights the importance of using instruments to assess the risk of reducing errors, especially medication. Notably LSS methodology has not yet been encouraged by the agency for application in health organizations, which allows suggesting a path for the learning of institutions in this sense(46).

Furthermore, the Brazilian National Patient Safety Program (Programa Nacional para Segurança do Paciente) highlights the process improvement strategy as a way to ensure patient safety and reduce adverse events. This gives importance to the results of this research in which findings regarding reduction in events, such as falls, and errors were reduced with the use of the methodology(11,14,23,25,47).

The results also positively impacted indicators of care, such as reduced use of mechanical ventilation and infection related to care. This corroborates other studies that indicate improvements in reduction in infection rates, hospital mortality, stay in critical units, readmissions, and rationalization of antibiotic use(12,26,28,32,43,48).

From the point of view of the financial dimension, the research brought findings regarding reduction in financial and material waste and increased productivity, such as increased bed turnover and operating room turnover(19,30-31,38). A study conducted at a university hospital in France aimed at assessing costs and waste of surgical material revealed that up to 20% of the total cost of surgical supplies are wasted, which would represent savings of 100,000 euros if they did not occur(49). At a time of current fragility in the remuneration and financing of the health system, studies of process improvements can contribute to improving the sustainability of health organizations.

Despite less frequency, studies on institutional learning deserve to be highlighted in the current health setting, mainly because they contribute to gains in optimization of human resources and training of teams(5,21,40). Studies that demonstrate that professionals more engaged and committed to their work offer health care with better performance converge with this finding, in addition to placing patients at the center of care(50). Therefore, it is important and necessary developing more studies applying LSS methodology to optimize work processes and to value the people directly involved in assistance.

Study limitations

A limitation of this research is related to the methodological option in assessing studies directly related to assistance, making it impossible to verify the use of the instrument in other assistance settings.

Contributions to nursing and health

It is known that instruments for process improvement have a wide potential in health institutions and nursing leaders must be trained to use it with authority to make the necessary changes in the health system. Using LSS methodology demonstrated numerous benefits for customer satisfaction and experience, in addition to improving processes to guarantee safety of care and organizational efficiency. This research did not bring the levels of scientific evidence used in the studies found; this can be the object of new research to expand the discussions related to qualification of interventions in management and, with this, bring contributions for its application in the Brazilian health system.


This study demonstrated the applicability of LSS methodology in several health care settings, however more frequently in the hospital environment.

The main improvement processes were related to customers, such as reduced waiting times and increased satisfaction, followed by internal processes, with optimization of assistance indicators and reduction in errors. From the financial perspective, it was possible to verify a reduction in operating and assistance costs and an increase in productivity. However, from the perspective of learning, there was a smaller number of studies, which confers a knowledge gap to be explored for people engagement and training.


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Edited by

  • EDITOR IN CHIEF: Dulce Barbosa
  • ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Rafael Silva

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    21 Dec 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    26 Feb 2020
  • Accepted
    01 July 2020
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